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Comcast’s TV Everywhere: “A Horrible Viewing Experience;” Same Audi Ad Shown 16 Times During 1 Show

Phillip Dampier July 2, 2014 Comcast/Xfinity, Consumer News, Online Video, Video 1 Comment

The same Audi ad shown 16 times during one Comcast TV Everywhere On-Demand show.

What would you think about the cable company that offered you on-demand viewing of your favorite shows interrupted repeatedly by the same commercial shown over and over? What would you think of the company whose product appeared 16 times in one hour, filibustering your viewing experience without any ability to fast forward.

Welcome to Comcast’s TV Everywhere, America’s most annoying on-demand video experience.

Rich Greenfield from BTIG Research, a Wall Street analyst firm, sat through a single Audi ad — during a pre-roll and then three times in a row during five commercial breaks, while watching FX’s Americans over Comcast’s TV Everywhere.

“You almost can’t make this up, it is such a horrible viewing experience,” Greenfield said. “I’m starting to hate Audi at this point.”

Other cable companies like Time Warner also show ads during on-demand programming, but most can be fast-forwarded and a typical ad break consists of just one or two short commercials.

With Comcast, “you get the exact same Audi ad all three times during this commercial break as well as every other commercial break during this programming and we tried multiple different episodes. […] The only ad that was running incessantly was this Audi commercial to the point where I’d like to never see this advertisement again.”

With a viewing experience like this, Greenfield speculates the result will be to increasingly drive viewers to Netflix and Amazon Prime for commercial-free viewing instead of suffering through more than eight minutes of Audi advertising.

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/BTIG The Ad Problems Within TV Everywhere 7-2-14.mp4[/flv]

BTIG Research’s Rich Greenfield shows off the endemic problems of Comcast’s TV Everywhere on-demand viewing: Advertising torture hell for customers. (4:08)

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Paul Houle
Paul Houle
10 years ago

Unfortunately this happens a lot with “TV Anywhere”; I think only a few advertisers buy ad time on these platforms so you end up seeing the same ads over and over and over again.

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