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Bug Swatters

Phillip Dampier June 12, 2009 Editorial & Site News 1 Comment

We are still tracking down some nuisance bugs, and have had a report of at least one browser crash when trying to visit our site.

The bug we are currently aware of, particularly for those running Mac OS 10.5 and Safari 4 is:

Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2124: Loaded file is an unknown type.

We *think* that is related to one of the video players (the one that shows a blank screen before starting a video).

If you are experiencing that error, let me know if you can clear it and still access video, or if it completely disrupts your visits here.

Any other error reports should include:

  • Your operating system (XP, Vista, OS10, etc.)
  • Your browser & version
  • If the error occurs only in one browser, some, or all browsers.
  • If you are disabling Macromedia Flash (if you know)
  • The exact error message you see, if you see one.
  • If there is a specific action you take which routinely causes the error problem.

Because some errors might impact your ability to use our contact form, you can e-mail me directly at:  bugswat (-at-) phillipdampier.com or reply as a comment here.

You should replace the (-at-) with @ like you would with any e-mail address ([email protected]).   I use this format to keep those spam e-mail address harvesters from picking up my e-mail address and blitzing me.

When we are confident the bug(s) are gone, this message will disappear.

Thanks for your help.

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Dan Gwozdz
Dan Gwozdz
15 years ago

I had issues with Chrome and XP Pro, but either you made some changes or a Flash update I performed yesterday for unrelated reasons may have solved the issue, because I can’t repeat today in order to give a better report.

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