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Telus Sends Us A Survey About Why We Left, Even Though We Were Never There

Phillip Dampier February 23, 2012 Canada, Data Caps, Editorial & Site News, Telus 3 Comments

Phillip "Telus Lost Me" Dampier

For my first vacation in more than 20 years, I chose to spend 10 days in Alberta in 2007, driving a Dodge Charger (what National car rental considers an ‘economy size’ in Calgary) from Calgary to Banff, Ft. Macleod to Crossfield, and a variety of places in-between.  It’s an amazing place, far too under-rated.  I even bought a hat.

Telus Country.

While I confess to using the rental lodge’s Telus phone more than once, I never signed up as a customer.

But Telus thinks I did.

In today’s e-mail, a survey about why we canceled our Telus service.

We’re helpers at Stop the Cap! so we participated, telling them they could go a long way to improve their service by officially abandoning Internet Overcharging schemes like usage caps and bring western Canada the unlimited Internet people deserve.

It’s the least we could do for a company that honestly never did anything for us (and we mean that in a good way).

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Munly Leong
Munly Leong
12 years ago

LOL actually Telus doesn’t overcharge at least to my knowledge even though they get lumped in as part of “Robelus”. The results of last year’s hearing meant that Western Canada gets to keep flat rate wholesale billing while eastern Canada gets reamed on ridiculous wholesale rates. IMO because they are on the short end of the stick in terms of competition with Shaw and marketshare, as well as competing with inferior tech they have to be more friendly with their customers. Out of all the testimonials from last year’s hearings, Telus was probably the most reasonable and said they basically… Read more »

Munly Leong
Munly Leong
12 years ago

Ahhh… I remember when Shaw first went ahead with it, Telus took the opposite position of anti-UBB to position themselves to take customers away from Shaw. It’s now 500gb at least in BC which is still much better than eastern Canada. Btw I was talking about wholesale, so basically even with Telus retail caps, their wholesale customers out in western canada are still charged flat rate for access (no capacity charges) and retain unlimited options. That is a much trickier thing to slice and dice in eastern Canada with the rates, I think the ISP’s have done some usage averaging… Read more »

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