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Comcast Deletes Ogden, Ill., Local Government Website

Phillip Dampier May 14, 2015 Comcast/Xfinity, Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't 2 Comments

delThe village of Ogden, Ill., no longer has an official website. Comcast deleted it without warning.

Like many of America’s smallest towns and villages, Ogden relies on web space from its Internet Service Provider to host the community government’s website.

Except, as Mayor Jack Reiner reports, Comcast no longer supports business or government websites hosted through a broadband account and it simply disappeared one day.

The village is now attempting to reconstruct the site and considering the cost of alternative providers.

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9 years ago

Just another example of why Comcast has such a bad reputation with its customers! Comcast must be so large and tone deaf, that they don’t worry about little things like this. However, this is NOT a little thing to people in Ogden. Ogden is a small town of around 800 people. In a small town, you do not treat your customers(neighbors) this way without talking to them first. And, then you try to work something out. In a small town, you learn to treat people under the Golden Rule. If you don’t, then your family will have a black eye… Read more »

9 years ago

Let’s face it, Comcast is a big festering boil on the @$s of humanity. It’s the zenith of corruption and crony capitalism. It’s what happens when politicians and regulators get into bed with monopolies and oligopolies, and it ain’t a pretty sight.

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