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Cable Industry Mulls Its Options: Usage-Based Billing or Content Provider-Pays Pricing Models

Phillip Dampier April 29, 2014 Competition, Consumer News, Data Caps, Net Neutrality, Online Video, Public Policy & Gov't Comments Off on Cable Industry Mulls Its Options: Usage-Based Billing or Content Provider-Pays Pricing Models

cable showCable industry executives on hand at this year’s Cable Show in Los Angeles are debating whether Netflix has taught the cable industry some important lessons about how to treat its online video competition.

Phil Lind, executive vice president of regulatory affairs at Rogers Communications called Comcast’s peering deal with Netflix a groundbreaking breakthrough on how the Internet will be treated in the future.

Netflix has been forced to compensate the cable and telephone companies for its reliance on their broadband pipes to reach customers.

Mike Fries, president and CEO of Liberty Global said the issue of Net Neutrality relates primarily to online video and the discussion will inevitably come down to choosing between providing a broadband fast lane for content producers willing to pay or adopting usage-based billing that compensates the industry for the growth of streaming video.

Several on the panel disagreed with the contention that Netflix has outmaneuvered the cable industry with a superior on-screen interface and better on-demand content. But Fries said Netflix has achieved more success than the industry’s own TV Everywhere initiative, which unlocks online content for authenticated, paying cable TV subscribers. In addition to unwieldy authentication systems that pester subscribers with frequent log-in demands, content rights issues still dramatically limit the amount of streamed video available from TV Everywhere platforms.

Michael Powell Slams Government Infrastructure Spending; ‘Cable is More Reliable Than Clean Water’

Phillip Dampier April 29, 2014 Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't 3 Comments
Powell: Cable is more reliable than clean water.

Powell: Cable is more reliable than clean water.

Michael Powell, former chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, today slammed government’s attempts to regulate broadband by contrasting the reliability of unregulated cable systems against the government’s performance in maintaining essential utilities and infrastructure.

“It is the Internet’s essential nature that fuels a very heated policy debate that the network cannot be left in private hands and should instead be regulated as a public utility, following the example of the interstate highway system, the electric grid and drinking water,” Powell told attendees at the opening of the Cable Show in Los Angeles. “The intuitive appeal of this argument is understandable, but the potholes visible through your windshield, the shiver you feel in a cold house after a snowstorm knocks out the power, and the water main breaks along your commute should restrain one from embracing the illusory virtues of public utility regulation.”

Powell says the cable industry has done a better job maintaining reliable service than the government’s municipal water, electric utilities, and public road maintenance.

“There are an estimated 240,000 water main breaks per year in need of a trillion-dollar fix in the water system,” Powell said. “In 2011, there were 307 major blackouts. Can you imagine if the Internet blacked-out 300 times a year? One in three roads are in bad shape, while ISP’s have invested $1.3 trillion in their networks since 1996 to make them world-class and at speeds that have increased 1,500 percent in the last decade.”



Powell used to be a part of the government he now criticizes, serving as FCC chairman during the first term of President George W. Bush. He is now the head of the National Cable & Telecommunications Association, the cable industry’s largest trade group.

Powell called the cable industry instrumental to creating a better society.

“I believe the cable industry can and does make the world a better place,” Powell said. “I believe our work is a good business but it also serves a higher purpose. We nurture the soil of modern community, and there lays the hope and opportunity of a better future. We are able stewards of that future. Much is being asked of us and we strive rightfully and earnestly to answer that call.”

Many of the NCTA’s largest members also belong to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a corporate-funded group that opposes increased government spending and oversight.

Comcast and Time Warner Cable have both funded conservative groups dedicated to cutting taxes and reducing government spending.



There are an estimated 240,000 water main breaks per year in need of a trillion-dollar fix in the water system, he said, and the “suffering” electric grid is in desperate need of almost that much–“In 2011, there were 307 major blackouts,” he said. “Can you imagine if the Internet blacked-out 300 times a year?”One in three roads are in bad shape, he added. Meanwhile, ISP’s have invested $1.3 trillion in their networks since 1996 to make them world class and at speeds that have increased 1,500 percent in the last decade.

– See more at: http://www.multichannel.com/news/technology/cable-show-powell-nets-are-conduit-better-society/374220#sthash.CN2vC5TW.dpuf

“It is the Internet’s essential nature that fuels a very heated policy debate that the network cannot be left in private hands and should instead be regulated as a public utility, following the example of the interstate highway system, the electric grid and drinking water,” he told the crowd. “The intuitive appeal of this argument is understandable, but the potholes visible through your windshield, the shiver you feel in a cold house after a snowstorm knocks out the power, and the water main breaks along your commute should restrain one from embracing the illusory virtues of public utility regulation.”



There are an estimated 240,000 water main breaks per year in need of a trillion-dollar fix in the water system, he said, and the “suffering” electric grid is in desperate need of almost that much–“In 2011, there were 307 major blackouts,” he said. “Can you imagine if the Internet blacked-out 300 times a year?”One in three roads are in bad shape, he added. Meanwhile, ISP’s have invested $1.3 trillion in their networks since 1996 to make them world class and at speeds that have increased 1,500 percent in the last decade.

– See more at: http://www.multichannel.com/news/technology/cable-show-powell-nets-are-conduit-better-society/374220#sthash.CN2vC5TW.dpuf

“It is the Internet’s essential nature that fuels a very heated policy debate that the network cannot be left in private hands and should instead be regulated as a public utility, following the example of the interstate highway system, the electric grid and drinking water,” he told the crowd. “The intuitive appeal of this argument is understandable, but the potholes visible through your windshield, the shiver you feel in a cold house after a snowstorm knocks out the power, and the water main breaks along your commute should restrain one from embracing the illusory virtues of public utility regulation.”



There are an estimated 240,000 water main breaks per year in need of a trillion-dollar fix in the water system, he said, and the “suffering” electric grid is in desperate need of almost that much–“In 2011, there were 307 major blackouts,” he said. “Can you imagine if the Internet blacked-out 300 times a year?”One in three roads are in bad shape, he added. Meanwhile, ISP’s have invested $1.3 trillion in their networks since 1996 to make them world class and at speeds that have increased 1,500 percent in the last decade.

– See more at: http://www.multichannel.com/news/technology/cable-show-powell-nets-are-conduit-better-society/374220#sthash.CN2vC5TW.dpuf

Protection Money: Verizon Next to Collect Tribute from Netflix for Trouble-Free Streaming

Phillip Dampier April 29, 2014 Broadband Speed, Competition, Consumer News, Data Caps, Net Neutrality, Online Video, Public Policy & Gov't, Verizon Comments Off on Protection Money: Verizon Next to Collect Tribute from Netflix for Trouble-Free Streaming

netflixpaywallNetflix has reached an agreement with Verizon Communications for a paid-peering interconnection between the two that will help assure Verizon’s broadband customers can watch Netflix content without repeated buffering slowdowns.

It is the second major deal for Netflix where money has changed hands to assure a more error-free experience for customers, coming two months after a similar deal with Comcast.

Both Verizon and AT&T have told their respective shareholders they anticipate new revenue streams from interconnection agreements with Netflix, which now constitutes a large percentage of evening Internet traffic in the United States.

By establishing a more direct connection between Netflix and Verizon, customers should experience fewer streaming problems. Netflix traditionally pays third parties to handle its traffic and some of those shared connections have grown increasingly overcongested. ISPs are becoming increasingly reluctant to upgrade them without financial compensation.

The FCC does not consider peering arrangements part of the Net Neutrality controversy, but for customers the result is the same — without a financial arrangement with a provider, content from certain websites may not be dependably accessible. Earlier this year, Netflix viewing was increasingly disrupted for many Verizon, AT&T, and Comcast customers.

Netflix CEO Reed Hastings has repeatedly complained Netflix is being subjected to an “arbitrary tax” to assure dependable service to its paying customers. Hastings now wants the FCC to treat the issue as an “end run” around Net Neutrality and include peering agreements and financial compensation issues in the new Net Neutrality rules expected to be introduced in May.

Most analysts do not expect FCC chairman Thomas Wheeler to oppose or regulate the financial arrangements between ISPs and content producers.

Cable’s Ancestor.com: Now You Can Trace Back the Origins of Your Higher Cable Bill


Bigger is not better. Despite endless claims that mergers, acquisitions and consolidation brings operating efficiencies and cost savings, for most customers it means only one thing: a higher cable bill. The Wall Street Journal traced the ancestors of some of today’s largest cable operators, cobbled together in takeovers, buyouts, and in the case of Adelphia, criminal activity leading to bankruptcy and absorption by Comcast and Time Warner Cable .

Wall Street analysts are pondering what deals are coming next, with Cablevision, Suddenlink, Mediacom, and Cable ONE all top targets. Among the current players, Charter is by far the most aggressive buyer and will likely be in the market for some or all of those smaller cable systems soon enough. Just remember, someone has to pay for those blockbuster merger deals, debt financing and executive bonuses.

Anyone in their 40s probably can recall companies like Jones, TCI, Falcon, Prime and Media General. They are all long gone, much the same way Bell Atlantic, SBC, Pacific Bell, BellSouth, and Ameritech have been absorbed into the AT&T and Verizon Continuum.

Comcast, Charter Divide Up Time Warner Cable Customers – Find Out Who Will Serve You

Phillip Dampier April 29, 2014 Charter Spectrum, Comcast/Xfinity, Competition, Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't, Video Comments Off on Comcast, Charter Divide Up Time Warner Cable Customers – Find Out Who Will Serve You

comcast twcIf you are a Time Warner Cable customer, one of four things will happen by this time next year:

  1. You will still be a Time Warner Cable customer if regulators shoot down its merger with Comcast;
  2. You will be a Comcast customer;
  3. You will be a Charter Communications customer;
  4. You will be served by a brand new cable company temporarily dubbed “SpinCo,” owned partly by Comcast but managed by Charter.

Comcast and Charter this week reached an agreement on how to handle the 3.9 million Time Warner Cable customers Comcast intends to spin-off to keep its total subscriber numbers at a level they believe will appease regulators. The transaction will affect Time Warner customers in the midwest the most, particularly former Insight Cable customers.


Charter Communications will say goodbye to customers in California, New England, northern Georgia, Texas, North Carolina, Oregon, Washington, Virginia and parts of Tennessee. Most of those customers will now be served by Comcast. Among the regions affected: New York, Boston, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Northern/Southern California, and Atlanta.

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WISN Milwaukee First Comcast Now Charter 4-28-14.flv[/flv]

WISN in Milwaukee reports Time Warner Cable customers there were just getting used to the idea of Comcast and they are not happy service will be provided by Charter Communications instead. (2:03)

Comcast and Time Warner Cable will in turn give up many of its cable systems in the midwest, either transferring them to Charter or the “SpinCo” venture managed by Charter.

twc charterCharter will take over directly in Ohio, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Indiana and Alabama.

If you are a Comcast or Time Warner Cable customer next to a current Charter service area in Michigan, Minnesota, Indiana, Alabama, Eastern Tennessee, Kentucky or Wisconsin, chances are you will end up a subscriber of the “SpinCo” venture. That will prove a distinction without much difference to customers, because Charter will manage the day-to-day operations of the new cable company and has the right to eventually acquire it outright.

With the exception of a small handful of systems in western sections of Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina, all of New England, New York, and the mid-Atlantic region will be serviced by Comcast.

With the exception of Cablevision in eastern New York, Comcast will be the dominant cable provider across New York State from Manhattan to Buffalo.

With the exception of Cablevision in eastern New York, Comcast will be the dominant cable provider across New York State from Manhattan to Buffalo.

The agreement also includes a commitment by Charter to drop its opposition to the Time Warner Cable/Comcast merger.

“Today’s announcement from Comcast would, in essence, lead to the creation of a three-company cable cartel. Masquerading as subscriber divestitures, the agreement with Charter brings together the three largest cable providers, who account for 38% of cable subscribers and 45% of Internet subscribers,” the Writers Guild of America West said in a statement. “The decision of these three powerful companies to divide markets and share ownership of subscribers through a new publicly traded corporation is unprecedented and adds to the mounting evidence against the Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger.”

The transaction is expected to be tax-free and will happen in three stages:

  • Asset Sale: Charter acquires systems serving around 1.4 million former TWC customers for an estimated $7.3 billion in cash;
  • Asset Transfer: Charter and Comcast transfer assets in a tax-free exchange involving around 1.6 million former TWC customers and about 1.6 million Charter customers;
  • Asset Spin-off: Comcast will spin-off a new entity (“SpinCo”) composed of cable systems serving around 2.5 million Comcast customers to its shareholders, with Charter acquiring close to 33% of the equity of SpinCo in exchange for 13% of the equity of a new holding company of Charter.

Charter Communications would become the nation’s second largest cable operator if the deal is approved, owning outright systems with an estimated 5.7 million video customers and managing an extra 2.5 million SpinCo customers, together totaling more than 8.2 million video customers.

Comcast wanted the deal done quickly so it could begin lobbying Washington and other regulators with detailed divestiture plans to keep Comcast’s total subscribers to less than 30% of the national cable market.

Although Comcast will face tough competition in Time Warner Cable territories also served by Verizon FiOS, Charter and its managed SpinCo will compete primarily with AT&T U-verse. Just 1% of Charter’s territory is expected to see competition from Verizon’s fiber network.

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Bloomberg Divesting Comcast Subs 4-28-14.flv[/flv]

Comcast agreed to divest 3.9 million customers to Charter Communications, potentially helping to ease the approval process for its merger with Time Warner Cable. Media Morph Chairman and Chief Strategist Shahid Khan and Bloomberg’s Paul Sweeney speaks on Bloomberg Television’s “In The Loop.” (6:23)

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