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Time Warner Cable’s Broadband Division Nearing ‘Most Important Indicator’ of Company’s Stock Price Future

Phillip Dampier February 8, 2010 Broadband Speed, Competition 1 Comment

Source: Trefis

At a time when digital cable revenues are anemic, and rate hikes are among the most important factors for keeping average revenue per customer as high as possible, Time Warner Cable’s broadband division is just a percentage point or two from becoming the most important service on offer from the nation’s second largest cable provider, at least as far as the stock price is concerned.

Trefis, a forward looking valuation analyst, says future growth at Time Warner Cable will largely come from consumers looking for broadband connectivity. While the company’s digital cable division still constitutes the majority of its stock price estimate, 36 percent, the broadband division has now achieved a close second — 35.1 percent, according to Trefis.

Time Warner Cable maintains an 11 percent share of America’s broadband market, a number expected to grow to 13 percent over the course of the next few years.  Trefis predicts a corresponding increase in the stock price as consumers continue to be driven to the cable operator, particularly from less robust DSL service sold by telephone companies.

Trefis notes the need for speed is a driving factor, and the company can expect to also benefit from customers bundling multiple services together when signing up.

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Ian L
Ian L
14 years ago

Not sure what’s particularly interesting about this analyst. Says TWC is overvalued, and one analyst saying that broadband drives TWC’s price doesn’t mean it does. I’d say that digital phone is under-represented in the mix; it’s the triple play component that takes the most customers away from telcos, last I checked. As far as broadband goes, I’m guessing TWC will eventually standardize around 768/128, 3/384, 10/1, 15/2 and 50/5. All but 50/5 seem to be aimed at the lower end of the mrket, with pricing below $60. As such, digital cable will keep being TWC’s lifeblood. Compare this with Comcast’s… Read more »

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