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Time Warner Cable Officially Unveils 15Mbps Speed Increase; Some Markets Just Getting DOCSIS 3

Phillip Dampier December 6, 2012 Broadband Speed, Consumer News, Earthlink 5 Comments

Although “soft-launched” several weeks ago in many markets, Time Warner Cable has officially unveiled its holiday gift for 2012: a free 50% speed increase for Standard tier customers: 15/1Mbps service.

The speed increase is now complete across New York, New Jersey, New England, the Carolinas, Virginia and Alabama. Customers can activate the higher speed by briefly unplugging their cable modem for 10 seconds, plugging the cord back in, and in some cases rebooting their computer.

Customers outside of these areas can try this as well. Stop the Cap! has received reports from readers in the midwest, Texas, and California that the speed increase has arrived in their areas as well. All Time Warner Cable systems across the country should be providing the new speed by the end of this month.

Earthlink customers using Time Warner Cable should also see an identical speed increase.

Some Time Warner Cable customers are only now getting upgrades to DOCSIS 3 service, which open the door to 30/5 and 50/5Mbps speed tiers. The latest: Binghamton, N.Y. and surrounding southern tier communities. Customers further upstate have had that option for 1-2 years.

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12 years ago

Kind of makes the 20/2 service not worth the extra money. Glad it’s only costing me $5 a month for the next year.

12 years ago

So this made me wonder how this would affect the extra plus turbo plan I have (I forget what it’s called, but I average around 20-28 down and 1 up). So I go on TWC website under internet, and totally unrelated to speed, but I see that apparently this month I’ve used 33GB bandwidth… today is 12/7! So I’ve used 33GB in one week, and their idea of average net usage is 5GB (their standard proposed cap)?!? Thanks for the speed boost (even though it doesn’t affect me) but I’m panicked now for when these inevitable bandwidth caps come… apparently… Read more »

12 years ago
Reply to  Mileena

I’m not Phil but our family averages ~800GB a month…

Jerome Harowitz
Jerome Harowitz
12 years ago
Reply to  Oscar@SA

We stream for our older child to watch shows and were using about 200GB / mo.

Jerome Harowitz
Jerome Harowitz
12 years ago

I tested speeds on my main home PC (connected to the LAN) before and after resetting the modem and it was quite impressive. Just shy of 10 Mbps down before and between 14-30 Mbps down after – average seems to be low to mid 20’s. A very welcome change after feeling like their pricing is way too much – thanks to another post here I’m set on another 12 months of $35/mo. The one thing I’m finding very odd with the speed upgrade is that now certain wireless devices (not all) are getting worse speeds than before the change. Three… Read more »

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