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Verizon Wireless Eliminating “New Every Two” Program; Other Upgrade Discounts Being Phased Out

Phillip Dampier January 5, 2011 Consumer News, Verizon, Wireless Broadband 6 Comments

Verizon's new upgrade policy, courtesy of Android Central.

Verizon Wireless is making changes to their handset upgrade programs, all to the benefit of their bottom line and not to yours.

In training materials obtained by Android Central, Verizon is discontinuing its “New Every Two” handset discount program for customers who sign new contracts after Jan. 16 and will stop allowing customers to obtain early upgrade discounts on new phones before their contract nears expiration.

The “New Every Two” promotion has been a familiar part of Verizon Wireless service for years.  Customers finishing their two year contracts receive a $50 discount on their next new phone with the carrier, as long as they sign a new two year contract.

Early upgrades, which used to qualify customers for discounts during months 13-20 of their 24 month contract, are coming to an end as well.

There is some speculation the early upgrade plan is being curtailed to try and stop a rush on the rumored Verizon iPhone due early this year.

Since many customers upgrade to more expensive smartphones, the “New Every Two” program only delivers a discount, not the new free phone it provided in an earlier era.

Still, the loss of discounts will effectively give the biggest benefits to Verizon Wireless’ bottom line, allowing the company to reduce subsidies it pays on behalf of customers demanding the latest and greatest new phones.

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13 years ago

Won’t stop me from dumping them in a year when my contract is up. Cost my wife and I 80 a month for two phones that only act as phones. No internet access or text/picture messaging.

Next time by my estimates We’ll be looking at $100.00 plus the fees and taxes. For that much I’ll go prepaid no contract.

13 years ago

It seems all the customers are taking a hit for a select few (Iphones). Thats Ok I’ll start looking for a new carrier in the time I have left on my contract.

These benifits they are no longer keeping were what made our family stay with verizon.
You just lowered your standards to the level of your compitition. congrats.

13 years ago

I have had my same Verizon number along with three other numbers for over 10 years now and I do agree it will be time to change carriers when the contracts are up. I have noticed that over the past several months the employees in the Austin Texas stores have really had a bad attitude and are rude as hell. I have four lines with Verizon and my family has 15 other lines along with our friends and we have decided to give our business to Sprint as well. I guess Verizon should buy sprint now.. I figure all this… Read more »

13 years ago

The cost is way to high for the service they provide anyway and it is always time for change

13 years ago

New Every 2 was one of the best things that VW had going. Everything is geared toward smartphones. I don’t think we should have to pay for a “data package”…it should be part of the monthly contract, and we shouldn’t have to pay for cell phones. I have been with Verizon since it was Cellular One and Airtouch. I pay a lot of money for my family of 6 and we all have smartphones. At least we could save by getting free phones! Sadly, I will be switching when my contract runs out. Bad decision, Verizon!!!!!!!!!!!!

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