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AT&T’s “Grandma” Analogy Upsets Grandmothers – They Don’t Want Overcharges Either

Phillip Dampier June 19, 2009 Data Caps 9 Comments

AT&T’s pushback on Rep. Massa’s consumer protection legislation brought quite a reaction when it invoked the vision of “grandma” overpaying for her broadband account.  The Contact form here got a workout well into this afternoon, from upset grandmothers who attack AT&T for presuming they couldn’t spot a raw deal when they saw one:

Irene from Austin:

AT&T thinks they are so smart about getting us to believe them.  I’ve got five grandkids and raised four daughters and one son.  If they couldn’t pull a fast one on me, AT&T sure can’t. God didn’t put me on this earth to be stupid or He wouldn’t have given me a brain.  I don’t use that much Internet myself, but when the kids come over, the computer is the first thing they head for, and they’re doing everything on it. Heaven help people who don’t know about this hot air meter they want to stick us with, because they’ll be blown over when the bill comes. I’m not buying this one bit.

Dee from Thomasville, North Carolina:

I told Time Warner Cable they could come get their boxes and wires out of my house the minute they wanted to run this plan on us. Who do they think they are fooling. We grandmothers know a ripoff when we see one. I’d tell AT&T the same darn thing. Come and get your things out of my house. I’d rather not have it at all than pay even more than I do now.

“AT&T Granny” from Kernersville, North Carolina:

If Ma Bell were still alive, she’d take these greedy people out to the woodshed and set things right.

Ann from Perinton, New York:

I have their economy plan from Time Warner already.  It works just fine.  I don’t believe a word cable companies say. All they know is “price increase” and we just paid them another rate increase in February. I’m insulted by AT&T [that] thinks grandmothers like myself would be dumb enough to fall for their scams.  Now grandfathers might be something else, which is why I pay the bills in this house. When these cable companies want to let me choose what channels I want then tell me about their “fair” plan.  When cable companies and governments come to you with something called a fair plan, you know what to do. We live in New York and know better! Keep doing the right thing.

Nancy in Oklahoma:

I’m 77 years old. I’ve hated the darn phone company for 50 years. It’s always one lie after another with these people. It’s all about the money. How do they expect people to pay the bills they already get? Now these same companies want to get our tax dollars for Obama’s broadband, and then overbill us for more money? Never trust phone companies. They are almost as bad as those crooks in Washington. Not one of my children or grandchildren would work for AT&T. Where are the honest American companies that used to give you a good service at a fair price? I’ve learned a lot of things since my son gave me a computer and brought the Internet to me. But if they start telling me I have to worry about extra fees and meters to watch, I am getting rid of it. The Internet is not a credit card company.

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15 years ago

You go grandma!

15 years ago

“But if they start telling me I have to worry about extra fees and meters to watch, I am getting rid of it. The Internet is not a credit card company.”

Absolutely classic. This demographic clearly understands about capping without any additional “education campaign”.

15 years ago

It’s great to see even the more elderly people/others on-board and thinking the same way about these capping issues. But yet again, all you really need to find out that this is a ripoff coming at you is some common sense.

15 years ago

AT&T needs to be broken up again

15 years ago

now be a new service offered in United States in about eight days
that is a 100% data network that travels through tunneling technology
the Company signed interconnection agreements with companies like AT&T
that will allow truly unlimited voice and data with Cap’s ever and no taxes.
and no contracts.

you’ll be able to tether for no additional charges AT&T is very smart
they don’t give away their store into the very last-minute when competition
forces them to do so.

15 years ago

Just go’s to show TWC thinks people are stupid. I told my grandmother about this site. She will be making a response shortly =). She currently has TWC and would drop them in a heart beat. I guess being the town “mouth” as she says it has a lot of presence.

15 years ago

what a lot of people forget is the word grandmother,

when I think of my grandmother she was 71 years old

as a grandfather and the grandmother we are now only 50

does a lot of difference in the wording we definitely are more tech savvy
than my grandmother was at 71.

telephone monopolies that’s exactly what they are now squeeze every dime
another voice connections before they utilize their 100% data network
I heard they make $.80 for every dollar of voice traffic

John Curotto
John Curotto
15 years ago

We need a publicly funded national fiber optic communications grid NOW!! The scum in the industry have been jerkin’ us around by the short hairs for far too many years. Its a disgrace!

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