Example #218 of Time Warner Cable “Listening” to Customers: ‘Deleted Unread’

Phillip Dampier June 1, 2009 Issues 9 Comments

Back in April, Time Warner advertised a “central” e-mail address it wanted customers to use to “share ideas and views” about their gouging Cap ‘n Tier pricing scheme.  The company promised it was on a listening tour, enthusiastically promising to read, consider, and respond to customer concerns.

Over on Broadband Reports, “De” finally received a reply to input sent more than a month ago:

Well I eventually submitted an email to TWC about the caps on April 14th. To prove they pay attention to their customers, they sent me this reply today (Over a month later) LMAO:

To: RealIdeas
Subject: Greedy Bandwidth Caps. The truth!?
Sent: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 04:22:52 -0400<  >

was deleted without being read on Sun, 31 May 2009 01:49:12 -0400

Just goes to prove they don’t care if the consumer wants the per byte billing or not – it’s coming anyway.

Our opinions and views are nothing to TWC — all that matters is the $$$$. The whole PR about them listening is just to ease media and political pressure. They have made their mind up already.

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