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Jon Stewart & Taiwanese Animators Take On Net Neutrality

Phillip Dampier August 18, 2010 Net Neutrality, Video 1 Comment

Jon Stewart spent a few minutes last night making a tentative stab at Net Neutrality on The Daily Show, trying to begin educating viewers about an Internet controversy many net users don’t even know exists. (3 minutes)

From the people who brought you the incredibly creepy computer animation re-enactments of Tiger Woods’ blowout and Lindsay Lohan’s jail stint for Taiwanese television, the Verizon-Google deal is now fair play, right down to devil’s horns for executives at both companies.  (1 minute)

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13 years ago

I love John Stewart and hope the Daily Show does more pieces on Net Neutrality. I was hoping for more than a three minute blurb about it, but I guess there isn’t much else to say about the deal that hasn’t been said already.

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