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Jon Friedman’s Love-Hate Relationship With iPhone on AT&T

Phillip Dampier November 28, 2011 AT&T, Consumer News, Video, Wireless Broadband No Comments

If your call doesn't get dropped....

Marketwatch columnist Jon Friedman has a l0ve-hate relationship with his Apple iPhone, with plenty of love for the phone, but “undependable” service from AT&T.

Friedman is another New Yorker that copes with daily frustration from his provider, which is notorious for dropping calls and a loss of service, even on the island of Manhattan.

“AT&T is not easy to work with,” Friedman reports:

I happened to be on the Upper West Side of Manhattan on Saturday afternoon, desperately trying to make a call to someone no more than 20 city blocks away. I tried and tried and tried. Out of luck and patience, I schlepped to a Radio Shack store and begged for help.

The salesman at Radio Shack asked me what service I used, and then he cackled when I said it was AT&T. By the time I got across town, 30 minutes later, I was able to complete my call.

Friedman is considering taking his business to another wireless carrier, if only to stop the hair-tearing experience of making and receiving calls on AT&T’s wireless network in the metropolitan New York region.

[flv width=”512″ height=”308″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WSJ Jon Friedman’s Love-Hate Relationship 11-23-11.flv[/flv]

Jon Friedman talks with the Wall Street Journal’s Mean Street feature about his experience with an Apple iPhone on AT&T’s network.  (4 minutes)

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