Still Fighting for Net Neutrality: Does the Internet Belongs to Corporations?

Phillip Dampier

Stop the Cap! reader Kimon discovered the debate over Net Neutrality is far from over when alerting us to a strong rebuke of the net policy in a number of newspapers published regionally by GateHouse Media.

Macedon, N.Y. resident Cheryl Miller doesn’t like the federal government involving itself in the Internet, and considers the “physical part of the Internet” the private property of Internet Service Providers:

When a progressive liberal takes up a cause, you can bet he’s found another way to undermine someone else’s liberty. The issue of “net neutrality” is a prime example of this rule.

The concept of net neutrality has piggybacked into recent public interest stories about groups with high-minded names like Free Press and Public Knowledge — stories about Internet-assisted food, clothing and book drives for the needy around the world, and other such humanitarian and environmental endeavors. It is sneakily implied that the success of such undertakings are the result of net neutrality principles, but they are not.

[…] Proposed net neutrality legislation would prohibit ISPs from charging different rates for various types of content or services, such as is done with cable and satellite television (think pay-per-view and premium channels). Restricting ISPs from operating in profitable ways is a disincentive to invest in more bandwidth to better serve customers, and likewise discourages innovations that could benefit consumers. More regulation will result in less profit, less competition, higher prices and a stunted Internet.

For Miller, any government policy that interferes with AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast’s view of how the Internet should be ordered amounts to a government takeover of the Internet, especially when the government can tell providers they cannot prioritize traffic or charge customers different prices to access different content.

Here at Stop the Cap!, we were unimpressed with Miller’s arguments and partisan cheap shots, especially at the expense of public policy groups like Free Press and Public Knowledge.  Perhaps she does not realize conservative groups like the Christian Coalition of America are also supporters of Net Neutrality.  But we don’t necessarily blame her either, considering all of the money being spent by corporate-funded groups to distort Net Neutrality’s ultimate goal: to ensure the same formula that made the Internet a runaway success is kept firmly in place.

Our formal response appeared in the same newspapers this afternoon:

Canandaigua, N.Y. — The most ironic part of Cheryl Miller’s commentary, “The Internet is no place for neutrality” (May 17 Daily Messenger), is that the Internet itself was created by the government. Government can do some things right, and succeeded with the Internet’s founding principle that all content was to be treated equally — judged on its merits, not the asking price some Internet service providers want to charge for unimpeded access.

Miller has fundamentally misunderstood what “net neutrality” is all about, and that may not be her fault. Millions are being spent by big cable and phone company lobbyists and their “dollar-a-holler” advocacy groups to distort net neutrality’s guarantee of a free and open Internet. This is not a government takeover of the Internet. It’s an insurance policy that keeps rapacious phone and cable companies from finding new ways to raise prices for Internet access and control which websites get priority and which go to the back of the line.

The concept is simple. You already pay plenty to your local phone or cable company to cover their costs providing access to the Internet and the online content you enjoy. Our website, along with every other, contributes our fair share by paying a web hosting company to make that content available online. Now big cable and phone companies want to be paid twice to deliver that content — once by you and once again by me. Imagine paying for a long-distance call and learning AT&T also wants to bill whoever answers.

What happens if a website refuses to pay? They can block access, artificially slow it down or charge a pay-per-view fee each time you visit, on top of your monthly Internet bill. Here’s the real kicker. They could charge you extra to read this newspaper online, and keep all of the proceeds for themselves.

That sure sounds like making money off someone else’s hard work. I’m sure Miller would be displeased if I billed everyone $5 to read her column in a newspaper I don’t own.

The truth is, companies like Verizon and Time Warner Cable are well-paid, overpaid if you ask me, to deliver broadband service they collectively earn billions in profits providing. But anyone who pays a cable bill already knows it’s never enough. These are the same companies that want the right to charge you for every website you visit while opposing letting you pay for only the TV channels you want to watch.

Phillip M. Dampier of Brighton is the editor of Stop the Cap!, a consumer broadband advocacy website.

No Internet for 1/5th of Canadian Homes: Too Expensive, Too Slow, and Too Often Not Available

Courtesy: CBCAt least 20 percent of Canadians lack Internet access, according to a new survey published by Statistics Canada.  That means one out of every five homes either cannot afford, don’t want, or can’t get online.

The lack of access is most acute in low income households, where only about half with incomes of $30,000 or less access the Internet.  The income and access disparity was readily apparent when comparing broadband rich, income poor New Brunswick (70% have broadband) with service-deprived British Columbia, which has an 84% penetration rate.  In NB, you can get it but you can’t afford it; in BC if you can get it, you already have it.

Although cities in southern Canada are well-wired, smaller communities further north are often not, and the access some get is slow and unreliable.  But few are willing to live with dial-up access.  At least 96% of Canadians rely on broadband or simply go without the service.  The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission has set a goal to deliver at least 5Mbps broadband service to every interested Canadian by the end of 2012.

Some statistics, starting with those without Internet service:

  • 56% lacked interest or need;
  • 20% cited the cost of the service;
  • 15% don’t have access to a computer;
  • 12% don’t understand enough about computers or the Internet to use it;
  • 93% of households with children had Internet access while just 58% of single-person homes had the service;
  • 81% of urban homes had access to broadband, just 71% of rural homes do;
  • 71% of Canadians access the Internet from a traditional desktop computer, 64% use a laptop, 35% use a tablet or smartphone for access, and just 20% rely on a video game console to get online.

Statistics Canada surveyed 30,000 Canadians as part of its research.

Shaw Vastly Increases Usage Allowances, Finally Introduces Unlimited Use Plans

Shaw’s wallet-biting usage billing shark finally gets the net, at least for some of the company’s broadband plans.

After a firestorm of protests from customers across western Canada, Shaw Communications this week unveiled new Internet packages and pricing that dramatically increases usage allowances and introduces unlimited use plans.  Stop the Cap! reader Mark shares the good news that consumer pushback can make a difference:

Today we are excited to share our new direction on Internet pricing and packaging with you, our customers. With your help, we’ve created a model that we hope you’ll agree is fair, flexible and offers a variety of options for customers today and into the future.

We’d like to thank the hundreds of customers who took time to come out to the 34 sessions and those who shared their ideas online. Many of those who participated are the technology innovators who told us they wanted an Internet experience that worked not only today, but for the needs of tomorrow. We also heard that our customers wanted transparency, more choice of internet speed and data options, increased flexibility to meet their varied needs, and above all, fairness.

The decisions we have made coming out of those sessions are far reaching. We went into the session thinking it was a discussion about pricing and packaging, and came out with a new vision for the future. Put an end to your struggles, as the perfect packaging solution to enhance your product is available at

One of the biggest decisions we have made is to undertake a major upgrade of our network by converting our television analog tiers to digital. In making this move we will triple the capacity of our network, freeing up space for more Internet, HD and On Demand programming. This conversion will start in June and will take sixteen months to complete. As a result of this upgrade, it will open up opportunities for Shaw to offer industry leading broadband performance.

While it is unlikely many Shaw customers clamored to see the cable company convert to an all-digital system (which requires a set top box on every connected television), the aggressive move to expand DOCSIS 3 technology will provide Shaw the option of pitching faster Internet speeds to customers — exactly what they intend to offer:

  1. Increased Data Consumption with our Existing Model: Customers can choose to stay with their existing packaging and pricing except with much higher data levels. Our existing acceptable use policy will remain the same as it is today.
    Package Speed Current
    New Data Bundle
    Personal TV
    Shaw Lite
    1 Mbps 15 GB 30 GB $27 $37 $64.90
    Shaw High
    7.5 Mbps 60 GB 125 GB $39 $49 $74.90
    25 Mbps 100 GB 250 GB $49 $59 $84.90
  2. New Broadband Packages: We have created new packages featuring industry leading performance and greater value. These broadband packages will come bundled with TV and will roll out in two phases. Phase 1 will be available in June, 2011 and Phase 2 will become available as the network upgrade occurs. Our advanced digital network will be activated neighbourhood by neighbourhood over the next 16 months starting in August, 2011.Customers who choose one of the new packages will enter into an automatic upgrade program. Those who go over their data consumption will be placed in the next higher package for the remainder of the month. The following month’s data will be reset and customers will return to their original package unless they choose to stay at the higher level.We have also created unlimited data options for our customers, an Unlimited Lite and Unlimited 100. As the new network becomes available, we will also offer Unlimited 250.
  3. Phase 1 Broadband Packages (Available June, 2011)
    Package Download
    Data With Legacy
    Personal TV
    1 Mbps 256 kbps Unlimited Add $59.00 $84.90
    50 Mbps 3 Mbps 400 GB Add $59.00 $84.90
    100 Mbps 5 Mbps 500 GB Add $69.00 $94.90
    100 Mbps 5 Mbps 750 GB Add $79.00 $104.90
    100 Mbps 5 Mbps Unlimited Add $119.00 $144.90

    Phase 2 Broadband Packages (Rolling Launch Starting August, 2011)

    Package Download
    Data With Legacy
    Personal TV
    1 Mbps 256 kbps Unlimited Add $59.00 $84.90
    50 Mbps 5 Mbps 400 GB Add $59.00 $84.90
    100 Mbps 10 Mbps 500 GB Add $69.00 $94.90
    100 Mbps 10 Mbps 750 GB Add $79.00 $104.90
    250 Mbps 15 Mbps 1 TB Add $99.00 $124.90
    250 Mbps 15 Mbps Unlimited Add $119.00 $144.90

While this represents a welcome change for Canadians long weary of stingy usage allowances, the pricing for the company’s unlimited use options is on the high side, and is not an available option for the most popular lower speed tiers, with the exception of the company’s 1Mbps “Lite” plan, where it carries a ludicrous monthly fee of $59, the exact same price customers will pay for a 50Mbps plan with a 400GB monthly limit.

We would have liked to see Shaw introduce unlimited options for all of their usage plans (or better yet simply drop the limits altogether).  As it stands, they are effectively charging an extra $20-40 a month to be free from a usage cap on some of their new highest speed tiers. For most customers, the effective result of Shaw’s changes is a more generous usage package.

Shaw’s pricing for high speed plans is aggressive.  For what Americans would pay Time Warner Cable for 50/5Mbps service, a Shaw customer will eventually get 250/15Mbps with a 1TB limit (add $20 for unlimited).

Michael Geist, a University of Ottawa law professor, suspects the looming hearings by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) over usage-based-billing has a lot to to with this week’s changes by Shaw, which just months earlier was lowering usage allowances.

“Shaw is doing this because the writing was on the wall,” Geist says. “When you’re in a position to offer such better pricing and data caps than what you were offering before, it highlights just how uncompetitive this market has been.”

Eastern Canadians in Ontario and Quebec will be waiting to see what companies like Rogers, Videotron, and Bell do in response to Shaw’s new pricing model.  As it stands, western Canadians will nearly get double the speeds and usage allowances those in the eastern half of the country endure from cable and phone companies.  That could be a political nightmare at the CRTC hearings, and would continue to call out the highly arbitrary nature of Internet Overcharging, whether it is found in Calgary, Toronto, or Montreal.

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