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It Takes Nerve to Attack Community Broadband in N.C. This Week, But GOP Vice-Chair Tries Anyway

Wayne King: Living high off Time Warner Cable's Hog

The vice-chairman of North Carolina’s Republican Party, Wayne King, Tuesday penned a guest editorial in the Fayetteville Observer telling readers recent legislation passed in the state legislature provides a level playing field for telecommunications companies and protects “scarce public dollars” from being spent to compete against private providers like Time Warner Cable.

This legislation will also greatly benefit North Carolina taxpayers. At a time when local governments are cutting education and law-enforcement funding, taxpayers simply do not need to be spending scarce public dollars on communications systems that directly compete with the private sector. It makes no fiscal sense to build public infrastructure right alongside lines that have already been built by private firms.

Let’s imagine the government wanted to get into some other generally private industry. Would taxpayers be willing to foot the bill for a publicly subsidized cafeteria right next to a favorite local restaurant? Keeping in mind that you’d have to pay for services at both facilities (public communications networks still charge subscribers), I think the answer would be no.

Too bad Mr. King prefers to dine at Time Warner Cable Café.  He’s evidently having trouble seeing over the cable company’s talking points-menu to recognize that while he rails against public broadband expansion and community-owned competition to providers like AT&T, CenturyLink, and Time Warner Cable, he completely forgot the state of North Carolina and the city of Charlotte are handing Time Warner $5 million in combined, “scare public dollars” to create just over 200 new jobs and promise not to lay anyone off in the city of Charlotte.  That’s $5 million this year, and doesn’t count the sums the cable company has won from taxpayers over the past several years.

Mr. King has absolutely nothing to say about that kind of corporate welfare — the kind that takes $5 million away from education and law enforcement and hands it to a provider that will be raising its prices on North Carolina consumers once again by the end of this year.  And why not?  Where will those consumers go for a better deal?  FCC commissioner Mignon Clyburn called out the legislation for what it is: “a broadband barrier.”

While Mr. King remains firmly seated at Time Warner Cable’s table as it funnels money to his party’s legislators, it’s easy to stare out of their window and complain about a new café being built across the street.  If that happens, diners just might end up paying a lot less for their meal, and get a much better dining experience to boot.

The only folks with indigestion will be executives at the cable and phone companies, and people like Mr. King, who will probably have less campaign money to show for it.

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13 years ago


But typical.

13 years ago

It appears the all-you-can-eat buffet isn’t the only table Wayne can’t back away from. He loves him some corporate bribe, er, pay-off money.

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