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Virgin Mobile’s Unlimited Broadband2Go Service Reviewed; Had Cap of 400GB per Month Until We Complained

It’s alive.

After a day or so of stumbling, Sprint-owned Virgin Mobile’s prepaid, unlimited Broadband2Go service went live early this morning, and Stop the Cap! gave it a try and has some tips to share to save you time and money.

More importantly, a “hidden soft usage cap” of 400GB a month, visible early this morning, disappeared by this afternoon after we made inquiries about whether “400GB” actually meant “unlimited.”  More on that below.

Buying Advice

Virgin Mobile keeps it simple with two mobile broadband devices — the Ovation MC760 ($79.99), about the size of a USB flash drive and the MiFi 2200 ($149.99), a portable “hotspot” that connects to Virgin Mobile’s wireless broadband 3G network and then converts the signal into standard Wi-Fi to share with up to five nearby computers.

We tested Broadband2Go using the Ovation MC760.

Virgin Mobile's USB modems are about the size of a typical USB Flash Memory device

Our first recommendation is to hurry on down to Radio Shack if you intend to purchase Broadband2Go service.  Best Buy, the other retailer selling the service, inexplicably sells the Ovation MC760 for $99.99, twenty dollars more than Virgin Mobile charges itself.  We didn’t bother to check Best Buy’s in-store price which might be lower because we put together a far better deal at Radio Shack.

You can manage to grab the MC760 for as low as $59.99 by following these steps:

  1. If you are new to Radio Shack’s website, your first visit to their homepage should bring a “pop-up” offering $10 off your next purchase of $40 or more (if it doesn’t try clearing out your cookies or launching the site from a different web browser).  Simply supply an e-mail address new to Radio Shack and in a few minutes the coupon will arrive in your inbox.  It can be printed and redeemed in-store or used online.  This cuts the price of the MC760 to $69.99.  But wait, there’s more.
  2. Until August 28th, Radio Shack is running a sale offering a $10 instant discount off the MC760.  We first saw this online, but when we visited a local Radio Shack store, we found the same savings in-store.  That brings the price down further to $59.99 because you can combine the coupon with the instant savings, until it expires Saturday night.
  3. Many Radio Shack stores insist that you buy at least $10 in “top-up” funds when buying the MC760.  Although this increases your out-the-door price, it’s money you would spend anyway for the $40 a month service.  An incredibly long receipt will print at the register, including your PIN activation number to redeem your “top-up” funds on Virgin Mobile’s website.

Radio Shack offers up to $20 off the Ovation MC760 - $10 off for responding to this pop-up on their website and another $10 instant discount good until Saturday night.

Radio Shack stores stock both the old box-format packaging for the MC760, and a newer plastic security-sealed “clamshell” package (the one you’ll slice your fingers on when trying to get the thing open.)  There is no real difference between the two other than the packaging.

Getting It Activated

Although Virgin Mobile claims the Ovation MC760 works with Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Mac OS X, 10.3 & higher, we found advice for Mac owners using older versions of the OS.  Check out this information for how to bootstrap the MC760 to work with your older Mac computer (your results may vary and don’t expect Virgin Mobile technical support to provide assistance.)  Linux users using Ubuntu found some success installing the MC760 as well from this website and this blog.  Let Google be your friend if you are running an unsupported operating system.

For new Virgin Mobile customers, the activation process is very simple.  You just plug in the device and the included software will automatically load and prompt you for installation.  After the process is complete, you will see a connection manager pop up.  Your first indication of signal strength will also be apparent, but do not be alarmed by the indicator showing only a connection to Sprint’s 1xRTT network.  Users do not access Sprint’s faster 3G EV-DO Revision A network until activation is complete.

Several slowly loading screens will appear during activation asking for your contact information, the zip code of where you intend to use the service the most, and payment details.  At the end, you are assigned a broadband “phone number” which serves as your account number, based on the zip code you provided earlier.

Things get complicated, however, for existing Virgin Mobile customers.  Many of those who anticipated the arrival of the service and pre-loaded their voice accounts with additional “top up” funds will discover there is no way for Virgin Mobile to activate your Broadband2Go service under your existing Virgin Mobile account.  A separate, new account must be established for the broadband service.

However, with the help of a customer service representative, you can transfer funds between your existing voice account and your new Broadband2Go account.  You’ll need to call a special toll-free number which will take you directly to Broadband2Go’s customer service department — 1-877-877-8443.  At the voice prompts, indicate you are a new customer and that you want “tech support.”  Expect at least 10 minutes of hold time and an overseas call center representative to answer.  There is no elevator music on hold with Virgin Mobile either.  You’ll hear plenty of rap and alternative music mixed with greetings from current hit artists.

The tech support representative will handle your Broadband2Go activation over the phone.  Have the device and a pen and paper handy.  Allow 10-15 minutes minimum for the representative to gather information or transfer details from your existing account to the new account.  The tech support rep will then transfer your call to the business office to handle the transfer of funds between accounts.

Our Experience

Phonenews also discovered Virgin Mobile's "unlimited" service had a 400GB usage cap this morning...

After activation, the device reset and we found ourselves suddenly connected to Sprint’s EV-DO network with an average of three bars of signal strength.  Sprint’s nearest tower is about 0.75 miles away from our home in a flat terrain residential area.  Still, we found indoors the signal level could decline to the point the connection fell back to the far slower 1xRTT connection.  Outdoors, the connection manager’s signal level spiked to full strength.

Although Virgin Mobile sells the service as “unlimited,” the website included a usage counter this morning that stated we had just over 400GB of usage remaining.  While extraordinarily generous, that’s still not “unlimited” in our book and we asked Virgin Mobile about it.  Their explanation? It was a “soft usage cap,” and although they didn’t expect anyone to actually hit that level of usage on a relatively slow broadband connection, if they did, customer service would reset it to zero upon request.  We asked why it was included at all on an unlimited service?  We were told it was a software issue — the website was designed for usage-limited broadband measurement.  Considering the performance of 3G wireless networks, it’s not likely many would ever hit it, especially because you would need to be running traffic almost continuously across the connection to reach it.

Nevertheless, we’re pleased to report that as of this afternoon, the 400GB limit is gone, replaced by a usage counter that plainly states “unlimited.”  We applaud Virgin Mobile for rapidly responding to concerns that “unlimited” didn’t actually mean “unlimited.”

...but not for long. As of this afternoon, even that generous usage cap was gone.

One concerned reader dropped a note to Stop the Cap! wondering about something seen in the terms and conditions about “unlimited mobile Internet (but not unlimited downloaded content).”  We couldn’t find those terms and conditions, and if they were included as part of the online activation process, that’s something we missed as we had to activate by phone.  We can only think that may have something to do with the company’s Acceptable Use Policy for data products.  Like other wireless providers, Virgin Mobile does not want customers using their service for “web camera posts or broadcasts, automatic data feeds, automated machine-to-machine connections or peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing or other systems that drive continuous heavy traffic or data sessions.”  P2P traffic, in particular, is usually a painful experience for both the wireless user and provider.  These kinds of terms and conditions are commonly found in wireless provider agreements.  We’d have a problem with Virgin Mobile if they joined some wireless ISP’s in banning use of online video, but they have not.

So does Virgin Mobile’s marketing of its unlimited Broadband2Go service pass the Stop the Cap! Honest Marketing Test?

The company claims: “Speed varies based on location and coverage with average downlink data speeds between 600 and 1400Kbps. Virgin Mobile does not restrict your speeds based on data usage caps.”

At first glance, we suspected that 600Kbps speed might be a little higher than what real-world users would actually encounter.  Signal strength can steal a lot of speed and if Sprint’s nearest cell tower encounters heavy usage at peak times, speeds can drop dramatically.

We ran several speed tests from different server locations, because results can vary dramatically.  Here is what we found from our location in Rochester, N.Y.:

Speedtest.net recommended a speed test server in the San Francisco area. Our first test showed reasonable 3G speeds.

Interestingly, using a local speed test site showed better downstream results, although upload speeds suffered somewhat.

Finally, a speed test result using a Los Angeles test server that performed well.

Virgin Mobile’s speed and marketing claims do pass the Honest Marketing Test, although we feel they should more openly disclose the ban on P2P traffic.  It’s likely not enforced, if only because most users would grow impatient with the poor results.  Although we have not had a chance to test the robustness of Sprint’s data network and how well it hands off data signals between tower sites or peak usage, the browsing experience was definitely superior to that of the other wireless broadband service we tested — Cricket Wireless.  The speeds were better, too.

There is no way to tell whether Virgin Mobile’s owner Sprint will ultimately be able to sustain the service should a flood of new customers saturate their 3G network.  It’s a shame that although Virgin Mobile uses Sprint’s network, they do not currently allow access to Sprint’s much-faster 4G network.

Our Recommendation

For those lucky enough to have good wireless signal coverage from Sprint and are currently stuck with Hughes or Wildblue satellite fraudband service — your day has come.  Stop the Cap! can heartily recommend Virgin Mobile’s unlimited service as a great alternative to either provider.  We can also recommend this service to those stuck on .768-1.5Mbps DSL, especially if the phone company is charging you more than $40 a month for tortoise-slow DSL service.  For those on the go, this is also a great choice, assuming where you go is within Sprint’s coverage area.  Broadband2Go can even provide an effective backup if your primary Internet provider goes down.  But we do not recommend it as a replacement for higher speed DSL, cable, or fiber delivered broadband.

Because Sprint’s coverage is more spotty than AT&T or Verizon, it is important to consider where you will use the service.  Those on the edge of coverage areas may experience considerably poorer service, or none at all, when indoors.  Sprint locates their towers inside major metropolitan areas and along major highways that connect those communities.  If you are uncertain whether Broadband2Go will work where you want to use it, you can consider buying the MC760 with $10 worth of usage, which will provide 100MB of usage within 10 days.  If it doesn’t work well for you, return the modem and be out only $10 worth of usage.

Those who like the service can either top-up your account automatically to cover the $40 monthly fee with no interruption in service, or just pay for the service when you need it.  There is no activation/re-activation fee.

Overall, our first impressions are positive, although we wished existing Virgin Mobile customers could link the service to their existing accounts.  Over the next few days, we’ll take the service on the road and see how it fares.

Verizon Wireless Uses Tricky Math to Prove Paying More Saves You More

Verizon Wireless customers increasingly confront mandatory data plans costing $10-30 a month even if they don't intend to use their phones to access data services

An increasing number of Verizon Wireless customers at the end of their two-year contracts are suspended in time, unwilling to upgrade their phones because of costly mandated data plans that dramatically boost cellular phone bills, especially if everyone in the family wants an improved phone.

Kathy Vega, who lives in Rotterdam, N.Y., is just one example.

She complained to the Albany Times Union she’s effectively trapped with her old phone, an LG enV, because any upgrade will expose her to new mandatory data plans costing as much as $30 extra per month.

She’s been a satisfied Verizon Wireless customer for years. She also has Verizon Internet service, a Verizon e-mail address and a Verizon land line at home. She’s been a virtual walking, talking advertisement for the company’s products and services.

That’s why Vega was so irked by Verizon’s response when she tried to replace her enV phone and add a second one for her stepfather for free, thanks to a Father’s Day promotion the company was running.

Vega recalls that she was told that she’d have to pay another $30 each month for a “media pack” that would provide Internet and e-mail access.

It’s not clear to her now whether the additional price quoted to her was actually $30 per phone, which was her understanding at the time, or a total additional cost of $30 per month, based on a $9.99 data plan for each phone.

The Maroon enV model like hers on Verizon’s Web site now requires a data package costing “$9.99 or higher.”

The exact amount is almost irrelevant, as far as Vega is concerned. She just doesn’t see why she should have to pay for services she doesn’t use — especially since she wants the same phone she already has with no data charge.

[flv width=”480″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Loyal Verizon customer laments plan – The Advocate 8-19-10.flv[/flv]

Kathy Vega explains her plight to the Albany Times Union Advocate.  (1 minute)

Good luck.

Verizon Wireless, like AT&T, is increasingly exposing loyal customers like Vega to hidden rate increases in the form of mandatory service add-ons, in this case to cover data usage.  While Verizon’s most basic cell phones are still free from these fees, the phones most popular with consumers these days all come with bill busting add-on requirements.

Vega pays $116 a month for cell phone service now.  Verizon’s salespeople don’t always volunteer the company offers a lower usage data plan for $10, so assuming she follows the path laid before her by Verizon’s in-store staff, she could face quite a rate hike.

Confronted with her options, Vega is toughing it out with her current phone and an expired contract — like many other Verizon Wireless customers.

For those who have been loyal to Verizon for years, it’s galling to find higher priced monthly bills when it’s time to renew a contract and upgrade a phone.

Jen Smith said she was peeved when she learned of the new data program and associated costs.

“It’s sickening. I also hate that they have no customer loyalty. We have been with Verizon since they took over for Bell Atlantic Mobile in the area (~11 years ago). We have six phones and spend about $320 a month for them. You’d think we’d get a little better service for that, or a free accessory or some little perk, or heck, even a polite customer service specialist, but nope,” she writes.

Reader Sarah discovered the same thing, and she headed out the door to Sprint:

“This is exactly why I left Verizon over a year ago. I wanted a Palm. I didn’t want the data plan. Even though you can put a block on the phone to prevent the “unintentional use” of the data plan, they refuse to sell any smart phone without a data plan. So I had to go to Sprint. Can’t say I’m totally pleased with Sprint, but at least I could get what I wanted, and that was no data.”

For Verizon spokesman John O’Malley, it’s all a matter of doing some math.

He told the Times Union’s Cathy Woodruff, who serves as the newspaper’s consumer advocate, mandating data plans actually saves customers from unexpectedly high bills. He described circumstances where many owners of such devices had been racking up unexpected charges, suffering bill shock from Verizon’s punitive charge of $1.99 per megabite of data consumed.

“Customers who purchase these phones tend to take full advantage of the phone’s capabilities for surfing the Web, checking e-mail, etc.,” O’Malley said. “We’ve seen that those customers use an average of 17 megabytes of data per month. At our pay-as-you-go rate of $1.99 per megabite, that would cost them more than $30 a month.”

The $9.99 data feature provides up to 25 megabytes of data per month, which would cost nearly $50 under the old pricing policy, which makes the package “more cost effective,” he said.

Woodruff argued it won’t save any money for customers who don’t use data services.

But beyond that, we contend O’Malley’s math only works when using Verizon’s numbers.

It was Verizon Wireless that set the price of $1,990 per gigabyte of usage for “occasional users.”  Had Verizon chosen pricing more reflective of its actual costs, consumers finding an extra dollar or two on their bill for a piddly 17 megabytes of data would still leave Verizon fat and happy, more than covering their costs.  By inflating accidental and occasional use pricing into the ionosphere, O’Malley has a stronger argument to sell customers mandatory data plans that protect them from data pricing traps created by Verizon itself.

Overpricing data plans for loyal Verizon Wireless customers who can’t or won’t jump for joy at the prospect of spending $100 a month or more for a single cell phone with data service are now shopping around for better deals.  Unfortunately, they won’t find them at AT&T, who generally charges the same prices Verizon does.  But the financially-stressed consumer can find savings if they are willing to explore the second-tier of carriers, ranging from Sprint and T-Mobile and prepaid plans that require no contract.

Sprint promotes itself as a better value than larger carriers AT&T and Verizon

Sprint is banking on Verizon and AT&T overplaying their hand and overcharging their customers.  With Sprint’s newest handset hit — the HTV Evo, which also works on Sprint’s slowly growing 4G network, the company is attracting another look by advanced smartphone users.  Sprint’s latest marketing also targets families weary of tricks and traps from their cell phone provider, especially usage-limits and allowances.  Sprint bundles more services into its unlimited plans than other carriers, and its prepaid unit, Virgin Mobile, is no longer limiting wireless broadband usage on its 3G network.

Sprint’s biggest challenges to regain its top-tier footing come from years of bad customer service which company CEO Dan Hesse now assures is behind them, and a considerably more limited coverage area that simply cannot compare to AT&T and Verizon.

But for customers like Vega, being able to use the phone she wants and not pay gotcha fees for services she doesn’t use may be enough to compel a switch. 

Verizon isn’t fooling her.


As Woodruff observes, “it seems foolish for Verizon to close out options for loyal customers, though, at a time when options can be such a strong selling point.”

“I just think (Verizon’s data package) is their way of building it to create more revenue, which I understand,” Vega told Woodruff, “but the customer should have a choice.”

She is so right.

Cathy Woodruff is known to Times Union readers as The Advocate.  Cathy covers telecommunications issues regularly in her column which appears twice-weekly in the newspaper.  She has covered the capital region of New York around Albany for more than 25 years, becoming The Advocate in July, 2009.  She grew up in Herkimer County in upstate New York. Her column is highly recommended.

Big Telecom Associates With Overheated, Industry-Backed Bloggers to Stop Reform

from: Progress & Freedom Foundation website


Pro-broadband reform groups continue to hit the telecommunications industry’s last nerve.  While the fight for more expansive broadband and Net Neutrality continues, some providers and their water-carrying friends are pulling out all the stops to keep broadband under the firm grasp of a phone and cable duopoly.  Both will say or do just about anything along the way to stop consumer-friendly reform.

Say hello to Mike Wendy.  He’s made it his personal mission to “expose” groups promoting broadband reform as “radicals” and “hardcore entrenched lobbyists.”  Using rhetoric that will resonate with angry talk radio listeners, Wendy is convinced broadband policies that enforce the public interest and Net Neutrality are akin to a Marxist takeover.  While Wendy calls on good Americans like himself to man the barricades protecting AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, and Time Warner Cable, he just doesn’t have time to mention he happens to work for a special interest group funded by Big Telecom.  Maybe it slipped his mind?

Wendy’s ironically named “Media Freedom” blog is chock full of attacks on “Free Press and the radical media reformistas [sic].”  Special guest stars include Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, Marxism, collectivism, and a whole slew of rhetoric that ultimately tells readers efforts to enact broadband reform are little more than a grand socialist conspiracy.

A real grassroots campaign is run for and by consumers. An astroturf campaign is bought and paid for by corporate interests to push their own agenda.

His visitors’ enthusiasm for such accusations might be diminished a tad had Wendy prominently disclosed his day job: Vice President of Press & External Affairs at the Progress & Freedom Foundation, a “think tank” that ingests money from Big Telecom and then spews forth their talking points.  Among the backers: AT&T, Comcast, the National Cable and Telecommunications Association, Time Warner Cable and Verizon.

That takes the wind out of the proclamation that Media Freedom is a bulwark against those who “threaten to quash speech and economic freedoms.”  Wendy isn’t working for Big Government.  He’s working for the interests of AT&T and Comcast.

Many of the companies supporting the Progress & Freedom Foundation have a vested interest in maintaining today’s barely-competitive broadband marketplace, avoid oversight, and stop reform regulation and legislation dead in its tracks.  They want Progress only on their terms and the Freedom to do whatever they please.

The real chutzpah moment came when Wendy claimed pro-consumer groups like Free Press and Public Knowledge were the ones running high-powered lobbying campaigns.  That’s a pot to kettle moment to behold, especially considering who paid to print Wendy’s business cards.  From a recent blog post:

The “public interest” lobby makes itself out to be the tireless, country-poor underdog for the downtrodden consumer.  But don’t be fooled.  In the technology space, three such groups – Public Knowledge, Media Access Project and Free Press – have few rivals.  Their humble appearance belies their take-no-prisoners, oftentimes shameless, below-the-belt approach to public policy formation and gamesmanship.  How do they do it?  They use all the tools, and then some, to make them every bit as sophisticated as the largest companies they’re trying to undermine.

Shameless and “below-the-belt” might better define Wendy’s last job: “Director of Grassroots” for the United States Telecom Association, a job title that literally defines astroturf-in-action. Who is on the board of USTA?  Among others, corporate executives and lobbyists for AT&T, Verizon, Qwest, and two members who shouldn’t be able to afford the annual dues considering their employers went bankrupt — Hawaiian Telcom and FairPoint Communications.

Wendy’s line of thinking is evident soon enough from his blog’s tag cloud, a regular cocktail of conspiracy:

The ironically named "Media Freedom" blog isn't media and its freedom is limited to carrying water for the nation's largest telecom companies.

  • Al Franken (the broadband industry’s ‘Boogie Man’)
  • Cyber-Collectivist (the secret link between broadband and Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
  • Fairness Doctrine (guaranteed to perk up the ears of any conservative talk radio fan wandering through)
  • First Amendment (for corporations)
  • Freedom (for said corporations to abuse your wallet)
  • Free Speech (for corporations)
  • Hugo Chavez (the go-to-guy for lazy smear-by-association rhetoric)
  • Marxist (chalkboard time)
  • New Deal (broadband users sure want one)
  • … and redistributionism (something overheard at the last session of the “Communications Comintern?”)

The rhetoric is two parts AT&T to one part 1970s Radio Tirana, Albania.  A Glenn Beck swizzle stick labeled “Marxism” is included to stir the overheated rhetoric into a hot mess for Verizon and the cable lobby.

All of the “isms” aside, we’ve created a convenient, handy-dandy chart you can use to see which team Wendy and his group really supports:

Distinctions With a Difference – A Telecommunications Issue Checklist

Issue Reform Groups Big Telecom “Media Freedom”
Universal Service Mandate – Service for Everyone At a Fair Price Favor Oppose Oppose
Speed Throttles/Network Management That Favors Premium Content Oppose Favor Favor
Net Neutrality Favor Oppose Oppose
Reduce Concentrated Ownership of Media/Telecom Favor Oppose Oppose
Allow Cable Customers to Pick, Choose, and Pay for Their Own Channels Favor Oppose Oppose
Public Interest Mandates for Local Radio & Television Favor Oppose Oppose
Usage Limits/Internet Overcharging Mostly Oppose Favor Favor
Source for “Media Freedom” views: The Battle for Media Freedom

Virgin Mobile Introducing Unlimited Mobile Wireless Broadband $40 A Month on Sprint Network

Phillip Dampier August 23, 2010 Data Caps, Sprint, Video, Virgin Mobile, Wireless Broadband 4 Comments

Virgin Mobile, Sprint’s prepaid wireless division, will introduce big changes to their mobile broadband pricing as early as tomorrow, including an unlimited mobile broadband plan for $40 a month.

While the fine print is not yet available for review, if Sprint defines “unlimited” the way dictionaries do, the introduction of unlimited access for $40 a month represents a major departure among carriers who are increasing mobile data pricing or slapping usage limits or speed throttles on customers.

Virgin Mobile noted some of their customers are replacing their home wired broadband connections with the company’s own wireless broadband option, and the new unlimited pricing plan makes that a realistic option for some consumers who can live with Sprint’s current 3G network speeds.  Virgin Mobile customers currently do not have access to Sprint’s Clearwire 4G network.

Virgin Mobile’s new Broadband2Go price plans were leaked on their Facebook page over the weekend:

Virgin Mobile's Broadband2Go Plans have been simplified into one occasional use budget plan and unlimited service for $40 a month

The new pricing departs from old pricing models that included four tiers of service, none unlimited, sold by anticipated data usage:

Virgin Mobile's old Broadband2Go delivered usage limits and forced consumers to guess at how much of a usage allowance they would need.

Virgin Mobile’s new flat rate mobile broadband data plan reflects increasingly aggressive pricing in the prepaid wireless business.  While other carriers place limits of up to 5GB on usage — typically sold for $60 a month, Virgin Mobile’s plan is fully $20 less per month and offers unlimited access.

The service is sold on a month-to-month basis with no contract requirement or credit check.  If the service does not meet one’s needs, customers can just walk away at the end of the month.

Virgin Mobile uses Sprint’s CDMA network, which offers reasonable coverage in metropolitan areas but is much spottier outside of population centers.

In the northeastern United States, Sprint's data network extends to large communities and major highways, but routinely skips smaller towns and isolated areas. For example, Virgin Mobile offers almost no service in northern New England. In upstate New York, service becomes spotty beyond the cities of Albany, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, and the highways that connect them. There's almost no coverage in northern Pennsylvania, West Virginia, or eastern Kentucky either.

Virgin Mobile, formerly a reseller of Sprint’s network but now owned outright by them, has repositioned itself to emphasize “worry-free, unlimited service” for consumers who do not want to count calls, minutes, or megabytes.  Their latest marketing campaign pushes “crazy” low pricing, while calling out larger carriers charging up to $99 a month for the same service as “stupid.”

Virgin Mobile’s new pricing is expected to become effective Tuesday and will create a shakeup in the prepaid mobile broadband sector.  Perhaps no carrier is at bigger risk of losing mobile data customers than Cricket Wireless, which recently increased pricing on its mobile broadband service delivered on a far smaller network.

Virgin Mobile’s new pricing represents a far good deal for consumers and dispenses with usage limits.  The only downside is that Virgin Mobile customers will have to buy new modems — an Ovation MC760 for $79.99 or the MiFi 2200 Mobile Hotspot, which lets up to five users share a Virgin Mobile 3G connection over Wi-Fi, for $149.99.  These are available on Virgin Mobile’s website or in Best Buy stores.

[flv width=”640″ height=”500″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/The Crazy Life by Virgin Mobile – Full Version.flv[/flv]

Virgin Mobile’s “The Crazy Life” campaign is certain to be noticed amidst other, more subdued, advertising.  It promotes Virgin Mobile’s embrace of unlimited calling and data plans.  (1 minute)

Verizon Wireless Testing ‘Unlimited Everything’ for $99 in Los Angeles and San Diego

Verizon has decided Sprint is worth competing with again, so the nation’s largest wireless carrier has started testing unlimited calling plans that deliver Verizon’s network at Sprint’s prices.

So far the unlimited plans are only available in two markets – Los Angeles and San Diego, and represents a $20 discount off regular monthly pricing:

Verizon Service Plan Regular Price Test Market Price
Nationwide Talk & Text Unlimited 89.99 69.99
with Unlimited Data Add-On 119.98 99.99

The $99.99 price is no coincidence. That happens to match pricing for Sprint’s Simply Everything and T-Mobile’s Individual Talk + Text + Web plans which both sell for $99.99 per month.

Verizon’s price cut experiment may be a reaction to Sprint’s new marketing that stresses it will not usage cap smartphone customers, and charges a lower price for more services.

Most Verizon customers in the two California cities will learn about the new pricing in Verizon retail outlets and through the company’s website.

Although the new pricing seems attractive, there is a mass of fine print which may temper your enthusiasm:

  1. The lower pricing is only good for Individual plans.  You cannot get the savings on a Family Plan.
  2. No monthly access discounts, available through many employers, are permitted.
  3. There is a $35 activation fee.
  4. Tolls, taxes, surcharges and other fees, such as E911 and gross receipt charges, vary by market and as of August 1, 2010, add between 5% and 39% to your monthly bill and are in addition to your monthly access fees and airtime charges.
  5. Monthly Federal Universal Service Charge on interstate & international telecom charges (varies quarterly based on FCC rate) is 13.6% per line.
  6. The Verizon Wireless monthly Regulatory Charge (subject to change) is 13¢ per line.
  7. Monthly Administrative Charge (subject to change) is 83¢ per line.

Thanks to Stop the Cap! reader Scott for the news tip.

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