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Phoenix’s Fox Morning News Team Perplexed by Cell Phone Survey Results

Phillip Dampier May 19, 2011 AT&T, Consumer News, Cricket, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon, Video, Wireless Broadband 1 Comment

[flv width=”360″ height=”290″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/KSAZ Phoenix ATT Customer Satisfaction 5-17-11.mp4[/flv]

The morning news team at Fox affiliate KSAZ-TV in Phoenix were slightly in over-their-heads trying to cover the results of a satisfaction survey about cell phone companies.  Poor Kristin Anderson was coping with a personal AT&T crisis all her own — she lost her cell phone.  Her luck didn’t get much better when she tried to explore the survey’s results from the University of Michigan.  Instead of a slide ranking the winners and losers, viewers got a pop quiz question asking which country in the news is run by President Bashar al-Assad.  While you might have wanted to answer the Republic of AT&T, the correct answer is Syria.  AT&T scored rock-bottom in the survey with T-Mobile not far behind.  Among the major carriers, Verizon and Sprint tied for first place.  When asked which carrier scored the highest overall, the morning anchor team guessed Cricket.  Yes, Cricket.  (The correct answer turned out to be Tracphone, which is a prepaid reseller using other carriers’ networks.)  (4 minutes)

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13 years ago

Hah, I love that the reason she implies Tracphone is bad is “You can’t get Facebook and Twitter”. It amazes me what direction our country is heading in, technologically-speaking, when a phone sucks unless it can do Facebook and Twitter. Don’t get me wrong, I am not hating on that, I just find it interesting how quickly cell phones went from only being able to make calls to people rarely using them for voice communication.

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