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Time Warner Cable Launches Fiber Project for Bangor Businesses

Phillip Dampier June 7, 2011 Broadband Speed, Public Policy & Gov't, Video 1 Comment

Downtown Bangor, Maine

Broadband will be considerably faster in downtown Bangor, Maine — if you are a business doing business with Time Warner Cable.

The cable operator is working with the city of Bangor to ease the construction of a four-mile long fiber stretching across the downtown business district, with completion expected this October.

The Bangor city government is helping ease the paperwork and permits required to efficiently complete the project as quickly as possible to minimize disruptions to traffic and ongoing business.

Our readers tell us Maine has been a problem area for Time Warner Cable, with congestion problems in several areas because of lack of periodic upgrades.  Oversold broadband symptoms typically include peak usage slowdowns for downstream speeds, even as upstream speeds remain close to their advertised levels.

Businesses in Bangor report existing speeds to be a headache when trying to conduct business or assist customers.

The upgrade is expected to primarily serve business customers, although the cable company is progressing on DOCSIS 3 upgrades across their Maine service areas.

[flv width=”640″ height=”450″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WCSH Portland High speed Internet coming soon for downtown Bangor businesses 6-3-11.flv[/flv]

WCSH-TV in Portland covered the potential impact a fiber upgrade will have for downtown Bangor businesses.  (2 minutes)

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13 years ago

Wow. I used to be an employee of Agate Internet back 1992-1995, based out of Bangor, offering dial up access.. At the time, the only real high speed access was via then-Bellsouth’s Frame Relay or ISDN. TWC was just getting started as far as internet access was concerned, if memory serves me, and didn’t offer much for business or residential service. Fast forward to today, and I suspect a lot of the TWC infrastructure is the original cabling, and I’ll assume some plant upgrades, but not much. Like here in NC, TWC is more interested in giving profits to their… Read more »

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