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Comcast Getting Heat in Florida for Not Accepting Gun Advertising

Phillip Dampier April 25, 2013 Comcast/Xfinity, Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't Comments Off on Comcast Getting Heat in Florida for Not Accepting Gun Advertising
Comcast says gun stores need no longer apply to purchase ad time on their cable systems.

Comcast says gun stores need no longer apply to purchase ad time on their cable systems.

The Lake County (Fla.) Commission is calling Comcast’s decision to no longer accept advertising from businesses that promote gun sales “discrimination,” and they are calling on the Florida legislature to pressure the cable operator to change its mind.

Local gun shops in central Florida are angry Comcast has stopped accepting their advertising and say the operator has an advertising monopoly that guarantees their ads will not be seen.

“I’ve advertised over 20 years with Comcast,” Carey Baker of Peterson’s Gun Shop told WFTV. “My business has no other choice. I can’t advertise on any other cable company.”

Both Time Warner Cable and Comcast have ceased running advertising from gun shops after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in Connecticut. Comcast said they simply adopted a pre-existing policy already in place at NBC after buying the network.

Many broadcast stations and networks also maintain restrictions on gun or ammunition-related advertising, some banning those commercials outright, others approving them on a case-by-case basis.

Some commissioners said the cable operator’s decision was just as unacceptable as not allowing a gun shop owner to eat in a local restaurant. But another commissioner dissented, claiming Comcast has the right to run its business as it pleases.

The matter of cable advertising is completely unregulated, and attempts by state or local governments to enforce ad content policies would likely be challenged in the courts by affected cable operators.

But Baker says local municipalities do retain some leverage, as they can deny the renewal of a cable franchise to those no longer seen serving the best interests of the community.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WFTV Orlando Lake Co gun shop owner upset Comcast no longer allowing gun ads 4-24-13.flv[/flv]

WFTV in Orlando talks with Carey Baker, owner of a local gun shop that can no longer advertise on Comcast Cable.  (2 minutes)

Time Warner Cable Pulling Back Hard on Promotions: New Customers Will Pay More for Less

Phillip Dampier April 25, 2013 Broadband Speed, Competition, Consumer News, Data Caps Comments Off on Time Warner Cable Pulling Back Hard on Promotions: New Customers Will Pay More for Less

timewarner twcAfter more than a year of aggressive promotions for new customers and those threatening to switch to a competitor, Time Warner Cable has pulled back to boost revenue and make greater profits.

CEO Glenn Britt told Wall Street investors on this morning’s quarterly results conference call that the cable operator is moving in a different direction.

“It’s based on a simple premise: sell people what they want and what they can afford in the first place,” Britt said.

In February, Stop the Cap! noted that Time Warner Cable’s new customer promotions had dramatically changed for the worse. The package prices remained the same — around $80 for a double-play or $89-99 for a triple-play package of cable, broadband, and/or phone service, but customers received a lot less for their money. For example, last year’s promotions bundled Standard/Turbo Service broadband (10-15Mbps) with most offers. Starting this year, only 3Mbps Internet is included. Equipment fees are still extra, but more costly than ever – $8.99 a month for a traditional set-top box, $21.94 a month for a DVR-equipped box and service.

Robert Marcus, Time Warner Cable’s chief operating officer now admits it was all part of the plan, and the company now earns 15-20% more from customers subscribing to the less-aggressive new customer promotions.

“In January we implemented a new pricing and packaging architecture that’s designed to drive greater [new customer revenue] and profit,” Marcus told investors. “We still advertise the same beacon prices, but the product packages are leaner, with lower speeds and fewer channels and features. Once our beacon offers get the phone to ring, our inbound sales reps are trained to help customers select options that are important to them, like faster broadband or a DVR. As a result, customers are up-sold into packages that better meet their needs.”

This year's promotions largely only bundle 3Mbps broadband instead of the standard 10-15Mbps bundled last year.

This year’s promotions largely only bundle 3Mbps broadband instead of the standard 10-15Mbps bundled last year.

Marcus admitted the trade-off is customers shopping around for the best deal who read the fine print are likely to consider an offer from a competitor more closely. Others are disconnecting service when their promotion expires.



“By and large, when were talking about triple play disconnects, they are going to our telco competitors,” Marcus said. “When we’re talking about single-play video disconnects, they, by and large, leave us for satellite. We’re increasingly finding that phone customers are dropping landline phone for wireless-only, and there are video customers who are leaving — and broadband customers for that matter, who are leaving the category, and that’s probably more of an affordability issue than anything else.”

Verizon FiOS is Time Warner’s most dangerous competitor because it beats the cable operator on broadband speed and promotional pricing. Time Warner faces some of the highest disconnect numbers in FiOS areas. AT&T U-verse is also having a greater impact because AT&T recently decreased the price of both their triple and double-play promotions and has increased broadband speeds in some areas, Marcus reported.

Marcus said Time Warner is handling the subscriber churn fine, and the cable company now cares more about higher revenue and profits than attracting deal-hunters who shop on price.

“Last year’s aggressive triple play offers drove significant connect volume, which led to the highest quarterly subscriber net adds we’ve had over the last several years,” Marcus said. “But in large part, we were attracting discount seekers who are more likely to [switch after the promotion ended]. In many cases, we caused customers who didn’t need or want phone to take a triple play offer just to get the low triple play rates.”

What new customers Time Warner did attract largely took one or two products from the cable company, usually cable television and broadband. New phone service customers have declined year-over-year as a result of less attractive pricing. Instead, Marcus noted customers are spending on incremental broadband speed upgrades, which cost Time Warner much less than delivering phone service.

Nobody needs 1Gbps, argues Britt.

Nobody needs 1Gbps, argues Britt.

With the looming threat of Google Fiber in both Kansas City and Austin, Britt seemed generally unconcerned about the impact the gigabit broadband provider would have.

“At the end of the day, what we’re doing is not any different than an overbuilder, and we’ve had overbuilders for the last several decades in this business so that’s what they appear to be doing,” Britt said. “They appear to be very aggressive on price. They’re even giving some tiers away essentially for free, and we’ll see where that goes. Despite the glow and all of that, the products are essentially the same others are offering today in a practical sense.”

Britt said gigabit speeds probably won’t have the impact many customers think they should because most websites are not built to deliver content at those speeds.

Marcus noted that in Kansas City, Google has only passed 4,000 homes so far, about 2,000 of which are Time Warner Cable customers.

“The number of defections we’ve seen is de minimis at this point,” Marcus said.

Both Britt and Marcus responded to a question about consumption billing saying nothing had changed in the company’s thinking about usage caps or charging for what customers consumed.

“We have in place in almost all of our footprint the option for people to pay less money if they wish to really consume less,” Britt said. “People who want to keep getting unlimited and pay for that, can do that. So we really don’t have anything new. It is in place in our whole footprint, I think, except one location.”

“The take rate on that offering has still been fairly modest, but we think it’s a very important principle that there’s a relationship between usage and the price that customers pay,” Marcus added.

Some other highlights:

  • Time Warner Cable’s cloud-based set-top box guide is now testing in employee homes with plans to roll the new boxes out to subscribers later this year. Britt said these were the first of a new generation of all-IP boxes, which means if you have a device in your house that knows how to receive IP, you’ll get access directly via WiFi or through a cable technology called MoCA;
  • Time Warner Cable will digitally encrypt its entire television lineup in New York City;
  • Time Warner Cable’s recent restructuring cost 500 employees their jobs, mostly in finance, marketing and human resources.

Cable One Commits to Major System Upgrades: More Speed, Better Reliability Promised

cableoneCable One has announced it will invest $60 million in network upgrades across 42 cable systems in its mostly rural footprint to enhance reliability and deliver faster Internet service.

The cable operator, owned by the Washington Post, has been criticized for outdated infrastructure and poor service, particularly in Mississippi.

”We’re committed to delivering the best possible experience to our customers,” said Cable One CEO Tom Might. “We’re confident that this investment will ensure that our customers will receive superior service in the speed, reliability, and the overall performance of our services.”

The two-year upgrade project aims to replace amplifiers, split broadband customers who share a backbone connection into smaller groups, replace aging coaxial cable and improve the cable company’s fiber optic backbone.

The upgrade might allow the company to consider relaxing its draconian usage cap and speed throttle policies, which force customers to choose between an uncapped 5Mbps connection (with a speed throttle for those using more than 3GB per day) or a 50/2Mbps connection with caps as low as 50GB per month (overlimit fees: $0.50-1.00/each extra gigabyte.)

Cable One currently offers two levels of Internet service: an uncapped 5Mbps plan for $50 a month and a 50/2Mbps plan for $50 a month with a 50-100GB monthly usage cap, depending on the package bundle. Usage is measured between 8am-12 midnight. Users on the uncapped 5Mbps plan are subject to speed throttling if they exceed 3GB of usage per day.

Cable One now offers two levels of Internet service: an uncapped 5Mbps plan for $50 a month and a 50/2Mbps plan for $50 a month with a 50-100GB monthly usage cap, depending on the package bundle. Usage is measured between 8am-12 midnight. Users on the uncapped 5Mbps plan are subject to speed throttling if they exceed 3GB of usage per day.

Time Warner Cable’s Horn Of Plenty for Austin: Free Wi-Fi for Broadband Customers

Phillip Dampier April 25, 2013 Competition, Consumer News, Data Caps, Editorial & Site News, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on Time Warner Cable’s Horn Of Plenty for Austin: Free Wi-Fi for Broadband Customers
Austin gets a horn 'o plenty with free Time Warner Cable Wi-Fi because Google is coming to town.

Austin gets a horn of plenty with free Time Warner Cable Wi-Fi because Google is coming to town.

As Time Warner Cable faces forthcoming competition from Google Fiber in Austin, the company is responding with the construction of a free Wi-Fi network for its broadband customers to protect its business.

TWC WiFi is available now from a limited number of hotspots, but hundreds more will become available across Austin in 2013 as the company builds out its wireless network.

Time Warner Cable customers with Standard Internet or above qualify for free access, as do Business Class customers. Others can trial the service for free and then buy access for $2.95 an hour.

“Increasingly, our Austin customers want to take their high-speed Internet with them out of the home and on-the-go,” said Area Vice President Kathy Brabson. “The TWC WiFi network we are building for Austin will allow our customers to greatly maximize their TWC Internet subscription at no additional charge.”

It is no coincidence Time Warner Cable has selected Austin for a Wi-Fi rollout. The Wi-Fi service was specifically intended to provide more value for Time Warner Cable customers in competitive markets to keep them from switching to a competitor.

It represents a sea change for a cable company that in 2009 targeted Austin for an Internet Overcharging scheme that would have slapped a usage limit and consumption billing on the area’s broadband customers. With the advent of strong competition from Google, Time Warner Cable is giving customers something instead of taking things away.

Austin customers can download the free TWC WiFi Finder app available in Google Play and the Apple App Store or visit www.twc.com/wificoverage to view the hotspot coverage map as the wireless network grows. Once authenticated, customers can also access Wi-Fi hotspots in other cities including New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Orlando, Tampa, Kansas City, Charlotte and more.

Merger-Mania: Wall Street Beats Drum for Time Warner-CBS Merger

Phillip Dampier April 24, 2013 Competition, Consumer News 1 Comment

cbsTime Warner, Inc. (not the cable operator) and CBS Corp. are being encouraged by Wall Street to hurry up and just get married.

As the march towards media consolidation continues, dealmakers are salivating over a combination of CBS and Time Warner that would combine CBS’ programming and popular network with Time Warner’s extensive roster of cable channels and distribution outlets.

A merger “makes a lot of sense,” Michael Morris, a Richmond, Virginia-based analyst at Davenport & Co., told Bloomberg News in a telephone interview. “With the amount of collaboration they do, investors see it as a possibility as well.”

A merger would bring both CBS and the CW Network even closer together and give both companies even more outlets for their programming, forcing higher fees for cable networks and subscribers in the process.

timewarnerA merger deal involving CBS would run at least $35 billion, and Bloomberg says it would be the biggest U.S. media deal in more than a decade. Time Warner is definitely the larger player among the two companies with nearly twice the market capitalization of CBS.

“Content is king,” according for CBS chairman Sumner Redstone. Program producers, stations and networks involved in programming are now responsible for a significant part of your last cable rate increase as retransmission consent fees continue to rise.

Under that paradigm, mergers and acquisitions are ripe to continue as programmers seek stronger positions to demand higher fees and distributors grow larger to fight for a volume discount.

Sinclair Broadcast Group is a prime example, spending $1.8 billion in the last 18 months buying up local television stations to force more lucrative carriage deals with cable, satellite and telco TV systems.

Among the biggest recent deals: Comcast has completed its acquisition of NBC Universal and Walt Disney, which owns ABC, also now owns Pixar, Marvel Entertainment, and Lucasfilm.

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