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Live Coverage of Canada’s Open Internet Town Hall – Toronto

Phillip Dampier June 8, 2009 Canada, Events, Net Neutrality, Public Policy & Gov't, Video 1 Comment

Live Coverage of SaveOurNet.ca‘s National Open Internet Town Hall, netcasting from Toronto has now concluded.  Unfortunately, connectivity issues at the hotel plagued the live streaming event, and a good deal of it was not available on the live stream.  A recording of the presentation should be forthcoming shortly, and will be embedded in this space, when available.

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15 years ago

I was watching the stream during the whole thing, and yes there was some issues with the streaming. I’m betting it’s that time of night where everyone is online at the hotel saturating a T1 line (seems like all hotels use this form of internet), so if that were the case, it’s no surprise to see that. I’ll be sure to watch the recording once it’s done though.

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