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Meanwhile, Verizon Under Investigation for Dropping the Ball on 911 Calls During Storm

Phillip Dampier February 22, 2011 Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't, Verizon, Video Comments Off on Meanwhile, Verizon Under Investigation for Dropping the Ball on 911 Calls During Storm

This home in Silver Spring became fully involved in fire after neighbors couldn't reach 911 and had to rescue the 94-year old resident themselves.

More than 10,000 calls to 911 during last month’s blizzard on the east coast failed to reach emergency officials over Verizon’s network according to the Federal Communications Commission.  Even worse, terrorism experts suspect the 911 failures could impact the entire nation during a major disaster, weather event, or terrorist attack.

Last month, a Silver Spring residence went up in flames and neighbors had to rescue the 94-year old owner themselves after repeated attempts to call 911 failed.

The latest and most serious incident occurred in Washington, D.C. and its suburbs Jan. 26 when a snowstorm triggered more than 10,000 calls for help that never reached emergency responders.  The blame is being laid at the feet of one company — Verizon Communications.

All 14 circuits in the Verizon network that properly route all wireless calls in Montgomery County failed and nine of 10 Verizon circuits in Prince George’s County failed over a five-hour period on the night in question. This resulted in approximately 8,300 blocked 911 calls in Montgomery County and 1,700 blocked 911 calls in Prince George’s County that evening, according to Rear Admiral Jamie Barnett, Chief of the FCC’s Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau.

“I know that you will agree that any 911 call which is not connected can have serious consequences, but the large number of missed 911 calls on January 26 is truly alarming,” Barnett wrote Verizon. “The ability to call 911 is critical to the safety of the public. This is especially true during extreme weather events. The public rightly expects that they can use 911 to reach the appropriate first responders in an emergency. In addition to your written response, I request a meeting with appropriate representatives from Verizon within the next two weeks to discuss your resolution of this matter.”

Barnett and the FCC also expressed concerns these problems may not be an isolated incident, but could be a nightmare waiting to happen wherever Verizon provides telephone service.

Verizon blamed an equipment failure and an avalanche of calls for the problem.

“We have been addressing this issue directly with the counties involved, and will work cooperatively to address the FCC’s questions, as well,” said Harry Mitchell, a Verizon spokesman.

[flv width=”600″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Montgomery County 911 No answer.flv[/flv]

This YouTube video shows a 911 call in Montgomery County going unanswered for nearly a minute and a half.  (2 minutes)

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WUSA Washington 911 Service Problems 2-22-11.flv[/flv]

WUSA-TV in Washington has followed the 911 disruptions for several weeks now.  Channel 9 picks up the story starting with the fire in Silver Spring.  (6 minutes)

[flv width=”640″ height=”500″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WTTG Washington 911 Service Problems 2-22-11.flv[/flv]

WTTG-TV in Washington also reports on the frustration from 911 callers as well as city and local officials annoyed with Verizon.  (6 minutes)

Can Google TV Replace Your Cable Service?

Gertraude Hofstätter-Weiß February 21, 2011 Competition, Consumer News, Online Video, Video 1 Comment

[flv width=”480″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WCPO Cincinnati Can Google TV Replace Cable 2-18-11.flv[/flv]

Can Google TV replace your monthly cable bill?  WCPO-TV in Cincinnati explores whether the time is right for getting rid of cable television.  (3 minutes)

Net Neutrality Hearing Video, If You Dare to Watch

Phillip Dampier February 17, 2011 Net Neutrality, Public Policy & Gov't, Video 1 Comment

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/C-SPAN Hearing on Net Neutrality 2-16-11.flv[/flv]

Watch yesterday’s House hearing on Net Neutrality, but first remove all sharp objects from the room and avoid stomach upset by not eating during the show.  (3 hours, 41 minutes)

HissyFitWatch: Billionaire Owner of FilmOn Declares War on CBS-Viacom – “CBS You Suck”

Phillip Dampier February 17, 2011 Competition, Consumer News, HissyFitWatch, Online Video, Public Policy & Gov't, Video Comments Off on HissyFitWatch: Billionaire Owner of FilmOn Declares War on CBS-Viacom – “CBS You Suck”

British billionaire Alki David thinks Viacom, owner of CBS, is “an irresponsible hypocrite.”

After being dragged into court in New York and finding himself with an injunction, the founder of FilmOn is looking for revenge.

Claiming Viacom-owned CNET “has ruined the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the creative community and created copyright infringement damages into the trillions of dollars,” David is considering a lawsuit against the company, which David accuses of dealing in piracy:

Has your song, movie, software or literary work been copied and distributed illegally through the file-sharing software called LimeWire? If so, and if you are interested in joining a lawsuit against CNET for its widespread distribution of LimeWire with the malicious intent to infringe on copyright, then please read on.

We are putting together a committed coalition of artists and rights owners whose movies, music, software and literary works have been pirated by LimeWire users. A U.S. District Court has already shut down LimeWire, but others who participated in its wrongdoing like CNET have not yet been made accountable.

On December 21, 2010, Leslie Moonves issued a statement to the Hollywood Reporter regarding Alki David’s “incendiary video” which was posted on YouTube and which detailed CNET/CBS Interactive’s participation in widespread, “malicious copyright infringement”. Mr. Moonves was quoted as saying that was that “He (Alki David) is hardly an expert on intellectual property rights. CNET respects such rights.”

Mr. David has just released a second video in response. The video is even more fact filled and includes a discussion by a leading copyright attorney, Michael Zeller of Quinn Emanuel.

As demonstrated in the new video and supported by Court documents, CNET.com — also known as download.com — was responsible for distributing 95.5% of all LimeWire downloads. In May 2010, U.S. District Judge Kimba Wood granted a summary judgment in favor of the music industry’s claims that LimeWire’s software maker and its founder Mark Gorton committed copyright infringement, engaged in unfair competition, and induced copyright infringement.

Mr. David said: “We are very pleased to announce that a large coalition of copyright owners, including myself, who have been harmed by CNET’s distribution of LimeWire file sharing software are working with Mr. Zeller’s firm in preparation for a lawsuit.” Mr. David added: “Mike Mozart of YouTube fame originally introduced me to CNET/Limewire connection. Since absorbing all of the evidence, it has now become an impassioned commitment to stop the injustice that still goes on today as a result of CNET’s actions.”

David’s new website, Viaconned, is the home base for his campaign against CBS.  His video, rambling at times, claims that CNET’s website recommended software that can be used to strip copyright protection mechanisms from songs, and also distributed the very file sharing software Viacom railed against for copyright infringement.

FilmOn recently had to yank most of its American network stations from the lineup of its online virtual cable system, and the service is now relegated to showing pornography, documentaries, older movies, and international channels of limited interest to most American viewers.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/David Alki Attacks Viacom 12-2010.flv[/flv]

Alki David outlines his case against Viacom, with a little help from his friends.  (10 minutes)

CenturyLink Invests to Reinvent Themselves: Prism IPTV/25Mbps Service Arrives

Phillip Dampier February 16, 2011 Broadband Speed, CenturyLink, Competition, Consumer News, Video Comments Off on CenturyLink Invests to Reinvent Themselves: Prism IPTV/25Mbps Service Arrives

Invest or die.  That succinctly explains the current state of the landline telephone business and the companies providing service to a decreasing number of Americans.  Some companies, like AT&T and Verizon have heavily diversified their business into wireless, fiber, IPTV and broadband.  Others, like Frontier are hoping their presence in uncompetitive rural markets will keep them in business, as long as their dividends keep stockholders happy.

CenturyLink, which is in the process of absorbing the last remaining Baby Bell — Qwest, has decided to invest in their business to stay competitive with their biggest nemesis — the cable company.  CenturyLink is still hanging on to ADSL broadband service in many rural areas, but the company sees the promise of future relevance with bonded DSL, which is delivering 25/2Mbps broadband service to an increasing number of their customers.  Where distances allow, CenturyLink is at least temporarily providing the fastest residential broadband service available in areas like southwest Florida.  They are holding their own against local cable competitors like Comcast.

Now the company is following AT&T in introducing a new IPTV service to many of its customers.  Dubbed Prism, the U-verse like service delivers a true triple play package to customers who thought they would be stuck with their local cable company or satellite dish provider for TV programming.

Prism offers more than 200 channels, a multi-room DVR capable of recording up to four shows at the same time, and an interactive program guide that doesn’t need an instruction manual to navigate.

[flv width=”640″ height=”390″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Introducing CenturyLink Prism.flv[/flv]

This promotional video introduces CenturyLink’s Prism service and its television features.  (4 minutes)

Prism has been introduced in larger CenturyLink areas ranging from southern Nevada, southwestern Florida, and North Carolina, where EMBARQ used to provide telephone service.

The service works through a hybrid fiber-copper wire IPTV network.  Fiber optic cable reduces the distance data needs to travel over ordinary copper phone wires.  The less copper, the faster the potential speed.  With a 25-30Mbps broadband platform, Prism can divide up available bandwidth to support television, phone, and up to 10Mbps broadband service.  It’s all delivered over the same digital network.  While not as advanced as Verizon FiOS and other fiber to the home networks, IPTV services like Prism and U-verse are cheaper to provide, and that can mean faster deployment in areas not well served by competition.

Reaction to Prism has been generally positive among Stop the Cap! readers who have shared their stories with us.  Among the positives:

  • The interactive program guide is light years ahead of Comcast, Cox, and Time Warner Cable;
  • Broadband speeds are generally better than the original DSL service CenturyLink used to provide;
  • The picture quality is excellent where the telephone network has been upgraded the most;
  • Competitive introductory and retention offers mean consumers can pay less for service, at least initially.

But there are some problems, too:

  • Bandwidth varies depending on how far away you are from the nearest fiber node.  This affects what you can do with the service.  If you are further out, you can only watch one HD television channel at a time, and may not be able to record more than one HD channel at the same time;
  • The DVR box has issues — readers report shows disappear, don’t get recorded, or show poor results when line quality drops;
  • Broadband speeds with Prism officially max out at 10Mbps;
  • If you are watching a number of televisions at the same time, your broadband speeds could drop;
  • Variability in service quality comes largely as a result of inferior copper wire phone networks CenturyLink chose to stick with.  If your phone line is prone to static or hum, or deliver poor results when the weather is bad, Prism might not work well for you.

Some subscribers found they initially loved the service, but when bad weather arrived, it all fell apart.

“Our phone lines are decades old, so this comes as no surprise,” says Manny who writes from Naples, Fla.  “I was also disappointed some of the channels in HD I had with Comcast are not available from Prism.”

In parts of Raleigh, N.C., Prism just launched a few weeks ago.  But some of our readers are sticking with Time Warner Cable.

“After looking over their pricing and packages, Time Warner has more HD channels and doesn’t charge $12 a month extra for them,” writes Ralph.  “CenturyLink also only bundles 3Mbps broadband service with most of their packages, and you have to pay extra for 10Mbps service.”

Ralph thinks Road Runner from the cable company will provide a more consistent broadband experience for his family.

“There is only so much you can push through a phone line at the same time; I like the fact they are competing, but they will not be able to keep up if they rely on copper phone wiring forever,” Ralph says.

Cox faces new competition in southern Nevada

Despite some of the negatives, CenturyLink may deliver formidable competition where cable companies haven’t kept up.  Some other markets where Prism will offer service: Jefferson City, and Columbia, Mo., and La Crosse, Wis.  Cox Cable in southern Nevada is now competing with Prism, and believes it has the superior network.

“The way our system is constructed, we have services equally distributed everywhere in the valley,” Juergen Barbusca, Cox manager of communications, public and government affairs in Las Vegas said. “Everybody in our footprint can get our highest advertised speeds.”

Cable broadband is less susceptible to distance degradation that can make Prism a no-go in neighborhoods at the far end of a phone company’s central office.

Also equally distributed is the price.  Outside of new customer promotions, nobody will save any money here.  Cox and CenturyLink are both selling their respective triple-play packages of TV, Internet, and phone for exactly the same price: $143 a month.

[flv width=”480″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/KTNV Las Vegas CenturyLink Prism 2-8-11 WFTX Cape Coral CenturyLink in SW Florida 12-7-10.flv[/flv]

KTNV-TV in Las Vegas introduces viewers to CenturyLink’s Prism service and WFTX-TV in Cape Coral, Florida talks with CenturyLink about their new 25Mbps broadband service in two exceptionally company-friendly pieces from the stations’ respective news shows.  (13 minutes)

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