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Va. Congressman: Verizon Deserves a ‘D’ for D.C. 911 Service; Wants FCC to Step In if Telco Won’t

Phillip Dampier December 10, 2012 Consumer News, Verizon, Video No Comments

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) is fed up with Verizon Communications. The company handles most of the region’s 911 calls and has performed that task poorly in the last few years, argues Connolly.

“The whole purpose of 911 is that when you need it, it works,” Connolly told WUSA-News.

After several high profile 911 failures during significant storm events, Connolly and a few other congressmen are demanding Verizon resolve its 911 problems or face an intervention from the Federal Communications Commission.

The elected officials want Verizon to voluntarily comply, but if they won’t, all suggest it is time for the FCC to strengthen regulations and oversight to assure residents they will be met with a 911 operator when they call instead of a busy signal or nothing at all.

Verizon countered it takes its role in handling calls to 911 seriously, and when an issue arises, the company is quick to investigate, correct and apply any lessons learned across their system.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WUSA Washington Gerry Connolly Va- Democratic Congressman critical of Verizon for its 911 performance 12-6-12.flv[/flv]

WUSA reports Connolly has grown tired of repeated failures with Washington, D.C.’s 911 system, handled by Verizon Communications. He wants the company to make changes to increase the service’s reliability, especially during storms when demand on the 911 system is greatest. (2 minutes)

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