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More Speed Increases from Time Warner Cable: 100Mbps Coming to Kansas City

Phillip Dampier December 20, 2012 Broadband Speed, Competition 9 Comments
Enjoy arrest and deportation.

Faster speeds.

Time Warner Cable is planning additional free speed increases for its customers, starting in Google Fiber territory — Kansas City.

The company has already boosted Standard Internet speeds, now at least 15/1Mbps in most areas of the country, up from 10/1Mbps.

With Google’s 1,000/1,000Mbps network now gradually rolling out across Kansas City, the cable operator decided it needed to compete, albeit not on the same scale. Here are the new speeds across Kansas City, which are likely to also begin turning up in other areas of the country eventually:

  • Lite Internet — from 1Mbps to 5Mbps
  • Basic Internet — 3Mbps to 10Mbps
  • Standard Internet — 10Mbps to 15Mbps
  • Turbo Pass Internet — 15Mbps to 20Mbps (No word on upgrades for customers already getting 20Mbps Turbo service)
  • Extreme Internet — 30Mbps to 50Mbps
  • Ultimate Internet — 50Mbps to 100Mbps
  • Upload speeds remain unchanged, maxing out at 5Mbps for premium tiers.

Despite the upgrades, Time Warner denied there was much need for the kinds of speed Google customers are now getting.

“We’re really comfortable where our speeds are,” Time Warner Cable spokesman Mike Pedelty told the Kansas City Business Journal.

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12 years ago

Competition is good for the consumer.

12 years ago
Reply to  Greg

What competition????

In my area its either T-Mobile or Comcast.

I live near a major suberb of a large Midwest city too.
Many little ISP’s have come and gone.

The little ISP that was in my town, that open it’s doors in 1998 was
bought out by AT&T, then AT&T pulled the DSL from my area, in favor for Wireless lucrative capped contracts… then after the hilarious faliure of the T-Mobile-AT&T merger, AT&T got the hell out of dodge.

12 years ago

Yes, competition is good for consumers. This pittance of apparent good faith by Time Warner is embarrassing. A mere 5 Mbps upgrade to my current download speed, no upgrade in my 1 Mbps upload and I pay more per month than what Google is charging for 1g and cable/tv.

12 years ago

The upload speed is awful slow. I think most people that know anything about their internet that can get Google Fiber probably will.

12 years ago

I’m so old I remember when Glenn Britt said Google was doing a “publicity stunt”

12 years ago

They need to lower the rates!!!! Ultimate 50/5 is $105!?!? Standard 15/1 is $60! For These prices, speed should be doubled. Instead, they came up with a 5GB cap to save $5 a month then turn around and institute a $4 modem fee.

12 years ago

if they want to compete with google i would do 50/50 and 100/100 speeds then they might keep more subscribers.

12 years ago
10 years ago

Time Warner needs to hurry and bring the 100Mbps to Ohio.

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