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Is Time Warner Cable Really Listening? TWC’s One Way Conversation

Phillip Dampier July 5, 2012 Data Caps, Editorial & Site News 5 Comments

Earlier this week, Time Warner Cable unveiled its new 5GB limited-use broadband plans in Austin, Tex. The company told customers it would be “listening” to their concerns on the cable operator’s “TWC Conversations” website, and many Stop the Cap! readers shared with us copies of their own two cents, submitted as comments on that website.

But so far, the conversation seems very one-sided. To date, here is Time Warner’s presentation of the opposing point of view:

This reminds us how Time Warner Cable treated customers sending in their views of the 2009 (failed) experiment, when earnest writers like “De” eventually received this in response:

Reinventing the two way conversation.

Well I eventually submitted an email to TWC about the caps on April 14th. To prove they pay attention to their customers, they sent me this reply today (Over a month later) LMAO:

To: RealIdeas
Subject: Greedy Bandwidth Caps. The truth!?
Sent: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 04:22:52 -0400<  >

was deleted without being read on Sun, 31 May 2009 01:49:12 -0400

Just goes to prove they don’t care if the consumer wants the per byte billing or not – it’s coming anyway.

Our opinions and views are nothing to TWC — all that matters is the $$$$. The whole PR about them listening is just to ease media and political pressure. They have made their mind up already.

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John Cammarata
John Cammarata
12 years ago

I am curious to see if this becomes mandatory pricing as soon as the polls close on 11/6. What I do know is, as much as I hate to admit it, but Schumer may join the fight again this time.

Looks like TWC will be helping to boost Clearwire, at least in the Rochester area anyway.

12 years ago

I’m not even a TWC customer or in the Austin area, but I submitted my two cents about it. I also havent heard a thing. I put my real name and email address, but it would not let me comment without also entering a zip code. Fearing they would delete or ignore my message if I had a zip code in a different state (not even serviced by TWC) that this would affect, I used Google and made an entry for a Austin, TX zip code. I basically told them if usage meter billing is inevitable, then give us no… Read more »

11 years ago

I am so tired of booting almost every day to get rid of the stalling, trying to ff commercials only to zoom way past where I want to stop, stopping before the end of the show, recording what I don’t want, going to my guide and then pic a show only to have a black box on the upper R corner that won’t go away without booting then loosing the show. Pixeling and freezing is another problem, I have had maybe 120 times TW at my house, everything under the sun has been done. Prices are going up so much… Read more »

Loons In June!
Loons In June!
11 years ago

Actually DVR Compensation is one of the most welcomed received features for those without Ninja fingers.

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