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AT&T Expands 75Mbps U-verse Speeds in Seven Cities, But You Probably Don’t Qualify to Get Them

Phillip Dampier February 10, 2015 AT&T, Broadband Speed, Competition, Consumer News 5 Comments

75_internet_7_new_cities_blogAT&T Speed Increases to the Press Release are back, and an AT&T installer in Cleveland tells us you probably don’t qualify to get them just yet.

This week, AT&T has announced something less than gigabit broadband (High Speed Internet 75 – up to 75Mbps) for seven of its service areas:

  • Augusta, Ga.
  • Charleston, S.C.
  • Cleveland, Ohio
  • Columbus, Ohio
  • Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
  • Miami, Fla.
  • St. Louis, Mo.

“Introductory prices for the new 75Mbps high-speed speed option start as low as $39.95 a month when bundled with our award-winning U-verse TV and/or U-verse Voice services, and only $74.95 per month as a standalone service,” the company said on its consumer blog.

Laying aside the press release, an AT&T lineman in Cleveland tells Stop the Cap! most people should not expect to immediately qualify for the new 75Mbps speeds.

“Most will not be ready for the new 75Mbps tier except those in apartments or condominiums already served by fiber or other enhanced connections,” the technician tells us. “This is a way to quickly boost speeds on existing high-speed capable connections that already qualified for better speeds. AT&T will eventually broaden coverage, but only as we upgrade our network as a normal course of business.”

Stop the Cap! has found some customers in new housing developments and trailer parks where 75Mbps was introduced late last year have been able to sign up for 75Mbps service, but they are not getting the promised speeds.

“They emphasize it is ‘up to’ 75Mbps, but we barely reach 50Mbps here,” said El Paso resident Sam Kessler, who signed up for 75Mbps service in January. “It is better than what we used to get, but if they ever raise our bundled promotional price, we’ll go back to cable I guess.”

Speeds up to 75Mbps were introduced in December in parts of El Paso, Texas; Monterey, Calif.; Sacramento, Calif.; and Toledo, Ohio. AT&T also has plans to expand High Speed Internet 75 availability to additional U-verse markets.

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10 years ago

Uverse is a joke anyway. I will say you do get better customer service (Not much better) than Comcast. Problem with Uverse is they don’t count the data correctly and vastly overestimate how much you use. This causes overages out the ass. Lets say you use all of your plan but 3MB leftover. ATT will overestimate it just to get you to pay an Overage fee. Sucks but nothing you can do about it other than call them out on it but they wont listen. The 75meg I’d be surprised if they even offered it and gave those speeds to… Read more »

10 years ago

Can’t let this post stay without a response. jdhdbsb is confusing cell service with Uverse service. I am not aware that there are limits on Uverse internet. Cell service yes. I challenge him/her to show
a bill with his/her address proving they have Google Fiber. Sounds like another whiner that never had Uverse wishing he was off the grid.

9 years ago
Reply to  JDSUBUB

After Comcast’s latest price increase I was looking around at Uverse and I have to say they make it confusing. Some people say there are no overage charges for Uverse but on AT&T’s own website for Uverse it clearly states: What happens if you exceed your data plan? You will receive a notice the first time your usage exceeds the data plan.We will send you alerts if your usage approaches or exceeds the amount of data included in your plan. If you exceed your monthly data plan a third time we’ll charge you $10 for each additional 50 GB of… Read more »

ChillyWilly SubZero Freeze
ChillyWilly SubZero Freeze
9 years ago
Reply to  JDSUBUB

Uverse IS garbage. They claim to give you a max speed (75/mbs) but in reality those speeds are only coming from their main centers and YOUR speeds are based upon how far away from the center you are. So basically you will get slower speeds if you are 20 miles away from your nearest ATT network port than someone who is within 5 miles of it. As much as I HATE Comcast customer service their internet speeds are MUCH better than normal Uverse. Now if you can get Google Fiber or Gigawire OBVIOUSLY get that.

9 years ago

I am curious if the 50Mbps speed as the fastest they ever achieved if that was wired or wireless? What environment are they in? An apartment or a single family home. If it’s wireless, were they using the 2.4Ghz channel? How many wifi AP are their in range of the modem? Too many veribles to say it sucks. Also, Uverse residebtial has a 250GB limit per a month. I do work for att and this is my opionion( I have to say that) I am a tech who installs this service.

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