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New Hampshire Residents Resort to Lawn Signs to Beg Time Warner Cable for Broadband Service

Phillip Dampier July 16, 2010 Consumer News, Rural Broadband, Video 1 Comment

No Cable? No DSL from FairPoint Communications on those phone lines either.

Ossipee (Carroll County), New Hampshire

Some residents of Ossipee, New Hampshire have gotten so desperate for broadband service, they’ve planted lawn signs begging Time Warner Cable to provide it.  Ossipee, population 4,211, is located in the western half of New Hampshire.  Its decidedly rural charm has made it popular for vacationers and those seeking a quiet New England lifestyle.

Unfortunately, for those on Water Village Road, it’s too quiet.  There is no broadband service available.

FairPoint doesn’t offer DSL service in the immediate area and Time Warner Cable, although willing to wire neighbors 1/2 mile away, will not provide service to Water Village Road residents.

Time Warner Cable says it provides service where there are 15 or more homes per mile.  Water Village Road only has 13.95 homes per mile.  The company says it will cost about $100,000 to extend service, and has offered to pay $15,000 towards the cost, with the rest coming from the pockets of residents.

So far, they have refused.

Residents do have one way to get cable and Internet service from Time Warner Cable — commit a crime that lands them at the Carroll County Jail, less than a mile down the road.  It has cable.

As for the signs, Time Warner told WMUR-TV it appreciated the interest, but it still doesn’t make economic sense to provide Water Village Road residents with service.

(See more pictures of the lawn signs below the jump.)

[flv width=”640″ height=”500″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WMUR Manchester Company Says Area Not Dense Enough For Service 7-14-10.flv[/flv]

WMUR-TV reports on the campaign by several Ossipee, N.H., residents to embarrass Time Warner Cable into bringing them cable and broadband service.  (2 minutes)

Here are some other examples of lawn signs seen on Water Village Road:

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Ian L
13 years ago

So…how many people are down this road? How are line of sight conditions? If line of sight from one point is good, pipe in a business cable connection to there via wireless, then distribute to whoever wants it.

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