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Clear Admits Throttling Subscribers Despite Marketing Claims; Customers Revolt Over Bait & Switch Service

Clear made itself unclear about its speed throttle.

Clear, the 4G wireless broadband service backed by Sprint, Comcast, and Time Warner Cable is under fire for selling customers an unlimited use/”no speed limit” service plan that is heavily throttled to as low as 250kbps once customers are deemed “heavy users” by the provider.

Stop the Cap! reader Kevin in Rochester dropped us a note to share his frustration at Clear’s bait and switch marketing that promises one thing and delivers another.

It’s becoming common knowledge – but not common enough – that Clear is throttling their in-home broadband subscribers. For $30 a month, Clear delivers “unlimited 3Mbps” download speed, but after 8-10GB of usage in a month, they cut your speed to 250kbps as a punishment.

Scores of customers share Kevin’s problems, with complaints pouring in on broadband forums and on Clear’s customer support website (which crashed earlier today).  It is not known whether these usage limitations are also imposed on Comcast and Time Warner Cable’s branded 4G wireless services, which are also delivered by Clear’s network.

Remarkably, Clear’s website has marketed its broadband service as free from classic Internet Overcharging schemes like usage caps and speed throttles/network management:

Clear's own marketing promises unlimited usage with no speed reductions, unlike those "other" providers, which now also includes Clear itself. (Courtesy: Michael46)

Despite the marketing, Clear’s Rob Lenderman today admitted the company implemented a speed throttle system on Wednesday, Sept. 29 and placed the blame for doing so on peer-to-peer torrent traffic:

Last Wednesday we deployed a new automated algorithm that tries to even the playing field for all users. Essentially we tried to take users that were downloading large amounts of data over a week’s period of time and limit their top speeds during periods of high tower utilization. This system is based on a tower’s current utilization, GB’s downloaded in the past 7 days and current download speeds in the past 15 minutes. it recalculates your max D/L speed every 15 minutes based on these factors. All in there are 48 buckets of max D/L speeds based on these factors.

The expected results of these changes was that a small percentage of users would be slowed down for short periods of time but only during high utilization times on the tower.

Theoretically the very slow speeds would only last for 15 minutes and then readjust based on tower usage and the last 15 minutes of slower speeds.

The reality is that a very small percentage of users are being set at very low D/L speeds for hours at a time.

We are gathering more data as I write this and we are looking at adjustments to the policy so that the connection becomes more usable. Expect further details this week.

One thing I want to stress is that this algorithm does not apply to towers that have a low utilization which is a large percentage of the towers. Since high utilization is usually at night most users that are seeing slower speeds at night would see increases at other times of the day. We realize this is not ideal but using the system for large downloads outside normal usage hours(evening) will allow you to get higher speeds. This rule applies even if you are not being slowed. Fewer users = Higher speeds.

Expect more details in the next few days as we drill into the details and let you know what changes we will be making to make the experience better.

In the short term you can increase the speeds of your experience by reducing the number of GB sized downloads that take place. Our data shows that running a torrent is one of the reasons that people start to experience slower speeds.

[…]I use the word limit when talking about D/L speeds. Not in terms of amount of data you can download. I can assure you this is being handled at a very high level in the organization as some of the experiences some of you are having is not in the spirit of the program. As for using a P2P you will improve speeds if you run them at off peak hours. As tower utilization drops during those hours the algorithm will release more bandwidth and the apps will pick up speed. In addition fewer users will also yield an increase since the algorithm does not affect low utilization tower at all. So you get a double benefit from using off peak hours for large downloads.

We are looking at how to set the speed limits to ensure things like web browsing and youtube are useful even though large downloads may be limited in terms of speed during peak hours.

We are meeting every day to go over new data and determine a longer term solution instead of just throwing new solutions out there without putting some thought into them.

We apologize for this but we need to get it right and not just change for the sake of change.


Of course, customers promised repeatedly they would receive lightning-fast, unlimited wireless broadband from the company were unimpressed with the company’s argument that artificially slowing their speeds after as little as 20 minutes viewing Hulu or Netflix to 250kbps for several days qualified as ensuring the subscriber experience.  Many customers report Clear’s throttling is hardly limited only to peer to peer torrent traffic.  Online video streaming, in particular, routinely triggers the speed throttle for customers, something Lenderman admitted might be an issue:

We are looking at the impact of the new policy as we speak and will be reevaluating it shortly to determine what changes might need to be made.

The algorithm we use is complicated and is not intended to shut down users that use the service in a normal manner. It was intended to slow down usage from users that have bit torrents, etc running all day long.

For some of the customers that have complained we have researched it in detail and they were not being slowed by the algorithm. We have to make sure that everything is running properly as it makes no sense for us to limit users so much that the service becomes unusable.

We should have more info on what we plan to change in the next few days as we evaluate the data.

Clear becomes just the latest provider poster child for Net Neutrality in the United States.  While there may be reasonable capacity issues at stake on wireless networks not designed to accommodate 24/7 peer to peer traffic, throttling online video is another matter entirely — it’s one of the services Clear has promoted as possible using their higher speed network.  Artificially slowing a network the company sells as not being hampered by such traffic control measures is a classic case of false advertising.

One vocal Clear customer created this avatar

Customers have noticed and have attacked the company for dishonest business practices, bait and switch marketing, and violating their own internal policies.

Stop the Cap! has not seen any reports of company officials attempting to enforce early termination fees for those exiting contracts early.  Kevin noted his service was turned off as he was on the phone with a representative to process the disconnect request.  The representative also demanded Kevin return his modem.

Most who are dropping service are resuming service with their old providers, mostly cable broadband and telephone company DSL providers.  If online forum posts and Twitter tweets are to be believed, the company is losing hundreds of customers per day over their Internet Overcharging scheme.

Most likely, Clear has turned to vendors like Sandvine for “usage management” equipment that can automatically slow service for those who actually utilize the service they pay to receive.

“It is no longer about the broadband-connected home but about the broadband-connected individual,” said Tom Donnelly, EVP marketing and sales, Sandvine. “Service providers worldwide are looking for tools that enable their subscribers to stay within their service plans regardless of when, where or how they connect to the network.”

Sandvine’s products detect network conditions that trigger policies within the network to help service providers control subscribers’ Internet experience.  The latest version integrates with 3G and 4G networks to throttle speeds based on time of use or volume of data transferred.  A provider sets the parameters and the “network management” solution does the rest, automatically.

Stop the Cap! intends to monitor this situation carefully over the coming days to learn what the company intends to do with its network management scheme.  If they continue to use it, we will do our part and file a formal complaint against Clear with New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo for false advertising and misleading business practices.

It is only a matter of time before a law firm begins a class action against the company for similar reasons.  Stop the Cap! encourages Clear customers to use the company’s forum to vocally demand an end to all Internet Overcharging schemes or else you will take your business elsewhere.  You should also demand full credit for the days you experience artificially slowed speeds, and please let us know if you are asked to pay any early termination fee for exiting a Clear term contract.

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13 years ago

Attorney General’s Office. File a complaint for bait and switch/false advertising.

13 years ago

I tried in vain to talk to someone about this throttling of
bandwidth and all I got is the quote “sorry but there is nothing
we can do about it” I have filed with the BBB and sent an
inquiry to the FCC.

13 years ago

I just canceled my service yesterday after several days in a row of .25Mbps speedtests. What’s worse is that I was never exceeding 30k/sec throughput so I was getting slower speed than a 56k modem. The official Clear statement is a complete lie. I was being throttled18 hours a day. The only time I wasn’t throttled was between the hours of 3am-9am. I have also filed complaints with the BBB, FCC and also the FTC. When I canceled there was no attempt to keep me as a customer or try to make any kind of amends. They are the worst… Read more »

13 years ago
Reply to  Rich

I have just found this to be the case over the past 4 mos and has gotten increasingly agressive to the .25 speed, after calling for months and months and spending time on the phone, i had been told there were tower maintenence preventing the speeds i normally get (which were generally 6-10mb) yesterday though now i was told that i am being throttled to preserve the integrity of the network. HA! i too am being throttled 18hrs a day with a narrow window of faster speed from 3am-7or9am. i too have the unlimited “no cap” plan which is why… Read more »

13 years ago

Rich, Your story sounds just like mine. I’ve had this problem since January. I always thought it was just tower problems, but when someone suggested last week that the company was throttling customers, I started looking for answers. Their reps admitted to throttling, but didn’t. When I used that word, they said “we don’t do that.” They then explained how they “equalize” accounts in order to provide all customers with an enjoyable experience. So I called, asked if they could offer a credit for the ten months of times when speed problems were met with troubleshooting that served no real… Read more »

13 years ago

Yea these guys are really asking for a lawsuit and I hope they get all they deserve.

I would like ALL of these ISP’s to stop stating that they are selling ‘unlimited’ plans when it isn’t when you read the fine print. They need to make caps or any bandwidth throttling known before hand if you ask me.

13 years ago

I was capped at 25k….called to complain and the games began. I was finally told that I was flagged by their network team as being an abusive user and was capped at 25k. I was told that I would have to “earn the trust of the network team” before the cap would be released. After a promise that the cap was being removed…that cap was in fact never removed. I called to cancel my service and was told that I would have to pay a “restocking” fee of $40. I refused to accept the $40 fee and they refused to… Read more »

Bill P.
Bill P.
13 years ago

The service agreement and Terms Of Service are dismissed as just the usual stuff when you uses their own web site to pick the best service for you tool. http://www.clear.com/shop/quickshop . It also make the statement there are no DATA limits!!!!!!! Clear has over the last 72 hours archived all but 15 of the last post on a running link with a support person that had over 360 back and forth posts in a 6 day period about ‘throttling’ & acceptable use where your posted statement came fro. Which in effect removes any proof of the statements regarding data limits… Read more »

Ian L
13 years ago

For what it’s worth, Clear uses wireless backhauls for man of their sites, which have finite amounts of bandwidth on older systems. Upgrades to these systems require a truck roll or two, so they can’t be completed quickly.

All that said, slow internet isn’t fun for anyone, and Clear is handling this rather badly.

13 years ago

Thank you for this post! i was going bananas trying to figure out what happened, and surely enough i tried the experiment and found 1.0mb after 1 am to 10:50 am and 20kb during the day im mad but im also glad i can still download after i finish my files im terminating services and if they give me attitude im sewing them to X)

13 years ago

Quote: “What’s worse is that I was never exceeding 30k/sec throughput so I was getting slower speed than a 56k modem.” The 30k you see is not the same math at the 56k you state. “30k” in the new high speed world is a reference to a 300kb speed, or 30k per second. Please get your numbers straight. A 56k modem sees about 3-5k per second, max. You’re getting 6 times that speed as a minimum, so that everyone can use the service at high traffic periods. You can’t have 1mb down connections all the time. Get realistic, please, before… Read more »

William Higgins
William Higgins
13 years ago

I used to be a CLEAR dealer in Atlanta and I am now getting totally out of the business because of this mess. One of the main reasons I loved CLEAR and the technology was the fact that CLEAR supported an Open Internet with no caps. It was part of the sales pitch. It is still part of the sales pitch. I have used CLEAR Home + Voice and Mobile for a year and a half. Since Atlanta was the second launch city we have had it almost the longest. I can tell you that I had almost no problem… Read more »

13 years ago

I cancelled Clear service after nearly three weeks of nonstop throttling – our speeds were down to 0.06mps pretty much the entire time on average. I did have to pay for the month that I was throttled, but I did worm my way out of the cancellation fee.

Tyson Edwards
Tyson Edwards
13 years ago

News from a Clearwire Senior Business Case Management Representative – Tier 3: “The marketing materials in question state that we don’t throttle you if you use too much Bandwidth, the management system is in place based on Throughput. Specifically, Bandwidth refers to potential throughput over a given time. Throughput refers to the amount of traffic moved. As such, Clearwire can’t be said to be ‘lying’ as we do not at any point implement a throttle based on Bandwidth. We do have the capabilities under our Acceptable Use Pollicy to dynamically adjust your contracted Download Speeds for whatever terms we see… Read more »

13 years ago
Reply to  Tyson Edwards

I have to love the choice of wording. What is this post really saying. Clear seams to be saying that if i watch too much Netflix this week or today between 6 and 10 PM my service will be cut back for some unknown periond of time regardless of actual traffic at my tower. “Bandwidth refers to potential throughput over a given time. Throughput refers to the amount of traffic moved.” Traffic would be data. In the marketing materials Clear states we do not limit data usage. It is CLEAR to me this is an admission that they do ly… Read more »

Tyson Edwards
Tyson Edwards
13 years ago
Reply to  Bill

That is just the thing, I personally read over the materials, and they indeed do not make reference to limitation based on data. Q) Is data usage really unlimited? Are there any additional charges? A) Usage is unlimited – believe it. You can upload, download and surf as much as you want for one low price with any of the CLEAR internet plans. We don’t slow down your connection – the way some internet providers do – if we think that you are using too much bandwidth. CLEAR Internet is just fast no matter how much you use your internet… Read more »

13 years ago
Reply to  Tyson Edwards

It is regreablr that we now live in a world of word soup! Clear is commiting fraud no mater how they play the word game!! Actual policies are in place that are in direct opposition to the public statemnets made at all levels of the company from the C.E.O. to the sales and support networks.

Tyson Edwards
Tyson Edwards
13 years ago
Reply to  Bill

Except, in the pure legal sense of the word, Clearwire is “not” committing fraud. They are engaging in “deceptive business practices”, but that is not illegal and does not constitute fraud. If Clearwire stated “Under no circumstances will you ever be throttled”, than they would have engaged in fraud as there would be cause to show that they openly misled their subscribers for the purpose of gaining marketshare, and thereby money when they knew that they had no intention on delivering. Right now, they are using a carefully crafted loophole to let themselves off the hook for offering more than… Read more »

13 years ago
Reply to  Tyson Edwards

So is this fraud? This is an excerpt from a recent chat: —- Jonathan: I’m wondering though, I do a alot of downloading from itunes, I watch a lot of HD netflix and Hulu. and dl some games. Will this effect my speed? Jonathan: probably just home unit, Jonathan: needed Bill A.: Not with our new home modem with wifi and the signal strength you should be getting. To make sure you could add our Clear spot 4g which also gives great wifi and can run up to 8 wifi devices at the same time–both are uncapped speed and unlimited… Read more »

thomas stemmer
thomas stemmer
13 years ago
Reply to  Tyson Edwards

i would greatly appreciate you sending me the program u mentioned for the motorla modem and any agvice u may have to get past nims,

Tyson Edwards
Tyson Edwards
13 years ago
Reply to  thomas stemmer

Feel free to contact me at: absolutefog (at) gmail (dot) com and I would be happy to send it your way.

13 years ago
Reply to  Tyson Edwards

This goes out to Tyson Edwards and i to would like to have the software u r talking about i know of a way to stop the cap but the way i want to do it would most likely get me banneded lol so just send the software to my email adress or send a link so i can download it

13 years ago

I am no legal expert but, Clear HAS “openly misled their subscribers for the purpose of gaining marketshare, and thereby money when they knew that they had no intention on delivering” at the time of offering the service. This would include investors and share holders by offering to suspend customer accounts for months while marketing the service to increase a reported customer base. While I am sure Clear has provided some legal cover there is a Clear intent to misrepresent the service, value of the company as well as it’s growth potential. I cannot help but believe that given the… Read more »

Tyson Edwards
Tyson Edwards
13 years ago

First off, I am not a Clear representative in any way. I was formerly one of their business customers. While I completely agree with you that “MORALLY” Clear has misled their customers, it would be a hard sell to show that they “LEGALLY” misled their customers with the intent to defraud them. While it is possible that they may have some damning e-mails sent between themselves showing the intent to explicitly sell their customers on an unlimited service with the sole intention of after-the-fact changes to the terms of the users’ agreements, it would be very difficult to get a… Read more »

13 years ago

The proper agency to file complaints for false advertising is
Federal Trade Commission.


13 years ago

I have filed a complaint with the FTC and the BBB, and I am currently looking to join a class action lawsuit against Clear for their deceptive advertising. I’m fed up. I was actually told today that I AM being throttled, and I will not tolerate this! I signed up because they said: Q) Is data usage really unlimited? Are there any additional charges? A) Usage is unlimited – believe it. You can upload, download and surf as much as you want for one low price with any of the CLEAR internet plans. We don’t slow down your connection –… Read more »

13 years ago

My speed dropped the day the probation period ended where if I decided to cancel I wouldn’t get charged a fee. In the store when I was considering purchasing the service they said my residence was right next to a tower…they even checked on the computer and said I would get a strong signal. My service was great for that first week too but like I said the day after I couldn’t terminate my service without being charged a cancellation fee my connection dropped to dial-up speeds.

13 years ago

I am finally rid of Clear, after over a month of jumping through the hoops, and speeds of .65Mbps download speed. They finally let me out of my contract without any fees and provided shipping labels to return the equipment, which I promptly did and kept copies of the delivery receipts. The last conversation I had with them, they said that this managing was here to stay but will get some settings changed as the system is updated but could take well into next year in my area for that to happen. Good luck to all. Keep at them. I’ll… Read more »

13 years ago

With all companies it’s important to read the Terms of Service and any updates or changes that you get and E-mail notice for. As near as I can tell the major change to the T.O.S wasn’t done in the best way for the customers and users. I would suspect that a regular notice of the T.O.S. update was done and it may not have caught everyones attention to the issues of bandwith limiting. I’m not sure when the grahic from the page was taken. It looks like the T.O.S. was effective on August 30th 2010 and included isses of bandwith… Read more »

13 years ago

I am now starting to think that my “BS SYNC LOSS” outages and bandwidth issues are completely known to CLEAR—if they are limiting my I / O, then no amount of troubleshooting matters.

How do we join a class action suit? If ever a company deserved it, it’s CLEAR.

Feel free also to join the new uncensored Google Group about CLEAR WiMAX (see http://groups.google.com/group/clear-wimax-uncensored).

13 years ago

False Advertising? Didn’t Bill Clinton pass a Law saying you couldn’t sue for False advertising anymore? Oh I believe he did, I still remember. Because, people were suing fast food places for false advertised Pics on the menu and people would order there burger and it didn’t look like the same burger on the menu picture..

So the False Advertising will be thrown out people.

13 years ago
Reply to  Herston

I beg to differ. While individual citizens may or may not be able to sue for false advertising, the FTC most certainly CAN, and if enough people complain they WILL. In fact, the FTC just recently released a whole new set of rules regarding false advertising, so they certainly do take the issue seriously.

I have filed my complaint with the FTC, and I hope everyone else who is being throttled will do the same!

13 years ago

As far as the legal aspects of what Clear is doing are concerned there is no doubt in my mind they are very much in jeopardy of standing on the wrong side of a class action. There is precedent in rulings in N.Y. where Verizon lost a very very similar case, with the exception Clear has gone beyond Verizon’s actions. What is important here is not so much the wording and its intrinsic meanings and interpretations but rather what the customer was reasonably expected to believe and what the provider was inherently trying to convey. If the word unlimited service… Read more »

13 years ago

so i recently turned off my directv with the idea that netflix and hulu would suffice for my tv viewing. I am constantly connected to the internet and download quite a bit being that I am a dj for my fulltime career. . I have had clear for about 18 months and just this week i started getting download speeds of about 0.17mbps.. After I called clear and spent almost 2hrs talking to a rep to figure out why my speed was down when I had such a strong signal she informed I had been slowed down because I had… Read more »

13 years ago
Reply to  chad

Dont pay it. Fight it with a dispute through the better business bureau. At most it only takes a little time and 2-3 responses on their website laying out your dispute.

You aren’t liable for companies that don’t honor the contract or services promised to you, if they’re enforcing early termination, and/or limits that weren’t disclosed that’s not what you agreed to or disclosed when signing up you shouldn’t pay for it.

I’ve disputed charges like this and if you don’t let them take advantage of you, you will get your deserved credit.

13 years ago

A law firm is interested in exploring possible class action against CLEAR. But they need a plaintiff; they need a consumer who has been wronged and has documentation, etc.

If you are interested in helping, we can put you in touch.

More info at http://groups.google.com/group/clear-wimax-uncensored/browse_thread/thread/2c0596c978e3622f# .

13 years ago

Anytime you hear the words “up to” expect dial-up speeds most of the time. The comment I’ll make is that test sites such as speedtest.net don’t pickup on the throttling for the most part. They only detect speed caps. Hence, the ‘burst speeds’ (to coin a phrase) from these sites are 8 to 10 times higher than actual download speeds. Clearly if this is capitalism we are oh so aimed at becoming a third world country. It seems it doesn’t take much to buy our state house representatives. The best answer is what they oppose meaning publicly owned utilities like… Read more »

13 years ago

I have been with Clear for 6 months and it was OK for light gaming and internet use but now it is USELESS! I get throttled to .25 to .45 all times of day. I highly doubt this neighborhood has lots of Clear users — it is one of the wealthiest parts of the country, with a large elderly population, and they tend to use Comcast, Verizon, or other more traditional carriers…so it is not like there are 1000s of Clear internet users nearby hogging the tower bandwidth. I have called them multiple times, they just have you reset your… Read more »

13 years ago

Thanks for warning me. I am cancelling my order tomorrow ASAP before it gets sent out. Yes I game, watch NETFLIX, 3 kids do it all on their own PC. I am for sure going to get THROTTLED I can guarantee you if according to all of your posts. You all seem legitimate because how can any of you waste time on here typing & whining if you were so FAST the 14 day trial period. I believe you are all telling the truth. Looks like you were fast and now throttled. Looks like they let you all enjoy the… Read more »

13 years ago

hi i have the same problem with clear and was spoken to with disrespect by the there tech supervisor and told if i do not like there service I should cancel it when i ask for a refund of my money he then said that wont happen even if im in the first two weeks of service and then again started getting belligerent with me and insisting almost demanding I cancel my service as well as admitting on the phone to me that I was being throttled. I told him i have more than one Pc on my network me… Read more »

13 years ago

I too was sucked into the allure of unlimited internet, and really wanted to believe there would not be a speed cap. I did read the AUP before I signed up, but their idea of excessive is rediculous. When I had cable internet it was not uncommon to download 300gb a month. I havehad the service 4 days now, and the 26gb’s of bandwith have triggered a horrible reduction in speed slower than dial-up! What gets me is on the account page they show a projected amount of 151gb which I wont be able to get now. I paid $139… Read more »

Bob Williamson
Bob Williamson
12 years ago

I am one of the throttled and was told by a service rep it would not change Unfortunately for me as a live aboard boater I really don’t have any other options. I would dearly love to see Clear brought to the bar in a class action suit for false and misleading advertising and for negligent substandard performance and service. Their idea is wonderful but their implementation is almost criminal.

12 years ago

Well, I had been reading about Clear’s throttling of service for a while. I’ve been a Clear customer for exactly 6 months now and I am happy to say that after 30 minutes on the phone today I successfully canceled my Clear service (which was under a two year contract). I could not be happier and I was able to get out of any type of termination fee or restocking fee. I was constantly being throttled and could not stream Netflix on my new Apple TV 2nd Gen. While talking to the technical rep on the phone, I told him… Read more »

John S.
John S.
12 years ago

Just got off chat with a Clear Tech rep because the past few weeks after 7pm my speeds drop from 5Mbps to about 0.5Mbps. Here’s his response… Lisandro: I’m sorry that you’re seeing a slower connection than you are accustomed to specially on a particular time-frame. I assure you that our top priority is making sure that all of our customers have the best Internet experience possible, at all times. …to do that, during times of high network congestion we may equalize everyone’s ability to enjoy a high-quality internet experience. Gotta love that they think that 0.5Mps is “high-quality internet… Read more »

12 years ago

Chat Transcript Hello Daniel . Please wait while we find a CLEAR specialist to help you. Your question is: http://stopthecap.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/throttle.jpg I pay $72 a month and get .25mps at peak – I’m going to sue you unless you uncap at least one of my devices – I will use one for Netflix and the other for business to avoid this issue in the future. This is false advertising and fraudulent based upon what I am reading. I watch movies on Netflix – unlimited ? Get ready to see me in court. All agents are currently busy. Please stand by. You… Read more »

12 years ago

I called Clear to cancel after my contract was up because my speeds had become permanently ridiculously slow. They wanted to charge me $40 for cancellation even though I called 3 days before my contract would expire. After I threatened to sue, they just cut me off for the remaining three days even though I had paid for it. Worst company ever! I will be happy to join a class action suit if anyone would like to bring one.

12 years ago

I’ve definitely seen some slow bandwidth, but I live in an area where there isn’t a huge user base yet.

I can watch netflix, but i have to pause it immediately, and let it buffer up a good bit before watching it.

Hulu stutters some…definitely, but not terribly, but I haven’t done much torrenting since
switching to Clear alone.

I just hope I don’t have to bring my Cable back. I’m saving $86.00 a month by not having it.

12 years ago

I have noticed that the past 5 days, after having Clear for over a month, have been terribly slow. Calls to the customer service line had informed me that they were having power outages that day. Today (and for the past 3 days) i have noticed incredibly slow speeds. IE. .40Mbps down 1.50Mbps up, yes, my upspeed is over triple my downlink. I contacted the online chat service to try to figure this out and they explained to me that i needed to call their number to have a “specialist” look into why i was having an issue. I called… Read more »

12 years ago

Post to allow me to see replies to this

12 years ago
10 years ago

This company sucks dick!

10 years ago

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