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Broadband to Enjoy Continued Robust Growth: Five Million New Subscribers in 2009

Phillip Dampier June 15, 2009 Data Caps 1 Comment

Despite the economic downturn, broadband providers continue to achieve healthy growth in the number of new subscribers, with five million new customers signing up for service across the United States in 2009.  Although this does not represent the double digit percent increases operators have achieved in prior years, considering the anemic sales of subscriptions for telephone and television service, broadband’s anticipated seven percent growth this year is a bright spot in an otherwise challenged telecommunications industry.

Healthy profits continue to be reported by most broadband providers, with growing revenue coming at the same time bandwidth costs continue to decline, and some providers decrease the percentage of revenue invested in their networks.

Operators proposing Internet Overcharging schemes don’t have much of a leg to stand on, when consumers learn of the healthy profits earned by the industry and their reluctance to invest in expanding their networks at the same rate year after year to keep up with subscriber growth and demand.

By 2013, fiber to the home will reach an estimated 13% of U.S. households, with more than 80% subscribing to a broadband service package.

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15 years ago

“By 2013, fiber to the home will reach an estimated 13% of U.S. households, with more than 80% subscribing to a broadband service package.”

That is snail slow and not enough in that span of time. By 2013, Japan will be probably near 100% not including other countries. Verizon got it right, They saw fiber as the future and jumped on the bandwagon even though the industry was bad mouthing them for being so risky. Verizon is reaping the rewards and the other guys are playing catch up.

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