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300,000 Protest Verizon-Google Net Neutrality Pact

Phillip Dampier August 10, 2010 Net Neutrality, Public Policy & Gov't, Verizon, Video 8 Comments

The implications of the deal between Google and Verizon were colorfully explored on last Thursday's 'Countdown With Keith Olbermann' on MSNBC.

A progressive group has collected more than 300,000 signatures protesting talks between Google and Verizon to establish a “separate peace” on Net Neutrality while throwing the rest of America’s open Internet under the bus.

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee joined forces with groups like MoveOn.org, Color of Change, Free Press, and Credo Action to launch an emergency petition to Google to get them to back away and rethink their deal with Verizon.

A package containing the signatures was delivered to Google’s offices in Washington, but another trip may be necessary as the group claims it has collected nearly 50,000 additional signatures since Monday.

The groups are calling for strong Net Neutrality policies to be enacted and enforced to preserve the open Internet.

Support for Net Neutrality comes from a diverse mix of Americans, from Barry Diller, who founded Fox Broadcasting to progressive MSNBC host Keith Olbermann.

[flv width=”596″ height=”356″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/MSNBC Olbermann Silver Net Neutrality 8-5-10.flv[/flv]

Free Press’ Josh Silver appeared on Thursday’s edition of MSNBC’s Countdown With Keith Olbermann to explore the implications of a non-Net Neutral Internet.  (7 minutes)

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/CNN Why Diller pushes for net neutrality 7-27-10.flv[/flv]

CNN talked with Fox Broadcasting founder and media mogul Barry Diller about his strong support for Net Neutrality. (4 minutes)

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13 years ago

CEOs are always willing to put company over country

13 years ago
Reply to  jr

hey, let’s just googlebomb google to killer of net neutrality


paste this in your signature of every forum or post that allows html

Killer of Net Neutrality


13 years ago

Can we get Diller to be the public spokesman of Net Neutrality? He is obviously passionate about the issue. Him and Al Franken.

13 years ago

The involvement of fringy political groups like Move-On.org, and political media schills like Olberman does not help matters when it comes to extreme Libertarian capitalist types spreading misinformation about government content control. And Al Franken… really? It’s the equivalent of getting support from the AFA and Glen Beck, because it feeds the paranoia of their political adversaries. That hurts us all because those people (the political reactionaries) then stand in the way of necessary measures to prevent the abuses many of us are already dealing with and that everyone faces if something isn’t done to stop it now. What’s needed… Read more »

13 years ago

“What’s needed is high-profile people from the political center and the right to get involved and assure their people that this will not be some kind of government censorship or anti-capitalist affair.” Well, that’s very unlikely to happen. Republicans don’t really believe net neutrality is a government socialism movement. It’s all just rhetoric. A bunch of Republicans went into a room after Obama won to figure out the scariest words to throw at anything Democrats want to do so dumb Americans will vote Republican in the next election. They’re all in the telecom’s pocket. What we really need is for… Read more »

13 years ago
Reply to  Duffin

@Duffin: Please don’t make everything about hateful party politics. You paint with a broad brush, and dip it in… well, it smells foul whatever it is. You are speaking to a registered Republican (not Libertarian) here, bluntly questioning my intelligence because my political ideals don’t entirely align with yours. Sure I’m not always proud to be associated with everyone who claims to be “conservative” but if you aren’t ashamed that your own brand of obvious bigotry is working against reform efforts like this, you should be. As far as who is “in Telecom’s pocket” you’d best realize that Telecom and… Read more »

13 years ago
Reply to  Mantic

First of all, I am not registered as either Democrat or Republican. I usually find myself for and against issues on both sides. I voted for both Democratic and Republican senators in the previous election. I don’t believe I mentioned you personally. I was speaking of congressional Republicans, not all Republicans. And everything IS about party politics. That’s all things have been about lately. From implying Obama’s a nazi or Socialist or not being born in the US to just blocking common sense votes. Just look at a recent vote by Congress. There was a bill proposed that would give… Read more »

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