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Time Warner Cable Investigates 14,000 El Paso Residents for Cable Theft, Local TV News Reports

Phillip Dampier February 18, 2010 Grande, Video 5 Comments

El Paso, Texas

More than 14,000 residents of El Paso are under investigation for potential cable theft.  That remarkable number comes from El Paso, Texas TV station KFOX-TV.  Reporter Martina Valverde notes that Time Warner Cable is now engaged in a city-wide system audit to identify and disconnect illegitimate cable connections.

“Our paying customers who rely on us for phone service, video service, and Internet service,” Gary Underwood, vice president of communications for Time Warner’s Texas operation told KFOX viewers. “They might not be able to access those services when they most need them because the damage that was caused further down the line.”

The company told KFOX when it discovers an illegal connection, it makes two attempts to convert the customer to legitimate service.  On the third attempt, local law enforcement becomes involved.  Those found guilty face fines of $500.

“We have what’s called a tab audit team. They go out and they look at different areas to see. We have a system of tagging and flagging on these lines to so our folks can identify an authorized versus unauthorized connection,” Underwood said.

Cable theft is not just a problem in El Paso.  Some brazen entrepreneurs go further, pretending to represent providers willing to hook customers up for a one time, flat fee they pocket.

Grande Communications faced one such individual, who last summer slapped a magnetic sign with Grande’s logo on his truck and pitched cable service to apartment complexes and homes around San Marcos, Texas.

Unwitting customers who signed up for the deal were offered special discounts by Grande when their illegal cable connection was discovered.

[flv width=”640″ height=”500″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/KFOX El Paso Time Warner Cable Cracks Down On Illegal Taps 2-17-2010.flv[/flv]

KFOX-TV in El Paso, Texas ran this report last night claiming more than 14,000 residents were under investigation for cable theft in the community. (1 minute)

[flv width=”480″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/KXAN Austin Fake Cable Guy Selling Cable 7-24-09.flv[/flv]

Last summer, Grande Communications had to contend with someone illegally hooking up customers around San Marcos, Texas. KXAN-TV in Austin ran this report July 24th. (2 minutes)

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Jay Ovittore
14 years ago

Shouldn’t someone be investigating Time Warner Cable?…..just sayin’!

14 years ago

Finally, the media finds 14,000 cable subscribers that haven’t been robbed by the cable industry (yet).

14 years ago

Only Glenn Britt’s allowed to steal

Lisa Hoover
Lisa Hoover
14 years ago

My neigbor just moved in and hooked up a cable line and buried it and ran in through the window.He lives in Casa Mobil Home Park.6145 Quail #306,El Paso,TX 79924.Please investigate this cable theft.Thank you.

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