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Ivi Peppered With ‘Cease and Desist’ Notifications, So They Sue Before Being Sued

Phillip Dampier September 21, 2010 Online Video No Comments

ivi, which we wrote about last week on Stop the Cap!, has begun receiving the predictable ‘Cease and Desist’ letters from just about every broadcaster and sports association around.  But in a pre-emptive strike, the online TV service filed sued Monday in Seattle District Court against them, asking the court to recognize its right to carry broadcast stations on its online service under existing royalty rules, with or without the permission of the broadcast stations involved.

To date, ivi says it has gotten ‘Cease and Desist’ letters from every major broadcast network, plus Major League Baseball, 20th Century Fox, two public broadcasters, and Fisher Communications, owner of Seattle-based KOMO-TV.  All of them ended up as defendants in ivi‘s suit.

ivi claims its online operations are not governed by the Federal Communication Commission, meaning it does not have to enter into negotiations with stations for carriage permission and retransmission fees.

“The secondary transmission by ivi of the primary transmission of content originating with the Defendants is permissible under the statutory licensing provisions of the Copyright Act,” the lawsuit claims. ivi seeks a ruling that finds the company has not infringed on any copyrights, and to force defendants to pay its legal expenses.

The company issued a statement Monday after filing suit:

ivi, Inc., remains steadfastly on the side of the consumer, refusing to allow big media to limit consumers’ choice or its technology. Instead, ivi has responded to the C&D letters with both written clarification explaining how its technology works within the parameters of existing law, and offers to meet with broadcasters to begin a constructive dialogue about implementing ivi’s proprietary technology. The ivi technology is a clear reflection of consumer demand and evolutionary forces in the technology marketplace,” the company said.

ivi is not another Pirate Bay or Napster trying to gain from others’ works. Rather, ivi wishes to work with content owners in helping them to realize new revenue streams and reach more viewers from around the globe,” said Todd Weaver, founder and CEO.  “The ivi team has spent more than three years developing a compelling technological solution that no other company has come close to matching.  ivi enables content owners to protect and monetize their assets while simultaneously giving consumers what they want.  We recognize that it is disruptive to existing cable offerings and remain confident that we have adopted a model that is allowed under all applicable laws. We remain receptive to formal partnerships with broadcast networks and are discussing carriage rights for premium cable, international, and a la carte channels.”

What’s likely to happen next?  One of the named defendants will almost certainly walk into a court and obtain a temporary injunction from a judge that will force ivi to pull its network or station off of ivi‘s lineup.

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