Wanted: Impressions About Clearwire’s 4G Service (a/k/a Road Runner Mobile/Comcast High Speed 2Go)

Phillip Dampier July 8, 2010 Editorial & Site News, Video, Wireless Broadband 5 Comments

I’d like to hear your impressions of Clear’s 4G wireless broadband service, which is also known as Road Runner Mobile in Time Warner Cable territories or Comcast High Speed 2Go where Comcast provides cable service.

I am specifically looking for speed results, coverage impressions — whether the coverage maps reflect reality or not, and what type of wireless modem you’ve chosen with the service.  Also, customer service impressions are welcomed.  Feel free to leave your comments in our comment section or use the Contact Us link above if you’d prefer to remain anonymous.  Please remember to include your city and state.

YouTube is littered with negative reviews and complaints about the service, but I’d like to hear from our readers.

Here is one annoyed customer who literally attached her USB modem to a broom handle and mounted it halfway up the side of her home and still could not connect. (Warning: Profanity) (3 minutes)

Frontier West Virginia: Long Hold Times and Glitches for its 626,000 Newest Customers

Phillip Dampier July 8, 2010 Consumer News, Frontier, Rural Broadband, Verizon, Video 1 Comment

Frontier Communications rented a conference room at the Charleston Embassy Suites, calling it a "command center" for the transition. (Courtesy: Charleston Gazette/Lawrence Pierce)

No state faces a larger impact from Verizon’s exit than West Virginia.  The epitome of the kind of market Verizon doesn’t want to serve any longer, West Virginia suffered through several years of Verizon not keeping up with required investments in the aging landline network, and service had markedly deteriorated as a result.  West Virginia is mountainous — expensive to maintain infrastructure, often rural — reducing potential revenues, and economically-challenged — killing the chances of making “triple-play” sales (and profits) in communities where customers have to watch every penny.

West Virginia was also the epicenter of the loudest controversy over the sale, as unions and consumer groups opposed the transaction because of its enormous threat to an entire state’s landline network.  A failure by Frontier would result in the kind of drama experienced by northern New England customers of FairPoint Communications, who suffered with more than a year of horrible service and inaccurate billing.

So news that Frontier has run into problems in the state just one week in, despite sending 250 extra employees into the area for the conversion, has raised concerns with the Public Service Commission, as well as those impacted by problems and outages.  Frontier has tried to put its best face forward, with employees holed up in a self-described “command center” in a conference room at the local Embassy Suites in Charleston.  On the day before the handover, press photographers were able to snap pictures of Frontier employees seated at long conference tables facing one another, with laptops open.  A digital projector showed PowerPoint slides that promoted the “new Frontier” while a temporary company banner tacked to a corner wall rippled over a stand.  A high tech glitz and glamor presentation this was not.

David Armentrout, president and chief operating officer of FiberNet was underwhelmed by all of it.  His company requires connections with West Virginia’s landline provider to deliver full service to his clients.  Prior to the handover, Armentrout said FiberNet had 43 outstanding trouble tickets on file with Verizon.  But Verizon apparently never handed over those support tickets to Frontier, effectively losing them after the transition.  Now that Frontier has taken over, Armentrout’s company has had to open 113 trouble tickets for problems old and new.

Armentrout complained about the lack of results from Frontier in the pages of the Charleston Daily Mail:

Armentrout said that after consistently being put on hold for more than an hour when trying to reach Frontier to talk about outstanding trouble tickets, “we had a meeting with their senior team on Saturday. We said this was not acceptable. Since then they’ve given us a work-around with two dedicated Frontier employees. When we get an hour hold time, we contact these dedicated employees.

“Another issue we’ve had is, we’ve had to contact our customers directly to verify the status of their trouble tickets because the (Frontier) system doesn’t tell us the status,” he said. “As a result of having to contact our customers directly and working with Frontier on all of these issues since July 1, our dedicated team has spent over 200 man-hours working on these issues.

“When you look at the results: six of 43 completed and three of 113 completed, we’re doing a lot of work and spending a lot of man hours but not really seeing a lot of service issues being resolved.

“Unfortunately on Friday the Public Service Commission was closed,” Armentrout said. “We made attempts to get in touch with them because we recognized we would have the problems we’re continuing to have today. I want our customers to know we’re doing everything we can to get these issues resolved.

“Several individuals within Frontier have exhibited good-faith efforts to resolve these issues,” he said. “We commend them for their efforts. But what we’re looking for is results. We need to get these issues fixed. They’ve made efforts but at the end of the day we’re still not getting where we need to be.

“Come Tuesday when business gets back to normal we can expect these numbers to increase unless we get these issues resolved,” Armentrout said. “Our intention is to go to the Public Service Commission on Tuesday and get them involved to make sure these issues are getting resolved as quickly as possible. It has been a long weekend.”

Ken Arndt, president of Frontier’s Southeast Region, issued a statement Sunday that unconvincingly blamed some of the delayed fixes on the recent death of West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd:

“We are doing the necessary work needed to correct old and current issues. It’s Day 4 and overall this has been a very successful conversion. That is especially true when you remember that Day 2 was marked by the presence of the President and Vice President of the United States and many members of Congress at the memorial for Sen. Robert Byrd. We made sure Frontier’s system performed flawlessly.”

The newspaper notes Verizon’s landline network in the state is notorious for having problems when there are storms, and since the July 1st transition there have not been any.  Armentrout agrees, hoping that Frontier’s outstanding issues get resolved before the first major storm hits the state, which could come as early as Friday.  Armentrout calls the first severe weather challenge Frontier faces “the mid-term exam.”

Taking the longer view, Frontier promises it will spend millions in West Virginia to update the state’s landline infrastructure and expand broadband availability.  Frontier announced the hiring of nine regional managers to oversee operations across the state, including Mitch Carmichael, a delegate in the West Virginian legislature representing Jackson.  Carmichael is a former computer salesman who will now manage Frontier’s Parkersburg office.

Customers are less impressed.  Many have experienced lengthy outages with their DSL service since the transition — a bad omen for many Charleston residents who immediately called Suddenlink, the area’s cable company, to switch service providers.  Another Charleston customer called Frontier’s continued reliance on a Yahoo!-provided “front end” “really low class.”  In nearby Huntington, a few customers couldn’t say much about what changed after Frontier took over because their phone service went out on the 1st and was still out a week later.

“I hope they don’t raise the bill since we have not had any phone service at all since 11:00am on July 1st when Frontier took over,” wrote one customer. “With my phone service out since Saturday and a new promise of repairs to be made by Tuesday July 6th, I am waiting to see where Frontier improves service in rural West Virginia. The Verizon employees would just as soon as to tell you anything — same people, just a different company. Frontier needs to have a major house cleaning, as their tales haven’t changed along with the service,” writes another.

A handful also complained that their Frontier phone service cost plenty more than what Verizon charged:

“My parents have Frontier and their bill is twice as high as my Verizon. We have the DSL and the freedom package (unlimited long distance, call waiting, voicemail and caller ID) and my bill is $78 a month.  My parents only have local calling, call waiting, voicemail, caller ID, and DSL and their bill is over $120 with no long distance,” he writes.  “How is this take over going to help anyone other than Frontier? I’m going to cable for Internet and phone.”

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WSAZ Charleston Frontier Carriers Experience Minor Problems 7-6-10.flv[/flv]

WSAZ-TV in Charleston says some companies are experiencing minor problems in the West Virginian conversion from Verizon to Frontier.  (2 minutes)

Frontier Everywhere: Multi-State DSL Outages Upset Customers, Some Without Service for Days

Phillip Dampier July 8, 2010 Consumer News, Frontier 5 Comments

Talk about bad timing.  Just as the transition between Verizon and Frontier Communications was about to get underway, a fiber cable cut in Virginia June 29th caused a multi-state outage for Frontier DSL’s service.  In downstate New York, tens of thousands of customers lost service.

News of the outage was picked up by the Times Herald-Record, which reported nearly 30,000 customers in Orange and Rockland counties without service from 2-11am.  A Times reader named Steve observed, “I thought this outage was just the typical monthly DSL outage I suffer every month with Frontier. Think service is bad now? God help us when they get their hands on that chunk of Verizon territory. I suspect it will be overwhelming for them, from financial and technical viewpoints.”

Several thousand customers near Rhinebeck and Hopewell Junction were also impacted, according to a story in the Poughkeepsie Journal.  Reader MarienneV noted this wasn’t the first Frontier DSL outage she’s dealt with:

We noticed that there was no Internet at my house at around 5am yesterday. It was after 8pm when we were finally able to get online. This is not the first time it happened either, about a week or two ago Frontier had an outage that lasted at least five hours. Since there is no local television news up here, I felt kind of cut off from the world. I hope the Internet stays on now.

A similar service outage hit Frontier customers in the Middletown area, according to the Mid-Hudson News.

Since the transition, now even former Verizon customers are being exposed to Frontier DSL outages, especially in West Virginia where widespread problems are attracting the attention of the state Public Service Commission.

The Charleston Daily Mail today reports more than 500 customers in Martinsburg alone seem to have had problems with Internet service since Saturday:

The commission, in its May 13 order approving Frontier’s acquisition of Verizon’s landline network, required Frontier to spend millions of dollars to increase broadband deployment and subscriptions in what was Verizon’s service territory. However, the commission does not regulate Internet service.

On Tuesday Doug Stone said he and his brother-in-law, who both live outside of Martinsburg, hadn’t had Internet service since Saturday morning. Stone said a Frontier customer service representative in Texas told him the company had over 500 calls from the Martinsburg area about Internet service.

Tuesday evening Frontier spokeswoman Brigid Smith said, “The outage in Martinsburg seems to be the direct result of faulty workmanship by Verizon two weeks prior to the completion of the acquisition,” and was directly related to Verizon’s movement of a switch from Maryland to West Virginia. She added, “The cooling equipment Verizon installed was insufficient for the additional data equipment associated with this project.

“My partners at Frontier are working incredible hours to make right many things that have been too long ignored,” Smith said.

A Marmet resident who asked to not be identified said Wednesday that she and a friend, who also lives in Marmet, were without Internet service. “They tell us it will be 24 to 48 hours before they fix it,” she said. “I want you to know the problems aren’t just in Martinsburg.”

Life on the Frontier: Ex-Verizon Customers Cope With Minor Problems As Frontier Stock Price Plummets

Phillip Dampier July 8, 2010 Consumer News, Editorial & Site News, Frontier, Rural Broadband Comments Off on Life on the Frontier: Ex-Verizon Customers Cope With Minor Problems As Frontier Stock Price Plummets

Week one of the transition for millions of ex-Verizon landline customers didn’t exactly go off without a hitch.  A few problems with support issues for certain business customers in West Virginia, a major multi-state DSL outage from a fiber cable cut in Virginia, and long hold times of 30 minutes or longer have afflicted the all-new, super-sized Frontier.  Also not inspiring confidence: a plummeting Frontier stock price as Verizon shareholders, which now own 68 percent of Frontier Communications are hurrying to dump their stock and get out.  It has gotten so bad, TradersHuddle declared Frontier Communications the worst performing stock on the S&P 500.

Not much of this comes as a surprise, particularly the fleeing of Verizon shareholders who received 0.24 shares of Frontier, worth about $1.75 on July 1st (but now dropping fast), for every Verizon share they owned on June 7.  They’ve learned from prior experience that holding onto spun-off stock from similar deals with companies like FairPoint Communications and Hawaiian Telcom ended in financial disaster — bankruptcy.  As we predicted last Halloween in our true-to-life telecom horror story, once this deal was completed, Verizon shareholders would rush for the exits, selling their Frontier stock even as the share price plummets.

Shanthi Venkataraman, a reporter for The Street, noted the selloff in progress after the 4th of July holidays.  On Tuesday the stock was down 4.5% to $7.02. More than 30 million shares have changed hands, five times its average trading volume of 6.3 million.  Analysts believe the “turbulence” in Frontier stock is likely to continue for another week as new shareholders from Verizon complete their sell-off.

Zack’s Analyst Blog notes shareholders should be concerned with the future of Frontier’s business model — focusing on a decaying landline business.  Frontier’s revenue is particularly in peril in their biggest service area, Rochester, N.Y., which represents 25 percent of the company’s total access lines.  Customers in the Flower City continue to dump Frontier’s phone and broadband services, preferring Time Warner Cable’s less expensive “digital phone” and far faster Road Runner Internet service.  Time Warner Cable has consistently reported much of their growth in new customers has come from departing landline and DSL broadband customers disconnecting service.

While shareholders have the power to cut ties with Frontier, rural telephone customers in 14 states now confronted with a shotgun wedding to Frontier are not so lucky.  For millions of rural customers, there is no other choice for telephone and broadband service.

Stop the Cap! has reviewed dozens of local news accounts regarding the transition Verizon customers are now confronting as they are introduced to Frontier Communications.  Overall, most of the rural communities are taking a “wait and see” approach, hoping Frontier’s near-universal promises of better broadband and improved customer service will come true.  Verizon effectively slashed spending at least a year or two ago in many of these communities knowing in advance they were not going to be around for much longer.  In states like West Virginia, the results have been devastating for broadband penetration statistics.  While Verizon prepared for a sale, it kept nearly the entire state waiting for better broadband that would never come from the telecom giant.  Now with news Frontier plans to spend millions to improve broadband in the state, residents are hoping that will actually bring a broadband breakthrough in West Virginia.  Time will tell.

Many communities who have long felt ignored as “too small to matter” in Verizon’s larger plans also hope Frontier will manage better customer relationships with residents. After all, Frontier is promoting itself as the phone company with the small-town feel.  But after week one, some customers are feeling Frontier is giving them the big city runaround.  We’ll explore that, and the reactions from community leaders, consumers and businesses to the promises Frontier is making in our multi-part series exploring their transition to Frontier.

Verizon Upset About NY Bill Requiring Phone Deals Share 40 Percent of Proceeds With Ratepayers

When phone companies like Verizon decide to throw their rural customers under the bus by selling them off, shareholders and executives rake in windfall bonuses, sometimes in the millions.  Now a New York assemblyman and a state senator want ratepayers to get a 40 percent cut of the action.

Assemblyman Richard Brodsky (D-Westchester), is the primary sponsor of Assembly Bill A02208 — An Act Requiring the Public Service Commission to Conduct an In-Depth Public Interest Analysis of Proposed Mergers by Telephone Corporations and Other Telecommunications Services Providers.  A companion New York Senate Bill, S7263, was introduced by Sen. Brian X. Foley (D-Blue Point/Long Island).

The legislation would compel phone companies engaged in the practice of mergers, acquisitions, and sales to share 40 percent of the proceeds with New York’s landline phone customers.

The legislation came as a result of watching Verizon systematically sell off parts of its phone empire to third party companies like FairPoint Communications, Hawaiian Telcom, and Frontier Communications.  More than five million customers have been switched away from Verizon to other companies, most of which have gone bankrupt as a direct result of the sales.


Both Brodsky and Foley don’t want to see New York residents face similar consequences.  They are particularly concerned about Verizon’s upstate operations, particularly in rural areas outside of cities like Buffalo, Binghamton, Rochester, Syracuse, Albany, and northern New York.  In the upstate region, Verizon has constructed fiber to the home service under its FiOS brand in urban and suburban regions where it operates, but has made few changes in the countryside.  As Verizon customers from Washington to North Carolina suddenly find themselves served by Frontier, why couldn’t the same thing happen in communities like Sodus in Wayne County, Penn Yan in Yates County, or just about anywhere in northern New York?

Verizon’s business plan has evolved over the last ten years.  Company president Ivan Seidenberg previously declared the landline business dead, and the company has turned its attention to delivering fiber-based video, phone and broadband services to the major population centers within its service areas.  Because rural customers cost too much to serve with similar packages of services, Verizon has begun selling them off to independent phone companies that still see revenue from copper wire landline service.

Verizon claims it has no plans to sell any of its operations in New York, but Brodsky and Foley want insurance that if they change their mind, no ratepayers in New York will face what happened in northern New England or Hawaii when the companies taking control ended up in Bankruptcy Court.

“It’s a ratepayer protection bill for upstate New York,” Brodsky said.

Brodsky said if Verizon were to sell operations, consumers will not be left with inferior service.

Forcing companies to share proceeds of sales to ratepayers who ultimately indirectly bankroll most of these deals is not unprecedented in New York.  Electric and gas utilities are often required to send refunds or issue credits when they sell assets.  Ratepayers of Rochester Gas & Electric received several compensation checks after the sale of the Ginna nuclear power plant in Ontario, New York to Constellation Energy Group in 2004.

Verizon could also be compelled to reinvest proceeds earmarked for consumers in the company’s infrastructure, such as paying for broadband improvements or upgrading lines.

The legislation would only impact companies earning more than $200 million in gross annual revenue from New Yorkers.  Currently, that means the legislation would only impact Verizon and Frontier Communications.

Not surprisingly, Verizon is vehemently against the proposed legislation and is fighting tooth and nail to kill it in Albany.


Jim Gerace, president of Verizon’s New York region, told the Albany Times-Union the Brodsky legislation was bad for Verizon and anti-business in general.  Gerace predicted companies would not want to do business in New York because they’d fear similar profit-sharing legislation could eventually target them.

“I’m convinced this is going to have a chilling effect on all businesses,” Gerace said. “They’re sending a very dangerous message to all businesses. It just compounds the state’s woes.”

But the Public Service Commission is intrigued by the legislation and is reviewing it.  If enacted, it could make a mass sell-off of rural landlines untenable in New York.

A02208 passed the Assembly by a wide margin — 103-34 and is now awaiting final action in the Senate.  It narrowly passed the Senate Rules Committee June 16th by a 13-10 vote.

If you want to see the bill passed, consider contacting your New York State senator and asking them to support the immediate passage of S7263.  Let them know you do not want phone deals to be cut at your expense, leaving you with a second-class provider.  If Verizon wants to sell off your community, they owe consumers a piece of the action.  It’s time that phone mergers, acquisitions and sell-offs actually benefit the consumers that ultimately pay for them and live with the results.

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