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WFMY Triad – Time Warner Faces Protest at Greensboro Headquarters

Phillip Dampier May 1, 2009 Video Comments Off on WFMY Triad – Time Warner Faces Protest at Greensboro Headquarters

The Triad protestors were smaller in number, but still effectively made the news on several stations in the area.

Time Warner’s latest statement indicated the “company was actively working on [pricing] that would meet everyone’s needs.”  Of course, they already have a range of packages which meet the overwhelming majority of customers’ needs.  The problem is, light users aren’t being sold Road Runner Lite, which is available and less expensive than standard Road Runner service.  Another safe bet is asking people to pay triple the price they pay now for their existing service is not meeting anyone’s needs, except the bean counters at Time Warner headquarters.

thumbs-up12Amusing in some of the informality, such as when the anchor asked people to call her up and explain what a “gigabyte was.”  Many customers are in the same position, not having a clue.  The sad part of this, of course, is that Time Warner wants to force them to learn, and had punitive tiers with substantial overlimit fees to spank those who didn’t learn enough.  It’s a plan designed to make you fear how much you are using, with the hope that you will use substantially less to avoid going over your “ration” for the month. April 18, 2009

WHAM Rochester: Time Warner Eyes Return of Tiered Pricing Plan

Phillip Dampier April 30, 2009 Video 15 Comments

More from the Re-Education camp.  They want to take some time and let us understand their plans, so that we can reject them out of hand all over again later this year.  Except next time, the protests and push back will be even greater than it was this spring.  That’s because we’ll also be educating customers about what tiered pricing will mean for their bill, both now and into the expansive future for the Internet.  Time Warner forgets Rochester Telephone’s disastrous attempt to get rid of flat rate home phone calling back in the 1970s and the firestorm that caused.  This is going to become more or less the same thing.  Even people without computers who don’t understand the Internet do understand one thing: they don’t trust Time Warner as far as they can throw them.  The company already forces channels on customers they don’t want, but have to pay for, and they also know this universal fact of life: cable bills always go up, never down.

So when Time Warner comes a’knocking and says they have a plan to save you money, people will slam the door in their face. Their claims that “they” found a lot of customers could “right-size” their plans when people realized they weren’t using that much is amusing, especially in Rochester where you can find the Road Runner Lite plan on the back of milk cartons bannered “Missing.”  That’s because the company makes it next to impossible for those light users to find the Road Runner Lite plan they already offer.  And when customers learn they can save money and never fear paying overlimit fees on their Internet under the existing plan, you can be sure they won’t be snake oiled into accepting the new one that has overlimit penalties that would make Bank of America blush.

Frontier isn’t fooled either.  Ann Burr, Chairman and General Manager, Frontier Communications of Rochester, might have a problem saying “inconsistency,” but her company is making hay out of the PR nightmare Time Warner put itself in, signing up new customers.

Fun Trivia: Ann Burr should know.  She used to be president of Time Warner’s Rochester division!

thumbs-up12“We have a listening process,” says Time Warner spokeswoman Robin Wolfgang.  Yes, and here it is — Customer: “I want to keep the same plan I have right now and not pay three times more for the exact same Internet service I have today.”  Time Warner: “No.”  That about sums it up.

WGHP Triad – Time Warner Protests In Greensboro & Rochester

Phillip Dampier April 29, 2009 Video 5 Comments

‘There is no reason to protest — we’re listening,’ says Time Warner, according to this report.  The company was responding to planned protests which continued despite the decision by Time Warner to temporarily shelve usage caps and tiered pricing.  That’s because most of those doing the protesting don’t believe for a second that Time Warner is listening to anyone but themselves.  Customers overwhelmingly rejected the “experiment” force-fed on people in four cities, but the company has never been willing to admit it was wrong, and give up on the idea for good.

A long history of endless rate increases, forcing people to pay for channels they don’t want, and a general sense of mistrust has become near-automatic for even under-informed customers.  But when we learn the facts about just how profitable Time Warner Cable’s Road Runner service is, they get hoppin’ mad.

thumbs-up12I found it interesting WGHP also mentioned the protests in Rochester.  Melissa is here at least admitting, for the first time, they underestimated the impact of the “experiment.”  They also misunderstand the fact almost nobody wants this.  One of the news outlets needs to bring up the fact that Road Runner Lite is already available for those light users at a substantial discount, without ever worrying about overlimit fees under the tiered rate system they temporarily shelved.

Time Warner Cable 1st Quarter Results Media Pack

Phillip Dampier April 29, 2009 Audio 1 Comment

For your convenience, I have compiled a package of media on the 1st Quarter Results for Time Warner Cable, including audio from this morning’s investor conference call, and copies of the reports for your review. You must remain on this page to stream audio clips.

A cue sheet is referenced below for the different audio actualities.  The complete conference call is available for download as an MP3 file.

Audio Actualities

Cut 1: Time Warner CEO Glenn Britt introduces earnings results, and touches on general economic conditions & competitive risk (3:51 minutes)

You can download the clip and listen later.

Cut 2: Time Warner EVP and Chief Financial Officer Rob Marcus talks about broadband results (0:20 minutes)

You can download the clip and listen later.

Cut 3: Time Warner EVP and Chief Financial Officer Rob Marcus notes subscriber results deteriorated in the last few weeks. (0:23 minutes)

You can download the clip and listen later.

Cut 4: Time Warner EVP and Chief Financial Officer Rob Marcus breaks down subscriber growth by product (0:22 minutes)

You can download the clip and listen later.

Cut 5: Time Warner EVP and Chief Financial Officer Rob Marcus discusses the reduction in capital spending (1:08 minutes)

You can download the clip and listen later.

Cut 6: COO Landel Hobbs reviews competition and its impact on Time Warner Cable (1:42 minutes)

You can download the clip and listen later.

Cut 7: COO Landel Hobbs on how Time Warner Cable will make investments in its platforms in this quarter and beyond (3:51 minutes)

You can download the clip and listen later.

Cut 8: Q&A – What impact has the usage based metering trial had on the company and what about DOCSIS upgrades? CEO Glenn Britt answers. (2:10 minutes)

You can download the clip and listen later.

Cut 9: Results on the Road Runner Turbo product and its impact on profits. EVP and Chief Financial Officer Rob Marcus answers. (0:19 minutes)

You can download the clip and listen later.

Cut 10: Q&A – How will online video impact Time Warner’s video business model, and are programming costs still increasing? EVP and Chief Financial Officer Rob Marcus answers and CEO Glenn Britt follows up. (3:46 minutes)

You can download the clip and listen later.

Cut 11: Q&A – What fiber product created more competition for Time Warner Cable in the last quarter? COO Landel Hobbs answers. (0:24 minutes)

You can download the clip and listen later.

Entire Event: 1st Quarter 2009 Time Warner Cable Investor Conference Call (54:48 minutes)

You can download the clip and listen later.

Time Warner Cable Documents

04/29/2009      Time Warner Cable Inc. to Report First Quarter 2009 Results

ico_pdf All documents are in Adobe PDF format.

Time Warner Cable 2009 First-Quarter Results 436.9 KB

Time Warner Cable 2009 Updated Trending Schedules 61.2 KB

Time Warner Cable 2009 First-Quarter Slide Presentation 294.8 KB

KBTV Beaumont: Thousands of Customers Protested Against Time Warner Caps

Phillip Dampier April 28, 2009 Video 6 Comments

The take-away message from this 30 second report is the confirmation that “thousands” of customers protested the cap experiment program.  We had not heard any actual numbers about how many people were in contact with Time Warner about this ordeal, but now we do. It goes into our library.

Unrated.  It’s a very brief report.

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