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Mozy On Through Your Usage Allowance With Comcast ‘Secure Backup & Share’

Phillip Dampier December 11, 2009 Comcast/Xfinity, Data Caps, Issues 3 Comments

comcastbackupOne service the usage cap-happy broadband industry will be certain to threaten is online file backup.  Consumers who don’t know any better can easily configure software to back up entire hard drives to a remote hard drive, blowing through an online usage allowance in a matter of days.  Even usage allowances as large as Comcast’s 250GB per month are no match for today’s super-sized hard drives.

So it comes with a bit of irony that Comcast has quietly launched its new Secure Backup & Share service, “powered by” Mozy.

Every Comcast broadband customer will soon be pelted with promotions for the new free add-on, which will initially provide 2GB of storage space.  The free version is enough to backup small collections of music, photos, and documents, and probably won’t hurt your allowance too much.  But Mozy gets to up-sell customers to their much-larger capacity plans right from the home page.  A year’s worth of 50GB of storage costs $50.  Get 200GB of storage space for $100 a year.

Exceeding 250GB of usage per month, with or without the service, will potentially get you a warning letter and then an account suspension.

Bonus points to you if you can find the 250GB usage limit disclosed on the home page for the service.

For providers who try for far lower usage allowances, or charge up to $2 per gigabyte after exceeding them, an online file backup service could make your provider’s day once they send you the bill.

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14 years ago

Look at these executive salaries at Comcast in 2008 http://www.companypay.com/executive/compensation/comcast-corp.asp?yr=2008 I’m sure the Comcast shill commenter will pull the “great deal!” card again

14 years ago
Reply to  jr

Yikes, looks like those exec’s are going to the poor house for sure!!

Thomas Troy Veldhouse
Thomas Troy Veldhouse
14 years ago

I just called Comcast last night and asked about their service and the usage cap and I was told that the backup service does not count against their usage cap. I will double check this with another call today. I also wonder, then, if they are being anti-competitive. They essentially limit large backup (~200GB) to use their service or risk going over the usage cap. What if I sign up with Moxy directly; will that apply to the usage cap? How about a competitive service such as Carbonite or the new favorite Dropbox? I see legal issues galore over the… Read more »

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