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Comcast’s “New and Improved” Customer Service: Sign Non-Disclosure Agreement or No $600 Refund!

Phillip Dampier May 7, 2015 Comcast/Xfinity, Consumer News, Video 2 Comments

comcastA Pennsylvania couple overcharged over $600 for a cable box they returned more than five years ago got nowhere repeatedly calling Comcast customer service about a refund and only got a response from the cable company when they took their story to a local Philadelphia TV station’s troubleshooter.

Comcast’s response? “We will issue an even $600 credit” -if- the Lehman family agreed to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement promising to keep the refund a secret and stay off the evening news.

“I think they are horrible to their customers,” Carol Lehman told WPVI-6’s Action News Troubleshooters in Philadelphia, Comcast’s corporate hometown. “I am not happy about it, that’s over $600.”

ndaIsolated case? Think again. Tim Hershey in Sicklerville, N.J., told WPVI he was charged for more than five years for a returned cable box himself.

The Cameron family added Comcast charged them for an extra month of service after the company said they did not turn in their cable box either.

“The problem is their customer service needs to be fixed – I mean there’s something radically wrong,” said Sienna Cameron.

All three families spent years pursuing refunds from Comcast to no avail.

“Dealing with them is like banging your head against the wall – you get nowhere,” said John Lehman.

“Over and over – every time I’d have to go through the whole thing,” said Ronald Cameron.

Comcast’s demand the Lehman family sign an agreement to keep their mouths shut before getting a refund was left in a voicemail message, promptly replayed for viewers on the evening news, leading to an embarrassed response from Comcast that new and improved customer service was on the way.

“We have apologized to our customers and these issues have since been resolved to their satisfaction,” a Comcast spokesperson told the station. “This week, Comcast announced plans to significantly improve the customer experience, and those efforts will go a long way to prevent the experiences these customers went through last year.”

WPVI’s consumer reporter remains skeptical.

“Keep your receipt,” said Nydia Han, noting the station receives more complaints about Comcast than any other company.

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9 years ago

How many times can Comcast “improve” its customer service before it becomes clear that they aren’t doing anything to improve it? I mean, come on! These are isolated incidents. Every single week there is some story about Comcast’s customer service screwing over a customer in some brand new way.

9 years ago
Reply to  Duffin

Let’s improve Customer Service by holding Service at bay until they sign a Nondisclosure agreement. Seems they are fixing the issue by making Customers not able to report the Issues at all. When the Corrupt become more Corrupt it just goes Downhill from there.

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