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Stop the Cap! Challenge: Can You Identify the Astroturfer?

Phillip Dampier September 1, 2009 Astroturf, Audio, Broadband "Shortage", Data Caps 5 Comments

astroturf1It’s your job to ferret out:

  • Who is simply reading talking points without verifying if they are true or not?
  • Who is the straightforward person playing it straight down the line?
  • Who is the industry hack working for an Astroturfer paid by providers to sucker you into paying more for your broadband?

Bonus points for identifying and debunking the industry talking points from this misguided series of reports aired last year on KFWB Radio.  Answer in the Comments section!

The players:

  • Larry Irving
  • Chris Sedens
  • Robb Topolski

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Michael Chaney
14 years ago

I want some of that D.C. sod….I hear it’s lawn nirvana!


14 years ago
Reply to  Michael Chaney

Heh, that is a nice looking backyard there. I wonder how those people got it that nice looking (unless it’s photoshopped/really plastic grass).


Robb Topolski
14 years ago

Hopefully, I’m not the hack! 🙂


Michael Chaney
14 years ago
Reply to  Robb Topolski

As long as you’re not the one who works for a D.C.-based, astroturfing, “think tank” that parrots the positions of industries who fund their “research”…….then no, you’re not the hack 🙂

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