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Une mauvaise affaire pour les ontariennes: Bell Gives Bigger Usage Allowance to Quebec Customers

Phillip Dampier November 15, 2010 Bell (Canada), Canada, Data Caps 2 Comments

Ontario residents enjoy less than half a serving of broadband their neighbors in Quebec enjoy from Bell, for less money

Residents of Quebec enjoy more than double the broadband usage allowance Bell provides its Ontario customers, showing once again h0w arbitrary Internet Overcharging schemes are for consumers in North America.

Broadband Reports reader Ironsight200 ponders why customers in Quebec enjoy substantially less abuse from the skimpy usage allowances Bell imposes on its customers.

The prices charged differ as well, with Quebec residents also getting an out-the-door lower monthly price because Bell does not impose charges on the modem Ontario customers rent for $3.95/month — $6.95 a month with the Fibe 25 service.

Let’s take a look (and don’t worry Ontario readers, Bell promises you can still look at least 624,999 additional web pages this month without incurring overlimit fees):

Quebec users get more than double the usage allowance of...

...their neighbors in Ontario.

Pricing for Bell broadband service at the bundled price:

Bell Internet Products Ontario Quebec
Performance $35.90* $34.95
Fibe 16 $50.90* $44.95
Fibe 25 $59.90^ $54.95

*- includes $3.95 modem rental fee. ^- includes $6.95 modem rental fee.

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14 years ago

When i worked for an outsourced bell residential call center, i was told that this was due to competition with videotron, and that bell had to lower prices, etc, in order to remain competitive. It was also stressed to NOT bring this to the attention of ontario customers…

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