Secret Santa: Another Time Warner Outage for Western NY Means a Refund for You… If You Ask

Phillip Dampier December 1, 2010 Consumer News Comments Off on Secret Santa: Another Time Warner Outage for Western NY Means a Refund for You… If You Ask

Time Warner Cable's office on Mt. Hope Avenue in Rochester, N.Y.

Don’t say we never gave you anything.

Another widespread Time Warner Cable broadband and phone outage struck Rochester, N.Y., this morning, leaving many customers with lagging or no service for several hours.

Customers are entitled to service credits, but Time Warner Cable only provides them when you ask.  We’ve made it easy to collect with our easy, breezy instant service credit request menu.  The online e-mail form usually takes the shortest amount of time.  A credit for $3.16 for our Road Runner Turbo account was posted within an hour of our request.

If your area experiences an Internet outage and you can point us to your company’s methods of requesting service credits, we’ll be happy to extend this service to other areas and companies.  Just use our contact form, linked above.

Stop the Cap! Presents Your Easy Service Credit Request Menu

Customers can request one day of credit for both phone and Internet service (assuming you have both services, of course).  Make sure you request -both- credits if you are entitled.

Sample Request You Can Cut and Paste:

I am writing to request a service credit for the phone and Internet outage that occurred in Rochester today, Wednesday Dec. 1st.  Please credit my account.

Methods to Obtain Credit:

  1. Use Time Warner Cable’s Online Chat system, select Billing Inquiry, and type to a customer service representative.
  2. Call (585) 756-5000 or toll free 1-800-756-7956 and speak with a customer service representative.
  3. Use the Online E-Mail form, select Billing Inquiry, and send a message requesting credit.

Cable Stocks Soar, Rationing Broadband With ‘Usage-Based Billing Coming Quickly,” Predicts Analyst

When the FCC delivers for Big Telecom's agenda, stocks soar. Comcast shares exploded on news the company could largely do as it pleases with its broadband service. (CNBC)

Comcast’s stock price soared today as Wall Street was cheered by news America’s largest cable operator would likely face little regulatory restraint from consumer protection policies designed to keep broadband providers from meddling with Internet traffic.  But investors were also excited by the green light signaled by Federal Communications Commission chairman Julius Genachowski that launching Internet Overcharging schemes like “usage-based” billing, speed throttles and hard usage caps on broadband consumers was also acceptable marketplace behavior.

Craig Moffett, a Wall Street analyst with Sanford Bernstein said Genachowski’s remarks left the marketplace with little doubt it can get away with price increases and new limits on broadband consumption.

“The FCC here is expressly acknowledging the need to ration broadband, and that’s a really big deal,” said Moffett, appearing on CNBC this afternoon.  “I think you are going to start to see usage-based pricing plans from the broadband providers pretty quickly.”

Moffett also acknowledged his firm’s own research showing consumers despise such pricing schemes and admits the impact on America’s broadband landscape is likely to include a dramatic shift in how customers use their Internet accounts.

“When customers think they are going to be charged when they click on that link and watch a movie, they are going to be inclined to watch fewer movies,” Moffett said.  “You can’t expect linear progression of online video because there are going to be feedback loops like usage-based pricing that are going to limit usage.”

Moffett says cable operators are benefiting from Chairman Genachowski’s new approach because it opens the door to repricing wired broadband accounts to limit broadband consumption.  Since most analysts guessed regulators would allow usage-based pricing to remain on wireless broadband, the unexpected green light for similar rationing plans on cable broadband, DSL, and other wired services was welcome news, at least for providers and Wall Street.

Consumers that don’t deliver a resounding negative response to elected officials, the FCC, and the White House better start thinking twice about clicking that YouTube video, because that few minutes could cost plenty if providers slap higher prices and limits on broadband service in the coming year.

[flv] The Fight for Your Right to Surf the Web 12-1-10.flv[/flv]

A Wall Street telecom analyst predicts the end of unlimited home broadband accounts is going to come quickly, now that the FCC has capitulated on Net Neutrality policies.  (3 minutes)

Net Neutered: The Cowardly Lion is Back — FCC Chairman Caves In With Homeopathic Net Reform

The Cowardly Lion is back.

Federal Communications Commission chairman Julius Genachowski believes he has a sound legal basis to implement Net Neutrality policies to protect Internet traffic from provider interference, but has stopped considerably short of implementing his own proposed enforcement mechanisms.

Genachowski outlined his ideas to implement Net Neutrality reform in brief remarks before the Commission this morning.

“Broadband providers have natural business incentives to leverage their position as gatekeepers to the Internet,” the text of the speech says. “The record in the proceeding we’ve run over the past year, as well as history, shows that there are real risks to the Internet’s continued freedom and openness.”

Genachowski praised the progress the Internet has managed to achieve over the past decade, and said his efforts would ensure that progress could continue with a minimum of regulation.  In that spirit, Genachowski announced he would not move that the Commission re-assert its legal authority to oversee broadband by a process to reclassify the service under Title II, which governs telecommunications services.

Comcast successfully sued for repeal of the Commission’s original authority, implemented by Bush FCC chairman Michael Powell, which classified broadband as “an information service.”  A DC Circuit Court discarded the legal basis for Powell’s regulatory authority in a sweeping victory for the cable giant, which was sued for throttling down speeds for broadband customers using peer to peer applications.

Genachowski argued he has “a sound legal basis” to pursue his latest vision of Net Neutrality rules in spite of the earlier court case.  But critics doubt that and charge that the FCC chairman has capitulated to America’s largest broadband providers, including Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon.

Genachowski's view of the Internet does not meet the realities consumers face without Net Neutrality protection assuring a free and open Internet.

“By not restoring the FCC’s authority, Chairman Genachowski is unnecessarily placing his Net Neutrality agenda, and indeed his entire broadband agenda, at risk,” said Free Press executive director Josh Silver.

Boiled down, Genachowski now seeks just two major principles governing provider behavior:

  1. No censorship of content.
  2. Full disclosure of network management techniques so consumers know what providers are doing to their broadband connections.

Consumer groups are furious that the chairman has apparently discarded many of Net Neutrality’s most important consumer protections, and accused him of caving in to lobbyist demands and abdicating his responsibility to oversee critical broadband infrastructure.

Marvin Ammori, a cyber-activist and public interest law professor said the proposal also fell well short of meeting President Barack Obama’s repeated promises to enact strong Net Neutrality policies.

“It’s make-believe Net Neutrality,” said Ammori, who called Genachowski’s proposals “garbage” and “meaningless gestures.”

Now off the table:

A ban on Internet Overcharging schemes that allow providers to limit, throttle, or overcharge consumers who use more than an arbitrary amount of Internet usage per month. This exposes home broadband users to the same kinds of bill shock that wireless customers already experience.

A ban on using “network management” to artificially slow or block traffic the provider — at its sole discretion — determines is “harmful” or “congests” their network. Under Genachowski’s new proposal, the definition of “harmful” could be made by an engineering department on technical grounds or in an executive suite as companies ponder their financial returns. So long as they manage traffic without “unreasonable discrimination,” it’s okay with the Commission.

Built-in loopholes guarantee providers need only set rates high enough to assure only “preferred partners” can afford the asking price, and that only their competitors meet the definition of “harmful” traffic worthy of speed throttling.  The proposal also reportedly only covers video and voice traffic on wireless networks.  It’s open season on everything else if you access the web from a smartphone or wireless broadband service.

Actual legal authority to implement any broadband reform policies. It was Julius Genachowski and the FCC’s General Counsel Austin C. Schlick that argued without asserting legal authority under Title II, nothing the Commission did could be assured of withstanding a court challenge.  Yet today the chairman now claims his legal team has found some legal precedents that somehow will keep his policies in force after inevitable lawsuits are filed.  Former FCC chairman Powell thought much the same thing about his own idea of reclassifying broadband as “an information service.”  The DC Court of Appeals thought otherwise, something Schlick knows personally, having fought the Comcast case before that court.  In the end, Schlick correctly guessed his case was a train wreck, and was reduced to asking the court for legal pointers about how to draft regulations that could survive a court challenge.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″] Third Way The Future of Internet Policy in America 5-2010.flv[/flv]

This “other” Julius Genachowski from May of this year delivered remarks that carried a very different tone about the importance of restoring legal authority to oversee broadband.  But that was before AT&T put him on their speed dial, successfully reaching him personally more than a half dozen times in the last few weeks to argue their point of view.  Consumers don’t have Julius Genachowski’s phone number.  (4 minutes)

In short, Genachowski’s proposals represent near-total victory for providers, and any cable or phone company annoyed with the few scraps still on the agenda need only file suit arguing the Commission lacks the authority to stick its nose into their business affairs.  Without Title II authority in place, that lawsuit is probably going to result in a favorable ruling putting us back where we are today — with no Net Neutrality protections.  But by then, the Internet will be a very different place, loaded with toll booths from content providers and your ISP, who may ask for extra money if you want to watch Netflix or download files.  Your speeds may be reduced at any time, to any level, if a provider deems you’ve over-consumed your traffic allowance for that day, week, or month.

Worse, some providers will dispatch bills with overlimit fees that could run into the hundreds of dollars (or more) for those with a family member who left a high bandwidth application running while running out the door to catch the school bus.

Providers and their well-paid lobbyists celebrate their victory over consumers' wallets

So long as providers agree to abuse everyone more or less equally (excepting their own “preferred partners” of course), Julius Genachowski believes the next ten years of America’s online experience can be as great as the last.

In his dreams.  As Public Justice attorney Paul Bland said about dealing with ruthless companies like AT&T, assuming providers will behave favorably towards consumers puts you on the candy bridge into Rainbow Land.

Even with Genachowski’s proposed reforms, diluted to be point of being homeopathic, Republicans were moving in for the kill this morning.

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said she would work to topple any FCC-led Net Neutrality order.

“This is a hysterical reaction by the FCC to a hypothetical problem,” she said, adding that Genachowski “has little if any congressional support” for the action.

To overturn any order, Blackburn vowed to reintroduce her bill to prevent the FCC’s policy making process.

Robert McDowell, one of two Republican FCC commissioners, called the move to enact reforms a defiance against Congressional will.

“Minutes before midnight last night, Chairman Genachowski announced his intent to adopt sweeping regulations of Internet network management at the FCC’s open meeting on December 21. I strongly oppose this ill-advised maneuver. Such rules would upend three decades of bipartisan and international consensus that the Internet is best able to thrive in the absence of regulation,” McDowell said in a prepared statement.

All this is taking place at the same time Comcast has foreshadowed America’s future broadband experience: charging backbone provider Level 3 extra for sending Comcast customers online movies and TV shows, censored a blog run by one of its customers trying to get around Comcast’s unresponsive customer service agents, stifled innovation by independent cable modem manufacturer Zoom Modems, has achieved a fever pitch in lobbying Washington to hurry up and approve its colossal merger deal with NBC-Universal, and has a lobbying team convinced it can achieve victory on all fronts from a favorable incoming Congress.

If they and other broadband providers succeed, it’s time to get out your wallet and count your money before handing it over.  A consumer revolt is all that stands between your Internet experience today and an endless series of pay-walls and stifled speeds tomorrow.

Verizon Wireless: Our ‘Recertified’-Used Phone Replacements Are Better Than Factory Fresh Phones

Phillip Dampier November 30, 2010 Consumer News, Verizon, Video, Wireless Broadband 5 Comments

Verizon Wireless customers exchanging defective phones can expect to receive a pre-owned, "like-new" replacement from the wireless company.

Some Verizon Wireless customers are upset by the wireless company’s refusal to replace brand new, but defective phones with an equivalent brand-new phone, even just a few days after purchase.  Instead, customers are handed returned, usually refurbished phones originally used by other Verizon Wireless customers.

For some customers, that is tantamount to getting back “other people’s problem-phones.”

“You honestly have no idea how the last customer who owned the phone treated it,” writes Stop the Cap! reader Jenna, who lives in Fort Wayne, Ind.  “That person could have used it as a coffee coaster or dropped it in the street — how can you know?”

Jenna is upset because she purchased a brand new Verizon Droid phone and paid a premium for it in order to keep to just a one-year service agreement.

“This is one expensive phone, costing me hundreds of dollars, and it just quit working two days after I bought it,” she writes.

When she returned to the Verizon Wireless store expecting a new, off the shelf replacement, she was shocked when the company would only hand her a used, “re-certified” phone.

“I bought a factory fresh phone and that is what I expected to receive.  I could understand getting a refurbished phone if I had the phone six months, but 48 hours after purchase, no way,” she said.

Jenna’s replacement was handed to her in a plain box shrink wrapped with a “like new” sticker attached to the front.

“If I wanted ‘like new’ I would buy a used phone on eBay,” Jenna explains.

Despite several attempts, Verizon steadfastly refused to replace her dead phone with a new one, so Stop the Cap! alerted Jenna to the fact Verizon has a 30-day “worry-free” guarantee for new customers or those renewing contracts.  “If you’re not completely satisfied, you can cancel service within 30 days and pay no early termination fee if you return your device. A restocking fee may apply.”

“Thank you for letting me know about the 30-day trial, which gave me new leverage,” Jenna follows up.  “I walked into Verizon Wireless and talked to the same guy who refused me the first time and told him I wanted to return the phone under the 30 day policy and like magic the heavens opened.”

Jenna reports not only did the store manager promptly offer to replace her phone with a factory-sealed model, she also received some free accessories to make up for her inconvenience.

“The only way phone companies listen is when customers have some leverage to hit them in their wallets,” Jenna said.

Jenna also complained to several consumer reporters in the Fort Wayne area.  WANE-TV did a story on a reporter’s own personal experience with Verizon’s intransigence.

Jason Wagner, a Verizon Wireless store manager, told the reporter he actually preferred getting and using refurbished phones.

“I personally would rather use a certified, pre-owned [phone], Wagner explains.  “I know this phone has been checked […] and is going to work the way it should.”

“Good — he can have mine,” said Jenna.

[flv width=”480″ height=”380″] Ft Wayne Verizon Defends like-new Policy 11-17-10.flv[/flv]

WANE-TV in Fort Wayne talked with Verizon Wireless about their exchange policies after a reporter at the station tried to exchange her defective phone.  (2 minutes)

Netflix Introduces Streaming-Only for $7.99, Rate Hikes for Traditional DVD Rentals

Phillip Dampier November 30, 2010 Consumer News, Online Video, Video 3 Comments

Obsolete? Netflix introduces "streaming-only" options for customers

Netflix online streaming fans who could care less about renting DVD’s by mail can now save some money on Netflix’s newly-announced Streaming Only service plan, available now for $7.99 per month.  New and former customers can now also obtain a one month free trial of Netflix’s online and traditional plans, up from the former two week free sample.

The new streaming plan comes after moderate success offering online video to Canadian customers.  Netflix has been slowly transforming itself into a streaming-media company, as costs to package, ship, and process DVD’s by mail continues to rise.  About 20 percent of Netflix’s catalog is available for instant viewing on a computer screen, smartphone, or larger living room TV (with the help of a set top box, Netflix-equipped DVD player, or videogame console).

For customers who prefer getting physical DVD’s (or just want the 80 percent of Netflix’s catalog not available online), some bad news.  The company is raising rates beginning tomorrow.  The rate increase amounts to $1 for every DVD a plan allows to be checked out at the same time.  For the company’s popular 3-out plan, the monthly rate rises $3, from $16.99 to $19.99 per month, plus applicable tax.

Most Netflix streaming fans subscribe to the company’s 1-out plan, the lowest price option that includes unlimited streaming.  That plan rises in price by one dollar to $9.99 per month (plus tax).  If the rent-by-mail option is of little interest, consider downgrading to the streaming only plan and save two dollars a month.

It will be a long time before Netflix can offer its entire catalog online.  Larger studios with close ties to cable companies are lengthening the window before certain titles can become available for instant viewing.  Three of the six major Hollywood studios will not offer movies through Netflix’s online viewing service until HBO’s contract to show the movies expires.  For many titles, that means at least seven years after the movies are released on DVD.

Netflix's New Rates

[flv width=”512″ height=”308″] Netflix 11-29-10.flv[/flv]

The Wall Street Journal’s Digital Network discussed the implications of Netflix’s new streaming plan and the potential impact of the rate increase for traditional DVD rental customers.  (4 minutes)

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