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Netflix Monthly Performance Ratings: Fiber on Top, Cable Second, DSL and Wireless Stink

Phillip Dampier July 10, 2013 Broadband Speed, Competition, Consumer News, Online Video, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on Netflix Monthly Performance Ratings: Fiber on Top, Cable Second, DSL and Wireless Stink

usa-ispspeedindex-netflix-jun-13Netflix kicks off the summer rating the streaming video performance of some of America’s largest ISPs, and the results deliver only a few surprises.

Google Fiber is the runaway leader, but Verizon FiOS — also a fiber-based network — is lagging behind several cable operators, notably Charter Cable and Suddenlink.

In mid-June, GigaOM reported Verizon was engaged in a battle with Cogent — a bandwidth provider Netflix depends on to help it reach Verizon customers.

Cogent promptly blamed Verizon for the slowdown:

Cogent and Verizon peer to each other at about ten locations and they exchange traffic through several ports. These ports typically send and receive data at speeds of around 10 gigabit per second. When the ports start to fill up (usually at 50 percent of their capacity), the internet companies add more ports. In this case, through, Verizon is allowing the ports that connect to Cogent to get crammed. ”They are allowing the peer connections to degrade,” said Dave Schaeffer, chief executive officer of Cogent said in an interview. “Today some of the ports are at 100 percent capacity.”

“Think of it as the on-ramp to the freeway being log-jammed,” Schaeffer said. And that means your Netflix content, especially content sent by Netflix’s content delivery network, slows down, and you get pixelated pictures and buffering.

Verizon just as quickly shot back at GigaOm and Cogent:

Cogent is not compliant with one of the basic and long-standing requirements for most settlement-free peering arrangements: that traffic between the providers be roughly in balance. When the traffic loads are not symmetric, the provider with the heavier load typically pays the other for transit (see our ex parte filing [PDF] from the 2010 Comcast/Level 3 spat for more info on peering and transit agreements). This isn’t a story about Netflix, or about Verizon “letting” anybody’s traffic deteriorate. This is a fairly boring story about a bandwidth provider that is unhappy that they are out of balance and will have to make alternative arrangements for capacity enhancements, just like any other interconnecting ISP.

Customers don’t care. They just know their efforts to watch Arrested Development are being stymied, and Netflix’s June ISP results illustrate the degraded performance customers are getting.

Cablevision, the top performing cable operator, can likely thank its recent investments in network upgrades for improved performance, not its participation in Netflix’s OpenConnect Content Delivery Network, designed to improve streaming performance for participating ISPs. Cablevision is a member, but so are Frontier Communications (#14) and Clearwire (#17 and dead last).

OpenConnect couldn’t help Frontier DSL or Clearwire wireless customers achieve good results — the technology in use and the upstream connections both companies maintain with the Internet backbone mattered much more.

In general, fiber performs best when everyone is getting along, cable comes in second, DSL third, and wireless last.

But if you want the best performance possible, and Google Fiber is not in your neighborhood, your best bet is to move to Sweden, where the top-six providers all outperformed every American cable, DSL, and wireless provider. In Finland, the top-four beat everyone but Google Fiber. The nine best-rated ISPs in Denmark also outclassed their American counterparts, while in Norway a half-dozen providers did better.

But many ISPs in the United States can still be proud: the top eight beat Mexico. Mediacom, AT&T U-verse & DSL, Bright House, CenturyLink, Windstream, Frontier, Verizon DSL and Clearwire have some work to do… if they want to keep up with those speed mavens in Guadalajara.

T-Mobile Set to Unveil Phone ‘Leasing’; Upgrade Whenever You Want

Phillip Dampier July 10, 2013 Competition, Consumer News, T-Mobile, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on T-Mobile Set to Unveil Phone ‘Leasing’; Upgrade Whenever You Want

[Image: The Verge]

[Image: The Verge]

T-Mobile is expected to announce a new phone plan/club today called “Jump” that will allow customers to upgrade to the latest smartphones when they like, at a “new customer” price.

Details remain sketchy, but The Verge and TMONews report the new plan will continue T-Mobile’s efforts to break free from the traditional 24-month upgrade cycle for phones offered by other carriers.

Although new by North American standards, providing an “equipment plan” is not unprecedented in Europe. O2 offers a “Refresh” plan specifically targeting likely early upgraders who want the latest devices and do not want to wait through a two-year upgrade cycle.

In North America, customers buy the phone at a subsidized price and then pay back that discount subsidy over the life of the traditional two-year contract (through artificially higher cell phone plan rates).

When one buys a phone on the O2 Refresh plan in Europe, the customer signs up for a 24-month equipment plan which covers both the cost of the phone, the Refresh feature and an airtime plan which covers everything else.

Customers who want to upgrade early simply pay off the remaining balance on their equipment plan (at a rate lower than the usual penalty fee) and upgrade the device at a discounted, new customer price.

T-Mobile has done away with the two-year contract most North Americans are familiar with, so the Jump plan will be different from O2’s Refresh Plan.

The Verge suggests T-Mobile will introduce a type of lease-to-own financing with Jump.

Customers will presumably pay a monthly fee to join the Jump “club” offering early upgrades. When a customer wants a newer phone, they might pay the same upfront fee a new customer would, but instead of being forced to pay off the full remaining balance due on their old phone, they would return it to T-Mobile and start a new financing arrangement for their next phone. If a customer keeps the phone until it is paid off, the customer would presumably own it.

CNET reports customers will also be provided with handset insurance, important if T-Mobile intends to keep an ownership interest in the phone until it is returned or paid off.

The details are forthcoming, but such a “lease-to-own” arrangement would still leave plenty of room for T-Mobile to recoup their costs, depending on how much they charge for the “upgrade anytime” feature.

The downside is that some customers may decide it is easier to pay off the remaining owed balance on a traditional T-Mobile financing contract and sell the phone to a third-party instead of sending it back to T-Mobile.

AT&T/Verizon Roaming Agreement Ends in Montana; Rural Customers Left Without Service

no serviceVerizon Wireless customers and public safety personnel are upset that the cell phone company was caught unprepared after a rural roaming agreement with AT&T expired at the end of June, leaving police officers without communications and others with no way to reach 911.

AT&T no longer permits Verizon Wireless customers to roam on its acquired former Alltel network, which has dramatically reduced service in Geraldine, Absarokee, Ft. Benton, Browning, Harlem, Evaro, Cascade, Stanford, Lincoln, Ennis, Virginia City, and Great Falls.

Lincoln resident Gayle Steinch is living with the result of that business decision. She has a single bar of service on her Verizon Wireless cellphone at her house. It is her only phone — she dropped landline service in 2007.

“And I live a half a block off the main street,” she told the Great Falls Tribune.

Verizon's road to no bars in rural Montana.

Verizon’s road to no bars in rural Montana.

Capt. Gary Becker of the Montana Highway Patrol told The Montana Standard troopers in the area haven’t been able to communicate on their cell phones or their computers installed in their cruisers since the roaming agreement expired. Becker said police have to travel at least 30 miles to get any usable reception from Verizon.

Jessica Constantine, manager of the AT&T Elite Wireless store in Butte, said AT&T “had a roaming agreement with Verizon and we allowed them to use our towers for three years. The contract is over.”

And with it, Verizon Wireless network reception.

The agreement was part of a deal between AT&T and Verizon over Verizon’s 2010 purchase of Alltel. Federal regulators required Verizon to divest itself of certain Alltel territories for competitive reasons, transferring those customers to AT&T. As a result, territories that used to be well-served by Alltel’s CDMA network are now being converted by AT&T to GSM and data service, exposing Verizon’s sparse home cellular coverage in several parts of the state.

“They had years to prepare for AT&T switching off Alltel’s old CDMA service Verizon was dependent on, and Verizon did little to nothing,” said Jim Brown. “The Verizon person I spoke with told me it did not make sense to build a network out here because the only thing it would serve are crows. But they promised they would at least try to equal the coverage Alltel used to give us. That never happened and still isn’t.”

Verizon denied there was a major service loss in rural Montana. Bob Kelley, corporate spokesperson for Verizon, said that the change in service was planned and its impact would be limited to “less than optimal” service. He confirmed there were no unexpected outages.

lincolnAfter negative media coverage reported Verizon’s inability to provide quality cell service in rural Montana, the company agreed to temporarily deploy portable cell towers to improve coverage.

The “COWs”— cellphone towers on wheels — are stationed in Lincoln, Virginia City, Lima, Broadview, between Absarokee-Fishtail, as well as in Jackson, mostly meeting the needs of law enforcement monitoring the Rainbow Family Gathering last week. Verizon is also deploying repeaters that can re-broadcast signals and enhance range, as well as add coverage to existing permanent facilities. The company is planning on adding permanent towers this week in Marion and Tarkio. Additional permanent towers are also planned for Lincoln and Columbus by the end of August.

That cannot come soon enough for some customers.

Cell tower on wheels

Cell tower on wheels

“Verizon brought up this 40-foot [temporary] antenna, but you really can only get service on it on Main Street,” said Steinch, the manager of The Bootlegger, a Lincoln bar and restaurant. “We had a guy in here this morning who has a towing company who missed out on an $1,800 job because his cellphone didn’t get the call.”

Service has deteriorated so badly in rural Montana, some AT&T stores had lines of soon-to-be-ex-Verizon customers snaking out the door, and at least one reported it was completely sold out of cell phones and wireless broadband devices.

“Dillon sold out of cell phones yesterday,” said Constantine, “because everybody in Lima who was using Verizon just flooded the Dillon store.”

Verizon subscriber John Ulias found his cellphone useless at his cabin in the Little Belt, as did many of his neighbors in that area.

Although Verizon told Ulias and the Tribune subscribers should still be getting service in the Little Belts area from a Verizon antenna in Stanford, Ulias said that isn’t the case.

“I gave the Verizon representative the cell numbers of two of my Little Belt neighbors after he told me we should be getting service up there,” Ulias told the newspaper. “The guy called me back and said his calls went straight to their voicemail.”

Montana residents affected by the disruption of Verizon Wireless service seeking to file a complaint should contact the Office of Consumer Protection at the Montana Department of Justice by emailing: [email protected], faxing 406-444-9680 or calling 800-481-6896 or 406-444-4500.

For customers planning to switch carriers because of reception issues in Montana, Verizon is waiving early termination fees. For those customers the company can convince to stay, discounted service will be available along with discounts on a Verizon Network Extender, a portable in-home mini-cell tower that interfaces with a home broadband connection. To pursue either option, prepaid consumers should call Verizon Customer Service at 1-888-294-6804; all others should call 1-800-922-0204.

In New York and New Jersey, Verizon is attempting to convince some rural residents to abandon their landline service in favor of Voice Link, which relies entirely on Verizon Wireless reception.

“I have one word for my friends back east: don’t,” said Brown.

Google Fiber’s $300 Install Fee Meets Resistance from Landlords; Renters May Be Left Out

google fiberGoogle Fiber may not be coming to a Kansas City apartment complex near you.

The coveted gigabit fiber to the home service is drawing criticism from owners of multi-dwelling units, condos, and apartment buildings because of its installation fee.

Google requires property owners to either go all-in or forget about getting the service. That means $300 for each apartment or condo, regardless of whether it is occupied or if an existing tenant wants the service or not. West Virginia background check can check renter’s credit score to see if they can afford the rent in the area.

Landlords tell the Kansas City Star the installation fee is just too much, especially when considering the phone and cable company wired their buildings for free. The newspaper notes that a 350-unit apartment complex opting in to Google Fiber will have to pay more than $100,000 upfront just to get the service.

Those living in one of nine CRES Management apartment complexes suspect they won’t be getting Google Fiber now or in the future — the property owners balked at an installation fee for their properties well into the six figures.

cres“I don’t know many apartment complexes that have $100,000 in the bank just waiting to be spent,” said Jon Gambill, CRES Management information technology director.

Google doesn’t offer volume discounts for multi-dwelling unit owners, but is willing to accept installment payments over 12 months. Google has also promised to refund the installation fees in $25 monthly increments for each paying customer until the $300 per unit fee is returned. But if a renter opts for the free, slower Internet service Google provides, the landlord will have to absorb the installation cost. Tenant screening questions include employment background and credit scores.

“If people can get free Internet, they’re not going to pay for premium,” Gambill told the newspaper. “If someone doesn’t want to pay for Internet, they really don’t have to, but then we’ve lost out on that reimbursement.”

DirecTV, Time Warner Cable Moving in On Hulu; Online Video Rights & Internet Cable TV

Phillip Dampier July 9, 2013 AT&T, Competition, DirecTV, Online Video, Video 2 Comments

twc logoTime Warner Cable won’t engage in an expensive bidding war for ownership of Hulu so it is trying to convince the online video venture’s current owners not to sell.

Sources tell Bloomberg News the cable company has offered to buy a minority stake in the online video streaming service alongside its current owners, which include Comcast-NBC, Fox Broadcasting, and Walt Disney-ABC.

If Hulu accepted the offer, the other bidders’ offers may not even be entertained.

Among those filing binding bids/proposals with Hulu as of the July 5 deadline:

  • DirecTV, which reportedly wants to convert Hulu into an online companion to its satellite dish service for the benefit of its satellite subscribers;
  • AT&T and investment firm Chernin Group, which submitted a  joint bid, presumably to beef up online video options for U-verse customers.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Bloomberg Plot Thickens in Bidding War for Hulu 7-9-13.flv[/flv]

Bloomberg News discusses how the various bidders for Hulu would adapt the service for their own purposes. It’s all about bulking up online video offerings.  (4 minutes)

huluTM_355Hulu’s new owners could continue to offer the service much the same way it is provided today, with a free and pay version. But most expect the new owners will throw up a programming “pay wall,” requiring users to authenticate themselves as a pay television customer before they can watch Hulu programming. If Time Warner Cable acquired a minority interest and the current owners stayed in place, Time Warner Cable TV customers could benefit from free access to certain premium Hulu content, now sold to others for $8 a month. That premium content would presumably be available to U-verse customers if AT&T emerges the top bidder, or DirecTV could offer Hulu to satellite subscribers to better compete with cable companies’ on-demand offerings.

Hulu’s influence will be shifted away from broadcast networks and more towards pay television platforms regardless of who wins the bidding. That could end up harming the major television networks that provide Hulu’s most popular content. Many of Hulu’s viewers are cord-cutters who do not subscribe to cable or satellite television. Placing Hulu’s programming off-limits to non-paying customers could force a return to pirating shows from peer-to-peer networks or third-party, unauthorized website viewing.

Online video rights are so important to cable operators and upstarts like Intel, which wants to launch its own online cable-TV like service, providers are willing to pay a premium for streaming rights.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Bloomberg Why Hulu Is Attracting Billion Dollar Bids 7-8-13.flv[/flv]

Richard Greenfield, analyst at BTIG, and Scott Galloway, chairman and founder of Firebrand Partners, discuss Hulu and the ability to stream on multiple platforms. They speak on Bloomberg Television’s “Bloomberg Surveillance.” (4 minutes)

directvThe Los Angeles Times reports that pay TV distributors are in a rush to make deals, not only to offer more viewing options for customers, but to potentially get rid of expensive and cumbersome set-top boxes.

Interlopers like Intel, Apple, and Google who want to break into the business have not had an easy time dealing with programmers afraid of alienating their biggest customers. Even DirecTV, which has done business with some of the largest cable networks in the country for well over a decade still meets some resistance.

Acquiring Hulu could be an important part of DirecTV’s strategy to develop the types of services satellite TV has yet to manage well. On-demand programming is no easy task for satellite providers. But if DirecTV acquired Hulu, satellite customers could find DirecTV-branded on-demand viewing through the Internet. The Times speculates DirecTV could even build an online subscription service for subscribers who don’t want a satellite dish, receiving the same lineup of programming satellite customers now watch.

Distributors that acquire enough online streaming rights could even launch virtual cable systems in other companies’ territories, potentially pitting Comcast against Time Warner Cable, but few expect cable operators to compete against each other.

The Government Accountability Office warned head-on competition between cable operators was an unlikely prospect, especially because those cable operators also own the broadband delivery pipes used to deliver programming.

“[Cable companies] may have an incentive to charge for bandwidth in such a way as to raise the costs to consumers for using [online video] services.”

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Bloomberg Hulu Buyers Haggle as Final Deadline Looms 7-5-13.flv[/flv]

Bloomberg News explains why Hulu is worth a billion dollars in a changing world of television. (3 minutes)

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