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Media Fail: While American Networks Ignore AT&T/T-Mobile Merger, Russia Today Exposes the Truth

[flv width=”490″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/RT ATT Buys Support from Non-Profits 6-10-11.flv[/flv]

It’s a bad day for American television journalism when Russian State Television manages to tell viewers the facts about the merger of AT&T and T-Mobile that American networks ignore.  Russia Today is Moscow’s external television service, and delivers English language news to a global audience.  Public Knowledge’s Art Brodsky gets to tell RT viewers the real facts about dollar-a-holler groups advocating for AT&T,  a story American networks might not want to share with AT&T ad dollars at risk!  (7 minutes)

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13 years ago

I find it interesting that this guy says that it’s pretty even that the merger will be blocked. Call me cynical, but with how confident AT&T seems to be, I can’t help but think that they know something no one else does. If it /doesn’t/ go through, they have to give up some of their already limited spectrum and have to pay T-Mobile some millions of dollars. That’s quite a gamble to take on something you’re not completely certain will happen. Heck, they’re already airing commercials as if they’ve already bought T-Mobile. That’s pretty ballsy. That’s why I just can’t… Read more »

13 years ago

They basicly have to go ALL-IN and act as-if its a guaranteed deal, if they show any doubt about their own merger it’d be seen as an admission or weakness towards their competition like Sprint trying to block it, or the DOJ in their inquiry whether to stop it. With the turmoil of the deal that T-Mobile is going through with the disparraging remarks AT&T keeps making in order to play down T-Mobiles status and present them as only worth their spectrum and tower infrastructure. T-Mobile would’ve been crazy to not have demanded compensation – they’ll need it to re-build… Read more »

13 years ago
Reply to  Scott

I suppose you’re tight. I’ll admit that merger-or-no, once my T-Mobile contract is up, I plan on going to Sprint. I’ve lost a lot of confidence in them as a company. I’m sure I’m not the only one in that boat.

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