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New York Taxpayers Cover $3.1 Million of Time Warner Cable’s New Buffalo Call Center

Phillip Dampier June 27, 2013 Community Networks, Competition, Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't 2 Comments

corporate-welfare-piggy-bankNew York taxpayers will cover more than $3.1 million in state tax breaks handed to Time Warner Cable to build a new Business Class customer call center inside an abandoned hospital.

Local politicians and Lt. Gov. Robert Duffy were on hand in Buffalo Monday to celebrate the deal, which could mean 152 new jobs over the next five years at the site of the former Sheehan Memorial Hospital, east of downtown.

Duffy, the former mayor of Rochester, said Time Warner Cable could have placed the call center anywhere in the country, but they chose western New York.

Assemblywoman Crystal Peoples-Stokes (D-Buffalo) told the Buffalo News such jobs typically pay an average of $15 an hour nationwide, or $31,200 for a 40-hour workweek. That means roughly two-thirds of the average salary would be paid for by New York taxpayers in the form of forgiven tax liabilities.

Time Warner Cable is the same company that regularly argues community owned broadband networks represent unfair competition because they receive taxpayer subsidies. The company has financed efforts by groups like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to lobby for public broadband bans enacted under state laws. But neither the cable company or ALEC objects to taxpayer subsidies, payments in lieu of taxes, tax credits, or other considerations covered by ordinary taxpayers going to private corporations.

Duffy said he was uncertain if the agreement included any taxpayer protection provisions to hold Time Warner Cable to its promises to hire new workers in return for the tax credits. Such “clawback” provisions typically force companies to reimburse the state if they fail to meet their commitments.

Time Warner employs over 1,000 in western New York, 10,000 statewide. In February, Time Warner Cable accepted  a $5,266,979 grant courtesy of New York State taxpayers to extend their cable system to 4,114 homes in rural parts of upstate New York.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Buffalo News Time Warner major tax breaks for call center 6-24-13.flv[/flv]

A Buffalo News reporter interviewed Lt. Gov. Bob Duffy and Time Warner’s Terence Rafferty about the taxpayer-financed grant to the cable operator.  (4 minutes)

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Loons in June
Loons in June
11 years ago

Fantastic opportunity for Buffalo.

11 years ago

And they have the nerve to charge a modem rental fee

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