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What Happens When a Verizon Wireless Dealer Forgets to Hang Up: “Selling Lies!”

Phillip Dampier June 9, 2015 Competition, Consumer News, Verizon, Video, Wireless Broadband 2 Comments
Wireless World of Emerson

Wireless World of Emerson

A Verizon Wireless salesman that left a voicemail message offering a customer a new service plan that could save her money forgot to hang up the phone when he finished his message and broke into song singing, “Lies, lies, lies, selling lies” while criticizing his co-workers for reneging on the savings he promises.

“David” from the “Verizon Wireless Store” called Kristin Capone because she had evidently bought a phone from him last year.

“I’m just calling my customers letting them know that earlier this month there were changes in the price plan and there is a chance I can save you money,” David offered.

After thanking her for her time, the employee at Wireless World of Emerson, a “Premium Verizon Dealer” in Emerson, N.J., did not bother to hang up, and had some choice words for Capone and his co-workers that Capone shared on YouTube.

“Lies! Lies! Lies!,” David sang. “Selling lies. Can’t save her a f@@@ing dime. Come in, we’ll save you some money. Just like that. She comes in, sees to one of you guys. You guys look in and say, oh no, there’s nothing we can do and then I end up looking like a dou@@e and then she won’t want to buy.”

“David” seems to acknowledge his bad attitude at the end of the message.

“I’m being a crabby car salesman.”

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Crabby Verizon Salesman Forgets to Hang Up.mp4[/flv]

A public relations headache for Verizon Wireless as one of its “premium dealers” decides to dismiss promises of savings as “selling lies.” (Warning: Contains profanity.) (1:42)

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Paul Houle
Paul Houle
9 years ago

Back in the day one of the best franchises you could get was to run a cell phone shop under the “Verizon” name. I had a co-worker who’d been lucky enough to get the rights for one and it was practically a license to print money. There is one of these at the local mall which is always busy but in my experience the service is awful. I went there to reactivate a prepaid phone that had lapsed and waited in line for half an hour and then they guy was (i) unable to reactivate the phone successfully, and (ii)… Read more »

9 years ago

That’s been my experience as well. We have a local franchise here and the service is awful, I found it interesting that they’re allowed to have outdoor signage showing the Verizon logo 10x larger than the incredibly small reseller name right below it in my city so it appears that they’re a real Verizon store.

It just makes Verizon look bad in the end and hurts sales. AT&T has really picked up their act acting a lot more like Apple stores.

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