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Cox Communications Exploring Bid for Time Warner Cable

coxCox Communications is contemplating jumping into the bidding for Time Warner Cable either on its own or with others, according to a story published in today’s Wall Street Journal.

Privately held Cox is the country’s third largest cable operator, right behind Time Warner Cable, with nearly 4.5 million subscribers. It’s slightly larger than Charter Communications, which itself wants to acquire TWC.

timewarner twcCox and Cablevision, the nation’s two largest privately held or controlled cable companies, have both been mentioned as targets for takeover in a rush to consolidate the cable industry. Cablevision has been rumored to be on the verge of selling for years, but the Dolan family that founded the cable operator has the final say. Cox previously indicated it had no intention of selling, preferring to explore buying opportunities.

Speculation is mounting that Comcast, Charter, and now perhaps Cox could offer a joint bid for Time Warner Cable, splitting up the company and absorbing TWC subscribers in their own operations without attracting unwanted attention from antitrust regulators and the FCC, either which could effectively torpedo a deal.

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10 years ago

I have a strange feeling in my pocketbook…

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