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Editorial: CRTC Works for Big Telecom, Not for Canadian Consumers

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Raines Broadcasting CRTC Editorial 2-2-11.flv[/flv]

Chris Raines from Raines Broadcasting offered his take on Usage-based billing and Canada’s telecom regulator in this commentary.  Raines calls Bell, Rogers, and Shaw bad actors in Canada’s broadband marketplace, caught throttling and overcharging their customers. (3 minutes)

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13 years ago

After researching Jim Shaw and other members of the ‘Consortium’ it’s even more blatant on why, and how badly, they’re raping/pillaging Canadian Internet users. We could all send a HUGE message to Shaw by just dumping them completely by opting for Novus (Vancouver) or other competitors. Shaw offers good, reliable service (for now) in my area but their UBB schema is enough to make this customer move on to greener fields (more user friendly). They can kiss my ass, and my $120+ per month, good-bye while I double my bandwidth and save money to boot… Down with the whole hypocrisy… Read more »

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