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HissyFitWatch: Sloshed RIM Executives Chew Restraints Off, Assault Flight Crew, Force Plane to Land

Phillip Dampier December 13, 2011 Canada, HissyFitWatch, Public Policy & Gov't, Video 1 Comment

RIM has a new PR problem.

Research in Motion, already reeling from a year of bad news about its beleaguered BlackBerry, is now red-faced over reports that two of its employees got drunk and engaged in raucous mayhem on an Air Canada flight to Beijing that grew so out of control, the pilots were forced to land the plane in Vancouver.

Now, the CBC has garnered an official transcript from a sentencing hearing which has further tarnished the image of RIM over its employees’ behavior, which a B.C. Provincial Court Judge called “disgusting.”

Pre-boarding, some fellow passengers noticed the pair of corporate executives appeared highly inebriated.

CBC News quoted from the court transcript: “…When the males boarded the flight they seemed quite intoxicated, they drank more, passed out, one would wake up and lean over the little cubicle, slap the other guy on the head because he wanted somebody to drink with, and then they would yell and abuse each other, then they’d pass out, then they’d wake up and start kicking again.”

When other passengers tried to intervene, they were threatened.  One was told “I know who you are,” while others were warned by one of the executives he would “off people when they left the plane.”

Eventually, both men were wrestled kicking and screaming to the floor, assaulting one flight attendant in the process.  Even a combination of plastic restraints and heavy tape were not enough.  Police reports indicate both men literally chewed through the plastic cuffs and ripped the tape off with their teeth.

At that point, pilots declared a security emergency and diverted the plane first to Anchorage, but quickly settled on much-closer Vancouver, where authorities met the aircraft and took both men into custody.

Air Canada eventually pegged its losses (assuming nobody files a civil case against the airline for the ‘air show’) at $193,900, which includes putting up passengers in Vancouver hotels overnight, extra fuel, navigation charges, and flying in a new crew for the resumption of the flight the following morning.

The B.C. Court Judge swiftly fined the two executives $70,000 to cover the costs of the hotel and meal vouchers for the passengers.  The judge wouldn’t hear defense attorney objections.

“I am somewhat sympathetic to your position but I am, quite frankly, absolutely disgusted with the actions of these two individuals who know better and acted like absolutely — well, I can’t say it. But that is the punishment that they should suffer,” the judge ruled.

Both men were quickly fired from the company when they returned to their Waterloo, Ont. homes.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/CBC News RIM Executives Launch Mayhem 12-12-11.flv[/flv]

CBC News has this exclusive report about the chaos caused by Research in Motion executives on Air Canada’s Flight 31.  (4 minutes)

Verizon Text Terror: Company Warns New Jersey Residents to Take Shelter in ‘Extreme Alert’

Phillip Dampier December 13, 2011 Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't, Verizon, Video, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on Verizon Text Terror: Company Warns New Jersey Residents to Take Shelter in ‘Extreme Alert’

Verizon Wireless customers in New Jersey were startled Monday when the company sent out text messages labeled “Extreme Alert,” telling people a civil emergency was underway and they should seek immediate shelter.

No, Jersey Shore’s Snooki was not in the building.  It turned out to be a bungled test of the cell phone company’s emergency alert system, designed to text important information to cell phone customers located in specific geographic areas.

The fact Verizon forgot to mention “this is only a test” alarmed those receiving the warnings, as well as area 911 call centers that were subsequently flooded with calls.

Verizon admitted it sent the messages by mistake to customers in Middlesex, Monmouth and Ocean counties.

Emergency officials in all three counties began receiving calls from worried residents and the state homeland security office and emergency management center eventually posted messages on Twitter declaring the messages a false alarm.

At least Verizon didn’t charge customers for the text messages.  They, like other company-initiated communications, come free of charge.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WABC New York EAS Alert 12-12-11.mp4[/flv]

WABC’s New Jersey reporter talked with recipients of Verizon’s scary text message, and emergency officials who had to deal with the onslaught of phone calls from worried residents.  (2 minutes)

Xbox Update: New Video Options Require a Cable-TV Subscription to Watch

Phillip Dampier December 13, 2011 Consumer News, Online Video, Video Comments Off on Xbox Update: New Video Options Require a Cable-TV Subscription to Watch

[flv width=”360″ height=”290″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/KRIV Houston Dont Cut Your Cable TV for Xbox 12-7-11.mp4[/flv]

Microsoft Xbox 360 owners who recently updated their consoles are discovering a range of new programming delivered over broadband.  But don’t cancel your cable television subscription just yet.  As this KRIV reporter in Houston discovered, an increasing number of online viewing choices require an active subscription with your cable TV provider to watch.  (2 minutes)

Western Massachusetts Fiber Network Underway, But Who Will Sell Service to Consumers?

If they build it, will Verizon, Time Warner Cable, or Comcast come?

The Massachusetts Broadband Institute (MBI) has just received a major shipment of cable it will use to construct part of its 1,300-mile fiber optic network, designed to provide better-than-dialup service to over 120 communities in western and north central Massachusetts.  That is, if providers show any interest in selling access to it.

The news that the broadband blockade in the western half of the state may finally come to an end is being trumpeted by local newspapers and TV newscasts from Springfield.  WSHM used the occasion to celebrate with current AOL dial-up user Ryan Newhouser, of Worthington:

A high-speed informational highway will be set up with thousands of miles of high-speed fiber optic cables. Those fibers will now be installed on utility polls across Western Mass.

Now residents sitting at their computers in frustration can finally look forward to high-speed internet access.


As Stop the Cap! first explored earlier this year, the new fiber network is good news for western Massachusetts.  But it alone will not deliver service to the masses who desperately want faster Internet access.

The incumbent phone and cable companies have certainly not shown much interest.  Verizon treats western Massachusetts much the same way it served its landline customers in the rest of northern New England (Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont.)  The company’s landline network was allowed to deteriorate along with Verizon’s interest in providing service in the largely rural states.  Eventually, it sold its operations north of Massachusetts to FairPoint Communications.  Comcast and Time Warner Cable are missing in action in many parts of the region as well.  As big phone and cable companies concentrate investments in more urban areas like Boston, many residents in places like Worthington can’t buy broadband service at any price.

MBI optimistically hopes the presence of its new fiber backbone and middle-mile network will change all that.  But outside of AT&T’s apparent interest it to provide service to its cell towers, there has been no publicly-expressed enthusiasm by Verizon or cable operators to begin serious investment in broadband expansion across the region.

The Last Mile Network Challenge

So what is holding western Massachusetts back?  The same thing that keeps broadband out of rural areas everywhere — the “last-mile” problem.  Traditionally, operators target urban and suburban areas for their investments because the construction costs — wiring up your street/home/business — can be recouped more easily when divided between a pool of potential customers.  Every provider has their own “return on investment” formula — how long it will take for a project to pay for itself and begin to return profit.  If your street has 100 homes on it, the chances of recouping costs are much higher than in places where your nearest neighbor needs binoculars to see your house.  Pass the ROI challenge and providers will invest capital to wire your street.  Fail it and you go without (or pay $10,000 or more to subsidize construction costs yourself.)

That is why eastern Massachusetts has plentiful broadband and the comparatively rural western half often does not.

MassBroadband 123 is the state’s solution to the pervasive lack of access across the western half of The Bay State.  It will consist of a fiber backbone and “middle mile” network, solving two parts of a three-part broadband problem.  The project’s commitment to deliver open access to institutions and commercial ISPs across the region is partly thanks to the availability of broadband grant money, particularly from the federal government.

Projects similar to MBI’s MassBroadband 123 typically include the hoped-for-outcome that private companies will step up and invest to ultimately make service available to end users.  Unfortunately, large incumbent providers often remain uncommitted to wiring the last-mile, and communities promised ubiquitous broadband end up with an expensive institutional network that only serves local government, public safety, schools, libraries, and health care facilities.

Thankfully, it does not appear MBI is depending on Verizon, which has shown no interest in spending significant capital on its legacy landline network or cable operators that are unlikely to break ground in new areas.

Communities are increasingly learning if they don’t have service today, the only real guarantee they will get it is by providing it themselves.  That is where WiredWest comes in.  It is a community-powered partnership — a co-op for broadband — pooling resources from 22 independent towns (with 18 more expected to join) to build out that challenging last mile, and deliver future-proof fiber to the home service.  No last generation DSL, slow and expensive fixed wireless, or limited capacity coaxial cable networks are involved.

WiredWest Members

Founding member towns span four counties, including Berkshire County towns of Egremont, Great Barrington, Monterey, New Marlborough, Otis, Peru, Sandisfield, Washington and West Stockbridge; Franklin County towns of Ashfield, Charlemont, Conway, Heath, New Salem, Rowe, Shutesbury, Warwick and Wendell; Hampshire County towns of Cummington, Heath, Middlefield and Plainfield; and the Hampden County town of Chester.

Most of the construction costs for the new network will likely come from municipal bonds, because government grants typically exclude last mile network funding.  Commercial providers often lobby against municipal-funded networks as “unfair competition,” a laughable concept in long-ignored western Massachusetts, where Verizon pitches slow speed DSL, if anything at all.

WiredWest compares rural broadband with rural electrification.  Community-owned co-ops provide service where few private companies bothered to show interest:

Think back to the rural electrification of America. Then, as now, it wasn’t profitable enough for private companies to build out electrical service to rural communities. Imagine where those communities would be today if the government hadn’t stepped in to help fund this essential service – which over time has sustained itself and become a profitable enterprise.

Rural fiber-to-the-home is affordable when you use an appropriate financing and business model that isn’t subject to the same short-term measures of profitability as a private company. A municipal model for example, allows capital investment that can be written off over a longer period of time.

This type of business model isn’t limited to community-owned broadband.  Other countries that treat broadband as an essential utility have, in some cases, boosted broadband beyond a simple cost/benefit “ROI” analysis.

Constructing a broadband network for western Massachusetts still presents some formidable challenges, however:

  1. There is a serious imbalance in government grant programs.  A largesse of government funding for institutional broadband has delivered scandalously underused Cadillac-priced networks communities, libraries and schools cannot afford to operate themselves once the grant money ends.  Meanwhile, funding to cushion the cost of wiring individual homes and businesses is extremely scarce.  Isn’t it time to divert some of that money towards the most difficult problem to overcome — wiring the last mile?
  2. Government impediments to community broadband must be eliminated.  Repeal laws that restrict public broadband development.  Early experiments in municipal telecom networks have taught valuable lessons on how to operate networks efficiently and effectively.  But the broadband industry engages in scare tactics that highlight failures of older public projects like community Wi-Fi in an effort to keep superior publicly-owned fiber-to-the-home networks out of their markets.
  3. The public is not always engaged on the broadband issue and accepts media reports that misunderstand institutional broadband as a solution for those stuck using dial-up.  No matter how good a network is, if the “last mile” problem remains unsolved, the closest consumers like Mr. Newhouser will get to fiber service is looking at the wiring on a nearby telephone pole.  In many communities, fiber broadband paid for by public tax dollars is only accessible at the local public library.  Taxpayers must demand more access to networks they ultimately paid for out of their own pockets, and should support existing public broadband initiatives wherever practical.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WSHM Springfield Broadband internet coming to western Mass 12-8-11.mp4[/flv]

WSHM in Springfield says if you don’t have broadband in western Massachusetts now, it should be coming to your area soon.  But will it?  (3 minutes)

Verizon to Compete With Netflix With Standalone Streaming Video Service

Phillip Dampier December 7, 2011 Competition, Consumer News, Online Video, Verizon, Video Comments Off on Verizon to Compete With Netflix With Standalone Streaming Video Service

Verizon Communications plans to introduce its own standalone streaming video service that will compete head-to-head with Netflix, according to a breaking, exclusive report from the Reuters news service.

The phone company is said to be in negotiations with several programming partners that could make available popular movies and television shows on the service, which would be sold exclusively in areas not wired for Verizon’s fiber-to-the-home service FiOS, starting early next year.

Netflix stock once again took a pounding on the news, down as much as 5%.  Netflix has experienced serious challenges in its transition to a streaming service, including intransigent programmers who want to be paid considerably more to extend licensing deals.  Netflix has been forced to raise prices and split its DVD rental and streaming plans, provoking anger among subscribers.

Reuters reports the service will have a limited offering from the outset, perhaps picking up expiring contracts Netflix had with Liberty Media’s Starz Play and Viacom’s Epix.  Epix includes titles from Paramount, Lions Gate and MGM, and is set to expire at Netflix next September.

Verizon is said to be interested in expanding its services beyond its FiOS customer base to obtain better rates from programmers.  The more subscribers with access to your service, the better the volume discount.  By limiting the new movie service to non-FiOS areas, Verizon will protect from cannibalizing customers from its own fiber network while opening the door to lower per-subscriber costs for programming.

Analysts say the deal will likely be closer in comparison to Amazon’s limited streaming service, available at no charge to its Amazon Prime customers.  Netflix has a broader catalog of online titles.  But they expect Verizon to price the service competitively with Netflix to attract customers and compete for similar programming rights.

Verizon may repackage content originally intended for the standalone streaming service for its existing FiOS customers under a TV Everywhere concept, meaning the programming would be accessible to FiOS subscribers who maintain video subscriptions with the phone company, perhaps without any additional charges.

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/CNBC Netflix Stock Takes a Hit 12-6-11.flv[/flv]

Netflix stock is still being pounded, now even more so after Verizon’s announcement it is entering their business space.  Will Netflix ultimately be sold to a bigger player to survive?  CNBC investigates.  (4 minutes)

[flv width=”512″ height=”308″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WSJ Verizon May Enter Streaming Video Market 12-6-11.flv[/flv]

The Wall Street Journal digs into Verizon’s video announcement, and how it will likely impact Netflix and the online video marketplace.  With a programming bidding war, customers may actually end up paying more for online video.  (5 minutes)

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