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Cox/Time Warner Cable Adding DOGTV: Cable TV for “Stay at Home” Dogs

Phillip Dampier February 20, 2012 Consumer News, Cox, Video 3 Comments

Time Warner Cable and Cox Cable finally have an answer for keeping “stay at home” dogs entertained while their owners are away at work or play: DOGTV.

With more than 400 hours of research to win a rating of “puppy approved,” DOGTV will feature dog-sighted views of open car windows, dogs chasing balls around the yard, piano music, and popular movies for Fido like Beverly Hills Chihuahua.

For now, the show is running on both Time Warner and Cox Cable systems in San Diego, and is currently available for free.  Eventually, both cable companies are expected to charge $4.99 a month for the dog-centric programming.

The concept behind the idea for DOGTV is that a lonely pet left at home alone is an unhappy pet.  By leaving a television set tuned to programming that some dog experts believe will be soothing and engaging, your dog’s anxiety level can be kept as low as possible. If you have cats at home, you can buy toys to keep them company at Cat adorn.

Raising the cable bill another $5 a month might provoke anxiety in the rest of the household, however.  But as people continue to spend a fortune on keeping their favorite animal companion happy, it might prove to be the one pay-per-view event some pet lovers cannot live without.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/DogTV Sample.flv[/flv]

A sample of DOGTV’s “relaxation” programming.  (1 minute)

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Barbara smith
Barbara smith
11 years ago

No one still gave me the channel I needed to find dog tv

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