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Bill Moyers: Susan Crawford on Why U.S. Internet Access is Slow, Costly, and Unfair

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Bill Moyers Susan Crawford on Why U-S- Internet Access is Slow Costly and Unfair 2-9-13.mp4[/flv]

Susan Crawford, former special assistant to President Obama for science, technology and innovation, and author of Captive Audience: The Telecom Industry and Monopoly Power in the New Gilded Age, joins Bill to discuss how our government has allowed a few powerful media conglomerates to put profit ahead of the public interest — rigging the rules, raising prices, and stifling competition. As a result, Crawford says, all of us are at the mercy of the biggest business monopoly since Standard Oil in the first Gilded Age a hundred years ago. “The rich are getting gouged, the poor are very often left out, and this means that we’re creating, yet again, two Americas, and deepening inequality through this communications inequality,” Crawford tells Bill. (26 minutes)

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11 years ago

Another wonderful Susan Crawford video. IMHO, she’s even better in interviews like this. I would like to see her replace some of her answers, i.e., “because citizens deserve better”, with stronger explanations. She talked about the high speeds and low costs of some of the world’s luckiest Internet customers. She should provide a more elaborate description of what benefit this brings them, which we Americans are denied. This would help people see that life would be more than just “keeping up with the Joneses”, “attracts business to the community” or smoother flicker and photobucket surfing. It would also bring things… Read more »

11 years ago

Benton quotes an unnamed source who alleges that Crawford will be the next FCC Chairman:


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