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Cheaters: AT&T Will Give Your Call Records to Your Soon-to-Be Ex-Wife

Phillip Dampier July 30, 2010 AT&T, Consumer News, Video Comments Off on Cheaters: AT&T Will Give Your Call Records to Your Soon-to-Be Ex-Wife

A Pennsylvania police chief is in hot water with his wife after AT&T combed through his calling records at her request and confirmed what she has suspected — he was calling an ex-lover on his cell phone and allegedly lying about it.

Garold Ray Miller, police chief of Industry, filed suit against AT&T for disclosing his call records to his wife, whose name was not on the cell phone account.

The lawsuit makes public the formerly private affair, and it’s now fodder for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

According to the complaint, Mr. Miller’s wife confronted him in the spring of 2008 in regard to his communicating with a woman about a criminal investigation.

“Miller denied having communicated with the woman in question, as he had known the woman growing up and had also dated her in high school, and he did not wish to alarm his wife,” the lawsuit said.

However, it continued, Mr. Miller’s wife insisted he was lying and later told him that she had gotten access to his phone records from AT&T to prove it.

“His wife also revealed that the [AT&T] representative conducted a number search on his records, in order for her to confirm her suspicions that he was communicating with this woman.”

The complaint goes on to say the relationship between Mr. Miller and his wife became severely burdened. Further, when they went out for drinks one night, “Miller’s wife became violently ill, confessing that she had been troubled by her suspicions.”

Because of the invasion of privacy by AT&T, Mr. Miller contends, he suffered psychological pain and suffering, as well as humiliation, shame, embarrassment, self-revulsion and damage to his self-esteem.

AT&T won’t comment on the case except to say it values its customers and takes its obligation to protect customer data very seriously.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WTAE Pittsburgh Industry Police Chief Suing ATT For Releasing Phone Records To Wife 7-28-10.flv[/flv]

WTAE Pittsburgh covered the lawsuit between a Pennsylvania police chief and AT&T over the disclosure of his cell phone calling records.  (2 minutes)

Windstream Claims It Already Offers Broadband to Every Economically Feasible Part of Its Service Area

Windstream CEO Jeff Gardner told a cable news audience Tuesday that the rural phone company already supplies broadband to 100 percent of its service areas where the service is “economically feasible” to provide.  Any additional expansion will only come with the assistance of the federal government’s broadband stimulus program.

“We’re in 23 states — mostly rural markets, so broadband reach is incredibly important to us,” Gardner said on CNBC’s Fast Money program.  “We’re getting to 90 percent of our customers today; in fact, we’ve built out to every customer that’s economically feasible, so the broadband plan that has been announced by the administration is critical to us getting to that last 10 percent.”

In 2006, when Windstream was created from the spun-off landlines Alltel used to own, broadband and business customers represented 35 percent of Windstream’s revenue.  Today that number has jumped to 53 percent.

That’s not surprising to many telecom analysts who suggest broadband will be key to the survival of rural landline phone companies, especially those adjacent to larger communities where cell phone providers extend coverage.

Windstream has applied for $238 million in broadband stimulus money and claims it is in the best position to spend that money to extend broadband to its most rural customers.  It also has a captive customer base in many areas, where no cable competition exists and wireless service is spotty.

Gardner promotes the results of their de facto monopoly, noting that while Verizon and AT&T lose up to 11 percent of their landline customers each year in certain areas, Windstream has lost just three percent.

Still, many think landline phone companies are ultimately a dying business and a real bad investment.  Except Gardner admits the most important reason why people buy stock in his company is the huge dividend payout.

“Most importantly, what people buy our stock for is our dividend,” he said. “We pay $1 dividend — an 8.5 percent yield, so our cash flow is something our investors are always tuned into.”

One of the show hosts acknowledged the huge dividend, but suggested that may be troublesome down the road.

“The dividend is interesting, but it’s getting to the point of where it might be a little too interesting, if you know what I mean,” said Guy Adami.

Adami may be referring to the practice of paying out a larger dividend than a company earns in revenue, something that can rapidly spiral a company into bankruptcy.

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/CNBC Windstream CEO Jeff Gardner 7-27-10.flv[/flv]

Windstream CEO Jeff Gardner appeared on CNBC’s Fast Money program to talk up Windstream’s prospects for broadband, especially if the government delivers on the company’s request for $238 million in stimulus funds to extend service to its most rural customers.  (4 minutes)

AT&T Technician Pepper Sprays Woman’s Small Dogs, Part of U-verse Launch Week in Chattanooga

What a great way to introduce U-verse to Chattanooga — headline news that an AT&T technician pepper-sprayed three dogs owned by a Chattanooga woman with a repellent known to be stronger than police pepper spray.

The nightmare for Janelle Lawrence began last week when an AT&T technician came on her property unannounced and began working in her fenced-in yard.

Janelle greeted the technician and asked him if her dogs, who were sharing her yard with the AT&T employee bothered him.

“He said not anymore.  I pepper sprayed them,” Janelle told WRCB, a Chattanooga television station.

She also noticed her dogs reeling in pain.

“My pug had pepper spray all over her body and was having trouble breathing and it got all over my arms and I started burning,” Lawrence says.

Lawrence says the technician was rude to her and refused to show her I.D. or a work order.

She recorded his truck number off the back of his work truck and called the main office demanding to know why he was there when she doesn’t subscribe to any of the company’s services.

AT&T told WRCB they didn’t need Janelle’s permission to enter her property or spray her pets.

AT&T issued a statement to the station:

“An AT&T technician has been working on this street all week for this week’s U-verse launch in Chattanooga. This AT&T technician needed access to the easement area on this fenced-in property, which is in a public right of way.”

Janelle remains deeply upset at AT&T and the employee, who appears not to be suffering any ill-effects to his job from the incident.

“You can do something to me and I’ll take it all day, but if you touch my little angels,” Lawrence says that’s where she draws the line.

The pepper spray incident took a considerable amount of shine off AT&T’s U-verse launch event, particularly for potential customers who are also pet owners like Stop the Cap! reader Sam who pointed this incident out to us.

“The same quick-drawing AT&T technician that attacked this poor woman’s pets could be aiming for yours or mine next,” he writes. “As long as this guy is still employed by AT&T, I wouldn’t have U-verse in my house even if they gave it to me for free.”

As far as Sam as concerned, AT&T pepper sprays their customers with high bills and bad service on a daily basis anyway.

“These guys have no shame buying their way into Tennessee with another one of those statewide deregulation bills that brought lots of campaign cash for supporters and very little for consumers,” Sam writes. “I signed up for EPB Fiber service, which is owned by the city, costs me less than either the cable or phone company, and delivers real fiber optic service right to my house.”

Sam also notes the guy who installed it loved his two dogs and cat.

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WRCB Chattanooga Chatt woman ATT pepper sprayed my dogs 7-27-10.flv[/flv]

WRCB-TV was the only station in Chattanooga to spend more than a few seconds on U-verse’s introduction in the city this week, but it wasn’t the kind of PR AT&T was exactly hoping for.  [Warning-Content may upset sensitive viewers.]  (2 minutes)

All this during an underwhelming launch week for AT&T’s U-verse in the River City, which garnered almost no attention in the local broadcast media, except for the pepper spraying incident.  The local newspaper put the story in its Business section.

Chattanooga residents now enjoy a fifth choice for several traditional services offered by cable or satellite:

  • Comcast — incumbent cable operator
  • EPB — municipally owned power utility and fiber-to-the-home provider
  • AT&T — U-verse brings better speeds and service than traditional DSL from the phone company
  • DirecTV — Satellite TV
  • DISH — Satellite TV

The biggest savings residents will find from Comcast and AT&T comes when bouncing back and forth between new customer promotions.  Or you can just stick with EPB, which seems to offer the same prices for new and old customers.  For broadband customers, EPB delivers (by far) the fastest Internet speeds — up to 100Mbps upstream and downstream.  Comcast comes in at second place, and AT&T U-verse tops out at around 24Mbps if you are lucky.

Once promotional pricing from Comcast and AT&T expire, savings are highly elusive.  Price comparisons are extremely difficult because of channel line-ups, bundled equipment, and different Internet speed tiers and phone calling plans.  Making the best choice means sitting down and exploring channel lineups, HD channel tiers, how much broadband speed you require, and what kind of phone service you want, if any.

Most of the triple-play bundled promotions including standard cable, Internet and phone service will run between $119-139 a month before taxes, fees, and equipment costs.  If you sign a contract, Comcast will throw in a free iPod Touch.  Providers will keep your package price-increase-free for the length of any contract you sign.  That could be important, because AT&T and Comcast have been increasing their rates at least annually.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/ATT U-verse Launch Event Chattanooga.flv[/flv]

Raw video from the Chattanooga Times Free Press captured the launch party for AT&T U-verse in the city.  (34 seconds)

McCormick - An AT&T Friend for Life

While AT&T was patting itself on the back for its wonderfulness, AT&T took special care to extend personal credit to Rep. Gerald McCormick (R-Hamilton County) for shepherding the Competitive Cable and Video Services Act of 2008 through the Tennessee General Assembly.  It helped deregulate the telecommunications industry in Tennessee and de-fang oversight agencies tasked with protecting consumer interests.  The result has been a myriad of customer service nightmares for Tennessee residents, particularly for those who are with AT&T and have faced repeatedly inaccurate bills and terrible customer service.

McCormick was right there in the press release to help celebrate the achievement:

“As Tennessee policymakers, our goal was to increase investment throughout the state and give consumers more choices and innovative new services, and I’m honored to help AT&T celebrate this launch,” Rep. McCormick said.

AT&T invested $180,000 in Tennessee lawmakers like McCormick to do the right thing by AT&T and pass the bill.  The Chattanooga Times Free Press delivered a breakdown in April 2009 summing up the spending as AT&T pushed forward its bill:

State Election Registry records show AT&T’s PAC gave almost $180,000 to candidates, usually incumbents, as well as PACs operated by legislative leaders and caucuses and parties in the two-year 2008 campaign cycle.

The PAC, funded by top executives, gave $2,000 to Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey, R-Blountville, the Senate speaker, records show. The PAC gave another $8,000 to Mr. Ramsey’s leadership PAC, known as RAAMPAC, according to records.

The AT&T PAC contributed $5,000 to then-House Speaker Jimmy Naifeh, D-Covington, and another $4,000 went to Mr. Naifeh’s leadership PAC, the Speaker’s Fund, records show.

Rep. Gerald McCormick, R-Chattanooga, who is sponsoring the AT&T-backed deregulation bill, reported receiving $1,250 from AT&T’s PAC in 2007, records show.

“I don’t know how much money I’ve gotten from them,” Rep. McCormick said Tuesday. It is “up to each individual legislator whether they let that kind of thing influence them. I would hope that nobody would. I certainly don’t. I don’t need the campaign money that bad, to be honest with you.”

Janelle Lawrence and her beloved pets enjoyed none of this AT&T largesse — just the literal sting of the results.

America’s Worst Broadband: 10 Counties Stuck in the Slow Lane

Phillip Dampier July 28, 2010 Broadband Speed, Data Caps, Rural Broadband, Video, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on America’s Worst Broadband: 10 Counties Stuck in the Slow Lane

Tim Conway's "Old Man" character from the Carol Burnett Show would be right at home using the Internet in these areas.

Nick Saint at the Business Insider has been sifting through some of the raw data released last week by the Federal Communications Commission regarding broadband service in the United States.  He’s managed to identify the 10 worst counties in America for broadband service based on statistics from 2008.  But two of those probably should have never been on the list.  More on that later.

Harrison County, Mississippi — A single pond in Harrison County is the only known habitat of the critically endangered dusky gopher frog.  It doesn’t have broadband, and neither do most of the residents of this beleaguered part of southern Mississippi.  The cities of Gulfport and Biloxi are in Harrison County, an area torn up by hurricanes from Camille to Katrina.  Now, the beaches are coated in BP oil.  Harrison County can’t get a break. Cable One and AT&T are the primary providers.  Cable One’s dreadful service only reaches well-populated areas and AT&T has taken its sweet time expanding DSL service in the area.

Imperial County, California — The nation’s lettuce basket, Imperial County communities live on a very low fiber-optic diet.  While the soil is rich for crops, the people who plant and harvest them are not.  El Centro, the biggest city, has some broadband available, but with the city having the nation’s highest unemployment rate (27.3 percent), many can’t afford it.  Once in farm country, cable doesn’t offer service and DSL is hard to come by.

Corson County, South Dakota — Representative of the pervasive problem of broadband unavailability on Native American lands, a large part of Corson County includes the Standing Rock Indian Reservation.  Saint notes the FCC found just 12.5 percent of Native Americans subscribe to broadband service, compared to 56 percent of the rest of us.

Ector County, Texas — Odessa’s hometown America-charm was put on display for all to see on NBC’s Friday Night Lights, which celebrated small town high school football.  The reality is less exciting.  Like Harrison County, Ector residents are stuck with Cable One, which loves Internet Overcharging schemes and spied on its Alabama broadband customers.  Good ole AT&T grudgingly provided DSL, if you could get it, until mid-2009 when U-verse finally started to show up.  Now large parts of the county outside of Odessa can’t get that either.

San Juan, Puerto Rico — Usually considered an afterthought by American telecommunications companies, Puerto Rico has long suffered with low quality service.  Caribbean Net News: “Puerto Rico’s broadband penetration rate is unacceptable, with less than 40% of households subscribing to broadband services”, said Carlo Marazzi, President of Critical Hub Networks. “While there are many factors at play, broadband in Puerto Rico is simply too expensive and too slow, when compared to the rest of the nation.  Broadband Internet service in Puerto Rico is 60% more expensive and 78% slower than the United States national median. In a report published this year by the Communication Workers of America (CWA) which ranked broadband speeds in the 50 states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico was ranked in last place (52nd place).

Jasper County, Missouri — Saint noted 18 percent of Jasper County lives below the poverty line, which is not exactly attractive to broadband investment.  Jasper County’s broadband needs are barely met by a cable provider, AT&T, and for some, an electric utility operating a Wireless ISP, providing service where cable and DSL don’t go.  For Jasper County residents, the challenge can be cost as much as access.

Appomattox County, Virginia — Every student known Appomattox was the last stand of Confederate leader Robert E. Lee during the Civil War.  Today, residents there are worked to their last nerve because they can’t easily obtain high speed Internet.  There is no DSL service from the phone company and only limited cable service.  But at least the county is trying.  Let’s let John Spencer, assistant county administrator, tell you in his own words what Appomattox County is doing to deliver broadband for its 14,000 residents:

Bristol Bay Borough, Alaska — The epitome of rural America, large swaths of Alaska are dependent on subsidies paid from the Universal Service Fund for basic telephone service.  Outside of large cities, cable television is a theory.  Telephone company DSL service and wireless are the predominate broadband technologies in rural, expansive Alaska.  For many areas, both are awful.  Bristol Bay Borough is known as the “Red Salmon Capital of the World,” if only because there are far more salmon than there are fishermen to catch them.  Internet access for many of the area’s 953 residents means a trip to the Martin Monsen Library, which offers free Wi-Fi for limited access. If you want Internet at home, it will cost you plenty:

Wireless Internet Access – Bristol Bay Internet/GCI


  • Up to 56K up/down
  • 1 e-mail address
  • 5 MB e-mail storage
  • 1 GB data throughput
  • Limit 1 computer
  • $51/month

  • Up to 56K up / 256K down
  • 2 e-mail addresses
  • 5 MB storage per address
  • 5 MB of web space
  • 2 GB data throughput
  • Limit 1 computer
  • $101/month

  • Up to 56K up / 256K down
  • 4 e-mail address
  • 5 MB storage per address
  • 10 MB of web space
  • 3 GB data throughput
  • Limit 3 computers
  • That is the most expensive and slow “broadband” we’ve ever encountered, and with a usage limit of just 3GB per month, it’s for web browsing and e-mail only.

    Saint’s report also noted two other counties that were, at least according to the FCC’s data, among the ten worst in the country — Wake and Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.  That includes the cities of Charlotte and Raleigh, which clearly have had access to at least 4Mbps service for several years now.  Even Saint is skeptical, suspecting incomplete data is perhaps responsible for the two North Carolina counties ending up on the list.

    Oceanic Time Warner Cable Suffers Fiber Cut, Much of Hawaii Cut Off from Internet, Phone and Cable

    Phillip Dampier July 28, 2010 Consumer News, Video 1 Comment

    Tens of thousands of Oceanic Time Warner Cable customers across Hawaii were without Internet, cable, and phone service for up to 14 hours after an undersea TW Telecom fiber cable was cut near Lanai at around 1:10am Tuesday.

    While broadband users on Kauai and Oahu managed to be rerouted after a two hour outage, residents on Maui and the Big Island endured more than a half-day outage for all of Time Warner Cable services.

    The affected cable experienced an outage off Lanai Island

    The impact of the fiber cut also disrupted over-the-air broadcasting — many feeds to Hawaii’s translator stations, which extend signals from Honolulu across the Hawaiian Islands, were also sent over the affected cable.

    When Time Warner customers in Hawaii woke up Tuesday morning, many were left with fewer than 20 cable signals still working — those delivered via satellite, and no phone or broadband service.

    The affected fiber cable is laid in water 3,000 feet deep, which means it will take weeks to manage repairs.  The cable company managed to obtain alternate connections, and some criticized the operator for not having backup service available immediately.

    Restoration of services were complete around noon Tuesday for the Big Island, with Maui County getting phone and Internet service back by 3pm.

    Hawaiian Telcom, Hawaii’s largest telephone company, said it wasn’t affected by the outage.

    The Star-Advertiser reports the fiber cable is rented by Oceanic to communicate with their other cable operations throughout Hawaii:

    Oceanic Time Warner rents bandwidth (data transmission capacity) from the fiber-optic cable, co-owned by Colorado-based TW Telecom and Wavecom Solutions, formerly Pacific Lightnet. TW Telecom was part of Time Warner Cable but became an independent entity in 2008.

    Oceanic Time Warner is among 144 Maui firms that rent bandwidth from that section of the cable. That section went online in 1997, Miyake said.

    When the cable was cut, Internet protocol addresses did not know which route to take back to the mainland. Oceanic crews had to reroute connections through alternate cables connecting the islands.

    “We have a daisy-chain fiber connection that connects all the islands together,” said Norman Santos, Oceanic’s vice president of operations. “The main transmission point for Oceanic Cable is here on Oahu.”

    Oceanic promises they will be developing additional redundancy in their network in the future to make sure they can restore service more rapidly in the event of a future disruption.

    Typically, Oceanic Time Warner Cable does not give refunds unless service is out for a full 24 hours -and- customers specifically requests credit, but the company is debating whether to grant an exception this time.

    “We’re going to make a determination as to if and how blanket credits will be authorized, if individual credits will be authorized, but we’re going to do the right thing,” Norman Santos with Oceanic Time Warner Cable told KHON-TV.

    Customers can be in a better position to receive that credit by contacting Oceanic today and asking for it before you (and perhaps they) forget.

    [flv width=”640″ height=”500″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Time Warner Hawaii Outage 7-27-10.flv[/flv]

    Every major television station in Hawaii covered the extensive service outage.  Here is a compilation of reports from KGMB, KHNL, KHON, and KITV-TV regarding the outage, its cause and impact.  (14 minutes)

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