Comcast’s Summer Netbook Promotion: Customers Getting The Runaround Waiting for Computer Five Months Later

Phillip Dampier January 27, 2010 Comcast/Xfinity, HissyFitWatch, Video 3 Comments

The elusive Dell 10v Netbook promised to new Comcast customers back in August is MIA for hundreds who took advantage of the promotion

Five months after Comcast ran a promotion for new customers including a free Dell 10v netbook, many customers across the country are still waiting to receive the computer.

Back in August, Comcast matched a Verizon FiOS promotion promising a netbook to new customers signing a two-year service contract for a $99 monthly “triple play” package of telephone, broadband, and cable programming.

Visitors to Comcast’s website were offered:

HD Starter Triple Play

NEW SUBSCRIBERS: Get a free Dell 10v Netbook with the HD Starter Triple Play for only $99 a month for 12 months and a 2-year minimum term agreement. Plus, you’ll continue the savings the following year with a price of just $10 more per month.

  • Free HD – no HD access fees or equipment fees.
  • Over 80 digital cable channels.
  • Thousands of On Demand movies and shows.
  • Internet downloads up to 15 Mbps, uploads up to 3 Mbps with PowerBoost®.
  • Unlimited local and long-distance nationwide calling – rated #1 in call clarity.
  • Voice Mail and 12 popular calling features including Caller ID, Call Waiting and more.

The campaign apparently shared something else in common with Verizon’s promotions — customers left high and dry wondering when the promised bonus will arrive.

Customer attempts to contact Comcast have met with a wall of excuses and broken promises, and often still no netbook.  Other customers were told they failed to “qualify” for the promotion for not precisely following the terms and conditions that were never explained to them.

Comcast representatives have told customers they lost out because:

Although some customers began receiving the promised promotion more than 120 days after signing up for Comcast, hundreds more are still waiting, and complaining.  A few managed to obtain service credits up to $299 (the retail cost of the Dell 10v) and told to “go buy your own.”   One Seattle television station intervened to help a Kenmore resident finally secure one in January, despite hopes it would have arrived before Christmas for re-gifting.

Escalating the matter to executive customer service is usually the best way to cut through Comcast’s red tape and secure the promotion customers are entitled to receive.

Darren, a Comcast customer who waited months for the cable company to make good on their offer gave some advice:

I started posting on Facebook and Twitter and immediately received a twitter from @ComcastMelissa and @ComcastBonnie. They told me to email: [email protected] and provide my account information so they can get me my netbook. I received an email from Sherri Carson, ([email protected]) at the corporate office – national customer service. On January 7th, 2010 she said “This is going to take about 2 weeks at the most. Sorry, I know you should have received some follow up, but I’m on it.”

The kicker: I emailed her yesterday to say hey, two weeks is almost up and I haven’t heard anything. Here is her response: “You should be receiving your netbook no later than 2/19 at the latest. I will get you a tracking number as soon as I get one. You can check this site in about two weeks.

Just don’t get your hopes too high for a Dell netbook.  Many finally receiving their promotional gift report an Asus Eee PC arrived instead.  Comcast put that in the fine print as well  — it reserved the right to make substitutions.

[flv width=”480″ height=”290″] Seattle Comcast called out in Triple Play promotion 1-7-10.mp4[/flv]

KING-TV Seattle helped this Kenmore, Washington viewer finally get her promised netbook after signing up for service in August, 2009.  A Comcast executive personally pleaded for her to stay with Comcast, despite the promotion problem, in this report.  (2 minutes)

Another ‘Meter Problem’: South Africa’s MTN Bills Customers Thousands of Dollars for Usage the Meter Says They Owe

Phillip Dampier January 26, 2010 Audio, Data Caps, Wireless Broadband 1 Comment

Your Bill from MTN - Internet Overcharging Gift Wrapped

South Africans using the wireless services of MTN may be in for quite a shock in the coming weeks as the company attempts to collect for customer data usage charges it forgot to bill last fall.  Some customers have discovered the company automatically debited their checking accounts for thousands of dollars of “back usage” customers deny using.  Once again, when choosing whether to believe a faulty usage meter and billing system or the customer, Internet Overchargers believe the meter that fills their pockets with customer cash.

Benzi Kornizer is one customer impacted by the data discrepancy.  Despite using MTN’s data service for several months without incident, the company is trying to withdraw R10000 ($1,321 US Dollars) from Benzi’s checking account.  Kornizer pays R600 ($79) per month for 3GB of wireless data usage.  MTN’s usage meter, after the installation of a new billing system, claims he used more – more than $1,000 more.

“I received a letter from MTN, with no reference number, no date, no details of the problem and now I am having trouble getting my problem resolved,” Kornizer told ITWeb.

MTN believes in their usage meter, which it is using as justification to back-bill customers, despite admissions of ongoing billing problems.  Affected customers are receiving letters signed by customer relations executive Eddie Moyce admitting prior under-billing.

“MTN is in the process of re-processing the used data and customer call data records and will debit the affected customers’ accounts accordingly,” the letter states.

MTN’s billing practices, now a story in the South African media, resulted in a statement released by the company.

“We are extremely sensitive to the fact that billing errors have had an impact on the pockets of our subscribers. We will not suspend any voice or data contracts as a result of this error, and MTN will credit the accounts where double-billing errors occurred. MTN subscribers will also retain their loyalty points accrued over this period. MTN will investigate and evaluate every query on a case-by-case basis,” says Moyce.

He explains that the trouble stems from an upgrade of the billing system the company is using. “We have invested millions in a new billing system, which went live at the end of 2009 and is proving to be successful. However, we are still working hard to rectify the fallout from the previous system.”

The company admits the complete transition to the new billing system may take years to complete.  That leaves customers like Kornizer playing broadband usage roulette, never certain what the company’s meter will finally read, even months after the billing cycle ends.  Although MTN claims their meter is “proving to be successful,” customer complaints are pouring into consumer protection agencies and websites.

Kornizer is threatening to sue MTN in court.

Eddie Moyce, customer relations executive, spoke with MoneyWeb about the billing problems experienced by MTN. (5 minutes)
You must remain on this page to hear the clip, or you can download the clip and listen later.


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A sampling of the complaints from just the last 48 hours about MTN’s Usage Meter on consumer site HelloPeter, which has logged more than 9,000 customer complaints thus far against MTN:

“My December bill for my MTN Data Contract suddenly hits R3000 despite an normal usage of +-R320. I call the Autopage Accounts only to be told that there is a billing problem. However, any reply from MTN that this is a backbilling issue can be refuted. On my itemised billing, it shows that on Christmas day I used 1.2GB of data in 2 sessions a few minutes apart! Now, my modem is a 1.8Mbps but downloading 600MB in seconds is absolutely incredible!”

“Last month I received a data usage bill for R1901 which I thought was insane as it has always been R249 per month.  I queried it and a itemised bill was sent though, which showed the ‘usage’, so I could not argue, then on the 23rd I received an SMS saying MTN incorrectly billed customers for that period and we would get a full credit for the incorrect amount. Then I check my account and another R2693 was debited from my account.”

“My average monthly MTN bill for internet access via a modem is R271.27 which was boosted by a November bill for R521.20. I paid this amount even though it looked very high. I was astounded by my December bill for R 5395.48! I spoke to [customer service] who tells me that I must wait 25 working days for my query to be assessed! In the meantime I must pay the R5394.48 or else my [service] will be suspended! MTN insists I must pay before they audit my account.”

“I migrated my internet from a 500 meg to a 3 gig package, completed the paperwork and was assured that everything is in place and will be faxed through for the migration. After receiving an account for over R11000,  I was informed that the migration was never made. I do not have the forms, but the personnel remembered the transaction and called the accounts department. Answer, ‘Sorry, we made a mistake and did not do the migration for you, but you did use the data so you must pay the account’.”

“Since October 2009 I’ve been billed R 16000 mostly for data use. My account was suspended three times without notice….  [The company won’t send me] proof of the amount used.”

“My bill from MTN ranges between R1200 and R1400 a month – In October, November and December 2009, I received bills between R11 000 and R14 000 a month! When I queried these bills the answer was always the same: These are amounts that were not billed ‘forgot’ to bill me this amount and ‘there was an error’ on their system and this usage was not billed for. When asked for proof of some kind – seeing as I have not been using the account in December 2009, they told us they could not provide this. Nor would the call centre agent put me through to a Manager to discuss or sort it out. The last time we spoke to someone, they told us to ‘just pay it’ or make a payment plan to pay it off. I have no intention on paying any amounts due to their system faults and without proof of how I could use between R11 000 to R14 000 a month. Inconsistent billing, no service, no response to messages left, no responses to emails and faxes. I had no choice but to change service providers.”

“I am presently on the 500MB package for internet service, cost; R239/Mth. Yet my bill arrives stating just over R1400. I know I have not exceeded my allowance as I check it before and after each session and I only use it to Skype family back home, plus some VERY minor surfing on the odd occasion. This has been raised twice now with MTN, both times I have been greeted by a ‘it happens often’ mentality, told they can not find a reason why the bill is so high and the billing dept will get back to me in 21 days. This is going to be AFTER the money is taken out of my account. Evidence on this website indicates that grossly overcharging their clients is hardly an isolated occurrence here and there, but a standard procedure. This they seem to find an acceptable way to treat their customers. I wonder how they would feel if their clients all decided to settle bills in 21 days or at their leisure, through no fault of their own. To the present time this problem remains unresolved and not taken seriously by MTN.  TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE.”

Short ‘n Sweet

Phillip Dampier January 26, 2010 Editorial & Site News 2 Comments

Just a quick note for those who dislike getting through the longer pieces here — thanks to a broken collarbone received last Friday, I’ll be writing considerably shorter pieces for awhile as I cope with one arm in a sling.  Thankfully, it appears things should heal on their own without a cast or pins, but physical therapy in about a month will likely be in the cards.  Thanks for being a regular reader and for your understanding.

Mexican Speed War: Broadband Speeds Will Exceed What Many in the States Can Obtain… Often At a Lower Price

Phillip Dampier January 26, 2010 Broadband Speed, Competition, Video 4 Comments

While the United States argues over broadband speeds, pricing, and usage limits, a broadband speed war is breaking out in Mexico which could deliver millions of Mexicans better broadband service at lower prices than what providers in the United States and Canada offer many of their customers.

The first shot came from Telmex, owned by media tycoon Carlos Slim.  They announced a more than doubling of their company’s DSL speed from the current 2-4Mbps to more than 10Mbps.

Telmex is Mexico’s leading Internet Service Provider, and typically bundles its broadband service with a calling package.  Telmex currently sells up to 5Mbps service, bundled with a phone line with unlimited local and long distance calling, plus 200 minutes of free calling to the United States, other calling features, free wi-fi access in more than 120,000 locations, and a free wireless modem/router for approximately $78 a month.  New subscribers get a bond worth approximately $39 when they sign up for service.

Televisa’s Cablevision, a cable provider, announced over the weekend it would match Telmex.

“Cablevision will offer this year more than 10Mbps service across Mexico City and surrounding areas at very affordable prices,” Televisa Executive Vice President Alfonso de Angoitia tweeted.

Televisa has been playing catch-up to Telmex, but the cable company’s “triple-play” phone, broadband, and video package has been attracting considerable attention.  The Mexican authorities currently prohibit Telmex from offering video to customers because of market domination fears.

Cablevision standalone pricing for their current 2Mbps service is about $23 a month with a term contract.  Additional discounts are provided for bundled service — $40.33 a month for both broadband and telephone service.

The price war broke out because of anemic growth in the landline telephone business, and the potential revenue expanded broadband service packages could bring Mexican providers.

[flv] Cablevision Telmex Ads.flv[/flv]

A selection of ads from Cablevision and Telmex. (3 minutes)

Where’s Our Refund? Cablevision Subscribers Want Credit for Now-Resolved TV Food Network/HGTV Spat

Phillip Dampier January 25, 2010 Cablevision (see Altice USA), Video 1 Comment

The battle between Cablevision and Scripps over the carriage of two popular cable channels has been resolved, but customers in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut are now wondering where their refunds are for three weeks of interrupted viewing.

“Why are we paying for two channels they’re not delivering,” asks Stop the Cap! reader Alvira in New Jersey.  Many others are wondering the same thing, now that Cablevision is billing customers for January service that delivered an incomplete cable lineup.

The town supervisor of Ramapo, in Rockland County, New York, is demanding rebates for customers.

“We want a refund,” said Christopher St. Lawrence.  “We have over 10,000 [customers] right here in the town of Ramapo.”

[flv width=”600″ height=”356″] New York Cablevision Refunds 1-11-10.flv[/flv]

WABC-TV New York reports on customer demands for refunds from Cablevison. (2 minutes)

The resolution over the carriage dispute came last week, after negotiations finally achieved an agreement restoring the channels.

“This is the resolution everyone wanted, and to have achieved anything less would have been a profound disappointment,” said John Lansing, executive vice president of Scripps.

Scripps had demanded about 75 cents per month from each subscriber for the two networks.  Cablevision formerly paid 25 cents per month.  In the end, industry watchers suggest the two companies ended up agreeing on about 45 cents per month.

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