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Time Warner Cable’s Installation Price: $50, $20, or Zero… It Depends

Phillip Dampier July 10, 2012 Competition, Consumer News, Data Caps, Editorial & Site News No Comments

Stop the Cap! reader Joanne wants to see the back of Frontier Communications’ DSL service so she headed to Time Warner Cable to get information about their broadband pricing. Things quickly got confusing when she opened a chat session with a support representative over exactly what the cable company was charging for service and installation. We’re going to participate after the fact (our comments are in blue):

Joanne: I am looking at basic Internet service at $19.95 per month.

TWC: Great choice!

STC: Did anyone think the representative would say anything different no matter what level of service Joanne wanted?

TWC: What kind of questions do you have regarding this one?

Joanne: Is installation included at no charge?

TWC: Not actually there is an installation of 49.99 but you can get a very special discount of $19.99, but if you are not able to pay that you can always get the recurring method of payment or auto payment and you can get free installation!

STC: What?

Joanne: Which is it – 49.99, 19.99 or zero?

TWC: I mean once you order the service we will make a discount of 19.99 for the installation, but if you want you can select the auto payment and you will get free installation.

STC: Joanne should have asked at this point for TWC to waive the installation fee so she need not reach for a bottle of Tylenol and decoder ring to figure all this out. 

Joanne: By auto payment, do you mean automatic via my checking account?

TWC: Yes, or credit or debit card as well.

STC: Joanne could also set up automatic billing on a credit card nearly set to expire and then just drop back to regular billing if she was uncomfortable with Time Warner automatically sipping money out of her accounts. 

Joanne: What is the total including taxes for this plan, per month?

TWC: $19.99 + 2.50 if you need a modem and $2 or $2.50 taxes. No more than that.

STC: Of course she needs a modem. But if Joanne plans to stick around with Time Warner, she might want to buy one herself and avoid the modem rental fee altogether. Why pay that forever?

TWC: Once they process the order you will be getting an email with all the details about it!

Joanne: Thanks, but I prefer to know the details BEFORE I sign up. If I wanted to sign up for two years, or three, could I do that at the 19.95 rate?

TWC: No, it is 12 month promotions with no contract.

STC: Just threaten to leave after the 12 months are up and watch it get extended for another year. By the way, can you say “offshore chat support center?” 

Joanne: What is the current full rate for basic service per month?

TWC: As we do not have a contract involved we do not handle prices after the promo expiration, what we have is a promotional time that will be for 12 month that way we will be always sure you as our customer are taking advantage of the earliest and best promotion by the time your promotion is about to expire!

STC: (banging head on desk)

Joanne: So you can’t tell me what the current full rate is as of today, for your current customers?

STC: Apparently not. More than two minutes passed before Joanne finally asked if the representative was still there.

TWC: Yes, I’m checking into that. Just a moment please. […] That would be 29.99 + 2.50 + taxes.

Joanne also learned there are no usage caps, for now anyway.

Our recommendations is to call Time Warner Cable by phone for anything more complex than a service credit request or address change. The time and unnecessary confusion that is saved could be your own.

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