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France’s Free Mobile Unveils Crowdsourced Voice/Data Cell Service for Under $30/Month

Phillip Dampier June 20, 2013 Competition, Consumer News, Video, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on France’s Free Mobile Unveils Crowdsourced Voice/Data Cell Service for Under $30/Month

150px-Free_mobile_2011.svgAn upstart telecom company has thrown the French mobile market into competitive chaos offering customers unlimited voice, messaging, and certain data services for around $26 a month. Now the company is expanding its footprint by offering free femtocells to customers that can be shared by other customers, according to a report by GigaOm‘s Kevin Fitchard.

France’s Free Mobile is everything North American cell phone providers are not. The company offers dirt cheap, often unlimited service (their backup HSPA+ roaming data network has a 3GB limit), crowdsourced public Wi-Fi networks run by its customers, and soon an even more robust network made possible by handing out network extender devices at no charge, improving indoor reception and data speeds.

Free offers more than just mobile services. Its home broadband service offers 40-100Mbps Internet service, offering plenty of bandwidth to accommodate shared connections.


Features Mobile-Only Subscribers Freebox Home Internet + Mobile Subscribers
Unlimited SMS and MMS messages
3G+ DATA (HSPA+: 3GB cap)
Free 3G+ connection sharing (tethering)
Unlimited seamless use of the Free Wi-Fi hotspots via EAP-SIM protocol
Unlimited calls to mobile lines and landlines in France, Alaska, Canada, United States, Hawaii
Unlimited calls to landlines in 40 countries
No contract; no commitment period
€19.99/month ($26) €15.99/month ($21)
120 minutes voice calling
SMS unlimited
Unlimited seamless use of the Free Wi-Fi hotspots via EAP-SIM protocol
Unlimited calls to mobile lines and landlines in France, Alaska, Canada, United States, Hawaii
Unlimited calls to landlines in 40 countries
No contract; no commitment period
€2.00/month ($2.64) Free
Freebox home Internet gateway, now including a free femtocell.

Freebox home Internet gateway, now including a free femtocell.

Back home in the United States and Canada, cell phone companies ask customers to pay up to $300 for network extender devices to manage reception your provider was supposed to deliver in return for paying them nearly $100 a month. The femtocells connect to a customer’s home broadband connection to make and receive calls. Despite the fact customers are using their own broadband service to power the device, cell phone companies still deduct minutes, texts, and data from monthly usage allowances just as if one was using a nearby cell tower.

Free Mobile customers don’t have to deal with any of that. In return for helping improve the company’s cellular network, customers will get the network extender devices, known as femtocells, free after a nominal shipping charge. New customers will have the femtocell technology built right into Free Mobile’s Freebox Revolution gateway.

Parent company Iliad is depending on its generous customers to help extend the network while keeping prices low for everyone. Considering the costs, few object to sharing a negligible part of their broadband connection with other customers, especially with millions of potential connection points sharing the load.

French cell phone users have a lot to thank Iliad for, even if they are not Free Mobile customers. The appearance of Free Mobile on the scene sparked a massive price war that is delivering savings to every French mobile user.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Free Freebox Server 6-13.mp4[/flv]

Introducing the Freebox Server, a home gateway cool enough to put on your desktop. (1 minute)

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Free Designer Starck talks about the Freebox 6-13.mp4[/flv]

Only in France will you find providers spending as much time and attention on the stylish details of a set-top box as they do fretting about its cost. To underline the point, designer Philippe Starck turned up on Free’s website to talk about his design philosophy for the gateway device. (3 minutes, French)

Time Warner Offers 30/5Mbps Customers $10 Upgrade to 50/5Mbps Ultimate Service

Phillip Dampier June 20, 2013 Broadband Speed, Competition 8 Comments

twcTime Warner Cable is extending an online promotion to Extreme (30/5Mbps) customers to upgrade to Ultimate (50/5Mbps) service for an extra $10 a month above your current pricing.

But you may want to call Time Warner to take advantage of the promotion because we found the cable company’s website forced the selection of a $4.99/month fee for a “Home WiFi and Internet Modem” you will not need if you own your own equipment.

You must have a DOCSIS 3 cable modem to take advantage of this offer.

The deal can be accessed by logging into Time Warner Cable’s My Services page and selecting “View or Make Changes to My Internet Service.”


Ex-Charter Contractor Obtains Customer Work Order, Pockets $160 for Illegal Hookup

Phillip Dampier June 20, 2013 Charter Spectrum, Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't Comments Off on Ex-Charter Contractor Obtains Customer Work Order, Pockets $160 for Illegal Hookup


A former third-party contractor for Charter Communications has been sentenced for illegally obtaining a service restoration work order from the cable company and reconnecting service for the customer, pocketing $160 for himself.

Bay County District Judge Dawn A. Klida this week sentenced Randy A. Morin, 31, of Bay City, Mich. to six months probation, $555 in fines, $160 in restitution, and 50 hours of community service for pretending to be a Charter employee and illegally turning cable service back on for a disconnected customer.

Anthony David called the cable company to reconnect cable service in November, and Morin arrived at his door with work order in hand. What David did not know was Morin had not worked on behalf of the Charter since May 2011.

Morin asked for a total of $160 to reinstate Charter service, which David gave him in two separate installments. At the end of November, David’s Internet service was switched off again after Charter claimed his connection was illegal. David’s next call was to police who began an investigation culminating in Morin’s arrest and felony charges.

m kable

Charter_logoWilliam J. Morand, communications director for Charter’s Northeast Region, admitted Morin previously worked for M. Kable, a Charter contractor, and that there was no legitimate way the former contractor could have obtained current customer information.

Except he did.

Court records do not show exactly how that happened.

The New Nationwide 4G Networks You Never Heard Of (And May Never Get Built)

Phillip Dampier June 20, 2013 Broadband "Shortage", Broadband Speed, Competition, Public Policy & Gov't, Rural Broadband, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on The New Nationwide 4G Networks You Never Heard Of (And May Never Get Built)

landoverWould you be surprised to learn a company with just a basic, outdated website replete with spelling and grammar errors holds at least 760 television station construction permits and licenses and just wrote a check for $46.5 million to buy 52 more stations from nine different owners, with plans to shut every last one of them down in the future?

That is precisely the business plan of “Landover Wireless Corp.” and its series of limited liability corporate entities, which are grabbing up as much UHF television spectrum they can apply for across the country.

They are not alone.

ctbCTB Spectrum Services, a company associated with Landover 2 LLC, has 356 UHF TV construction permits/licenses. Its website offers slightly more information about its operations, but not much.

DTV America, a mysterious Sunrise, Fla.-based venture with an official mailing address of 12717 W. Sunrise Boulevard (Suite 372) has its headquarters inside a private mailbox at a UPS Store. The company also has countless requests for television licenses on the UHF dial. DTV America manager John Kyle is also listed as chairman and president of The Pharmacy Television Network, which appears to broadcast its programming on video displays inside pharmacies. DTV America has the lowest profile of all three companies, with no apparent website.

And you thought over the air television was dead.

DTV America's home is inside a mailbox at the UPS Store in Sunrise, Fla.

DTV America’s home is inside a mailbox at the UPS Store in Sunrise, Fla.

A number of low power television owners are surprised to see the sudden rush to launch more than 1,000 new television stations across the country, particularly in rural markets that have been considered a financial dead-end for low power television. Being in the LPTV business and making a living at it often depends on whether a local cable company or satellite dish provider will pick up and relay the station to the majority of Americans that do all of their television viewing on a paid platform. Without this carriage, low power television outlets have several strikes against them: challenging reception from operating with relatively low power, the lack of compelling programming — many of these outlets air paid religious, home shopping, music, or infomercial programming 24 hours a day, and the lack of familiarity by viewers who may not realize these stations are on the air.

From information Stop the Cap! has obtained, none of these ventures actually intend to stay in the over-the-air television business. Instead, they are using FCC licensing rules to get valuable UHF spectrum without having to bid for it at forthcoming spectrum auctions. At least two of the companies claim they are raising capital to build a unicast 4G wireless content delivery network. But some critics contend they are actually spectrum squatters — speculators that have no intention of building anything. Instead, critics charge they will conduct minor experiments to effectively stall the FCC, hanging onto their permits and licenses until they can sell their holdings to a wireless provider hungry for 500-700MHz spectrum and willing to pay top dollar to get it.

Meanwhile, Landover’s $46.5 million buys them dozens of low power stations airing 30-minute commercials like “Skin Solutions by Dr. Graf.” The company claims it will keep those stations on the air until their wireless network is ready, and then the infomercials (along with the rest of the television programming) will be gone for good. Landover also managed to acquire larger Class A TV stations as part of the deal, including one each in Las Vegas and Sacramento, and three in Texas. These stations might become part of the company’s 4G network, sold off or compensated to sign-off forever as part of forthcoming “spectrum packing” by the FCC — further shrinking the UHF TV dial and auctioning off the “excess” spectrum to AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and other cell companies.

CTB's License Map

CTB’s License Map

CTB also holds multiple TV licenses in several of its markets. The company claims it will combine those stations together in something akin to a high-powered cellular network to create a bigger wireless data pipe using “patent pending multi-frequency cellular terrestrial network technology [that] increases capacity by hundreds of times through frequency re-use, while also enabling full mobility, broadband Internet, and location-based services.”

CTB’s sales pitch claims its TV licenses offer up to 228MHz of bandwidth that is “essentially identical to 700MHz spectrum, but can be acquired at a fraction of the cost.” The company also claims it has exclusive rights to TV “White Space” spectrum via first adjacent channels, which are treated like guard bands to protect against interference from nearby stations.

All of these companies are applying for channels largely in low-interest rural markets, where they face few challenges from competing applicants. CTB calls this part of their rural “corridor” strategy. One such corridor covers stations in a line from Wisconsin west to Idaho.

All three companies are betting the FCC will allow them to eventually convert their over-the-air television licenses into wireless data networks, or let them sell the spectrum to deeper pocketed players in keeping with the Commission’s plan to open up more frequencies for data-hungry users. If the FCC allows it, these three entities will end up with the rights to prime wireless spectrum covering up to 90 percent of the country without having to spend a penny at forthcoming spectrum auctions.

But there are financial risks. The type of low power station licenses held by most of these companies do not get them a seat at the spectrum packing table. LPTV outlets are considered low-priority stations, and in larger communities, many could be forced off the air without compensation to make enough room for more important, full power stations.

No license, no 4G data network for Landover, CTB and others. But the chances of that happening in rural markets, where residents are lucky to have two or three over the air stations, are slim.

The technology might offer unique broadband opportunities for rural areas where conventional low-range cell towers are too expensive, if the technology works. A higher powered transmitter serving a rural, larger geographic area might prove financially attractive in low population density areas. Only time will tell if any of these entities will be able to raise the capital needed to fulfill the FCC’s construction permit obligations, which give owners just a few years to get their stations on the air or face forfeiture of their permit and/or license.

Sick of Paying Time Warner Cable for More Sports Channels? Sue!

sportsnetTime Warner Cable’s decision to spend $11 billion to broadcast Los Angeles Lakers and Dodgers games at an estimated cost of $50-60 a year per subscriber is the subject of a class action lawsuit from fed up customers.

The plaintiffs are upset cable subscribers across Southern California will have to cover the cost of the 20-year deal with no option to opt-out of the sports channels because they are bundled into the most popular cable package.

The suit, filed this week in Superior Court alleges at least 60 percent of subscribers have no interest in the sports programming, but will collectively cover $6.6 billion of the deal and never watch a single game.

Time Warner Cable is also accused of forcing AT&T U-verse, Charter Cable, Cox Cable, DirecTV and Verizon FiOS to sign restrictive contracts that compel the companies to include the sports channels on the basic lineup.

Ironically, Time Warner Cable itself regularly complains about the increasing cost of programming and contract terms that force it to bundle expensive sports channels inside the basic tier instead of offering customers optional, added-cost sports programming packages.

Both sports teams are also named as defendants in the suit because they were aware that all subscribers would face rate increases as a result of the deal.

“TWC’s bundling results in Defendants making huge profits, much of which is extracted from unwilling consumers who have no opportunity to delete unwanted telecasts,” the complaint states.

The suit claims there is no legitimate reason Time Warner Cable and the sports teams could not have offered the new networks only to customers that wished to pay for them. The suit wants the bundling of the sports networks stopped and customers given refunds for the higher television bills that resulted.

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